Island Of Misfits

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Pay him no attention. Im guessing you hit a nerve or something. Oh well cant win them all. Cant believe he is even making fun of our Grows. What an ass. Course thats okay. I grow my own weed and dont care what he thinks.
Change of subject.
What you growing Darrelltrump.
Nothing at the moment with this covid19 i was worried if i got sick i wouldn't be able to take care of it. I think i'm going to go with some c99 or azad (Kashmir) this next run. Cropped out some acapulco gold the last run, it's ok but i've had better.
Hey Misfits. Please do me a favor and stay off the OFC thread if your not welcome there.
This is Angie post and i want to abide by it.
Thank You

AdministratorStaff Member Admin Moderator
Okay members. I am well aware there are two political leanings on this site. That is fine. This is not a Liberal Site and it is not a Conservative site.

When discussing how to grow MJ you will behave and discuss that.

When in the Old Timer's Club thread/s or the new Island of Misfits, you will be decent and not troll or accusing others of being returned members. If they are returned, it will show eventually. If you are not a mod or admin, you have no need to be a pain.

That works both ways.

As I told some yesterday, this is a Marijuana Growing and using, etc Forum. The political stuff is not suppose to be here but it has been in the OTC thread and now a bit in the Iof M thread.

I have just banned one user from posting any replies to one of those threads, and will do more if I find it being an issue.

Ignore the thread you are not part of.
So, with that said karma will kick your a## if you disobey.


I like this place...lets move in and make it home....
Yes she will and i dont want Angie mad at us for not doing what she ask. I was a moderator for yrs and she is an awesome Admin. Very fair to all sides.
Okay back to working in my garage.
Good evening, Brothers & Sisters. Hope everybody is sufficiently stoned and happy. I'm about to get that way.
Don't let anyone tell you that hash doesn't keep well. I just pulled a gram of some stuff I'd made over four years ago out of the freezer. Still tasted good and still got me goofy. I think this years grow will all go to bubble hash except for a few choice buds.
Woodsrat I like your Greetings. So Good evening, Brothers & Sisters. Good evening All. Loved all the weed Porn today. Not so much the Drama. I get my phone charged I will snap a few of my seedlings.
Till then, Got to work Tomorrow. All you folks at Home eating all the snacks. Do not worry we are steadily making more. Start 9 days of Vacation on Sat.
And A Super Big Thanks to the Admin for cleaning up the place.
Morning Misfits. Hope you all have a great . Its Friday,,not that its any different here latly then any other. Finished the Auto Zone and have nothing else going on. This Covid crap is also effecting construction believe it or not. Texas is starting to open back up so hopefully things will get busy again. I work from home alot on Blue Prints and such when im not in the field.
Id say im almost simi retired but not quite there yet.
I love to grow,,i mean anything. Weed,veggies, fruits,you name it. I clone almost anything and everything i can. Love cloning things and watching them grow.
Hope the Drama is done and over with where we xan just have fun and grow Weed.
Later Misfits,,time for some news.
Good morning, guys & gals. Hope your weather is brighter than mine. Auto, I've got a joke for you.

A West Texas cowboy was riding across the plains when his horse stepped into a gopher hole, breaking its leg and causing the cowboy to land head first on a large rock.
The cowboy, who'd had a checkered past, wakes up in Hades. The devil says, "Well, Mr. Rough-Tough cowboy, how do you like the weather here in hell?"
The cowboy replies, "Reminds me of spring time in San Antonio."
So the devil turns up the heat and says, "How about now?"
The cowboy replies, "Reminds me of July in Jacksonville."
The devil cranks the heat up to full and says, "I'll bet this is more to your liking."
The cowboy says, "Reminds me of August in Abilene."
The devil realizes that the heat just isn't bothering the old outlaw, so he turns the heat off and cranks the air conditioning up on full. Ice sickles hang from the ceiling and the lake of fire freezes over. The cowboy starts cheering and laughing and jumping up and down.
The devil says, "What part of this makes you happy?"
The cowboy says, "Texas just legalized marijuana!"
Don't look now, but the sun's came out. At least I think it's the sun. I haven't seen it in the longest time.
Good morning misfits. A new day, a new dollar ? or something like that. Was an old saying, yes i'm old. At 72 i'm in the prime of my life, the golden years they say. Golden years my behind. You spend all of your working years accumulating the gold only to have it taken away by the Trumpsters.

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