Island Of Misfits

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what was the problem ???
Not sure I cleaned everything 2 times I did open the carb back up and cleaned under the rubber diaphragm (fuel pump)
And I blew down the gas line back into tank. It is still a bit to pull but If I choke it one pull and turn off choke it starts soon afterwards.
In a month from now I prob/can not start it LOL
It does require a strong arm to pull this thing.
Merry Woden's Day! All hail Woden!

Another gorgeous day starting at 56F at 73% RH and 3 mph breeze, predicted to reach 77F.

I took down most of my last tomato plant, leaving only the 9' meristem, and pickled some more green tomatoes, as well as whomped up some more fried green ones. Really pleased with the way the green tomato bread I previously made turned out.

My left shoulder is seriously not happy with me from gym exercise Monday and getting even. Today is gym day again, so I will try to work it out and soak it in the Jacuzzi.

Also house cleaning day, so Miss Layla and I will spend some quality time at the Fernhill off leash dog park while the cleaning ladies do their thing.
making progress on the pile


I was sitting here Thinking Big

Damm you smoke a lot of weed
From the time I get up until I go to bed my friend

have to Amigo , my pain levels are off the chart

broken vertebrae lumbar L5

broken neck 5 places C3-5

chronic migraines

broken hip replaced with a pice of wood from the VA

.380 to the face from about 10’ away which has exacerbated the migraines and jacked up my sinuses , slug hit me right in the nose and lodged behind my left eyeball , removed after 4 hours surgery

worn out shoulders and knees from 30+ years of pouring and finishing concrete

and a few more odds and ends but all that adds up to a lot of daily pain

i am on ZERO medications , zero…..if I take any opiates , there is a 50-50 chance that I’ll get a migraine so I avoid those pain pills and only use them in case of emergency

otherwise I am in reallly good shape for being on my 70’s
Better get that harvest in the barn Big.....33 f here at sunrise.....heavy frost as well.

Morning all. No walk today, to much going on. House work, getting the sprinkler system blown out and thinking about what needs doing to get the boat ready for winter.

I was checking the owners manual and it says to change the oil after 100 hrs. Since I use the electric trolling motor most of the time and only use the Merc to get from A to B I figure I have less than half that. Also mentioned gear case lubricant.

Roster, Stain... advice.
Better get that harvest in the barn Big.....33 f here at sunrise.....heavy frost as well.

Morning all. No walk today, to much going on. House work, getting the sprinkler system blown out and thinking about what needs doing to get the boat ready for winter.

I was checking the owners manual and it says to change the oil after 100 hrs. Since I use the electric trolling motor most of the time and only use the Merc to get from A to B I figure I have less than half that. Also mentioned gear case lubricant.

Roster, Stain... advice.
You need a can of Fogging storage oil (spray can )
I would check and top off any low er case fluids , and then in a run barrel with engine Running, You spray fogging oil into each carburetor
going back and forth between the Openings into Carbs. The engine will start to smoke like crazy and then stall out .
Bam the motor has now been fogged (winterized). I also remove my sprak plugs and spray the oil into each spark plug hole until it flow back as foam. Then replace Plug Done.
Drain all water from engine after removing it from run barrel.
If your engine has a built in fuel tank you can drain it or add some storage oil to the gas in it.
I just flip my small motors upside down with gas cap off and drain.
One more thing if you have storage oil left over I spray all over the engine inside the covered area and then put the cover on .
Engine will be ready for de-wintering in spring.
To do this you pull the plug and pull the pull cord to blow oil out of the cylinders Replace and gas up and start normal using choke at 1st.
Easy Peasy.........
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Better get that harvest in the barn Big.....33 f here at sunrise.....heavy frost as well.

Morning all. No walk today, to much going on. House work, getting the sprinkler system blown out and thinking about what needs doing to get the boat ready for winter.

I was checking the owners manual and it says to change the oil after 100 hrs. Since I use the electric trolling motor most of the time and only use the Merc to get from A to B I figure I have less than half that. Also mentioned gear case lubricant.

Roster, Stain... advice.
There are two types of fog oil
One with just a spary tube that you shoot into the carbs

And a new type that screws into your engine at the Gas input line (see below) Can


The screw on will be easyier if you have the fitting already on your motor Check owners manuel
If not you will most likely need to remove a cap or cover to see the throats of the Carburetors