Light variation technique

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Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2022
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Dark side of the moon
After watching countless YouTube videos concerning light and how they are used by different growers I am zeroing in on what lighting strategy I will use. Almost every grower on YouTube feels that hitting a bright light first thing in the morning stresses any plant. I mean if I was walking outside and suddenly the sun was at high noon from a moonless midnight I would recover but it might take me a minute to orient. That being said I played with my AC Infinity controller and I can change the amount of light starting at its lowest setting and moving to the par I want and do a small ramp down at the end of an automation schedule.

Can’t wait to see how that will work and while I can’t measure if I am stressing the autos less if all my grows turn out to be awesome….well. If all my grows turn out to be full of problems….then maybe I should go more traditional.
I am a firm believer in walking before running…
I am a firm believer in walking before running…
LOL I hear that a lot. Doesn’t really apply to me sorry for the confusion

I see someone laughing allow me to explain with an example before thing get out of hand and I hurt someone’s feelings.

I was MIS/IT/DBA at a wire and cable plant with 10 manufacturing cells making Ethernet cable. One day the engineering manager asked me to “pretend” to be the process engineer for 2 weeks managing their worst cell so the engineering department of 6 experienced engineers could focus on an issue. I agreed but only if I could fix any problems then just refer the hard ones to them. He was so happy

Turns out they were working on two problems one was three months old and the other was five months old. With no help from them I fixed two issues that were knocking production down to 70% output and I only spent an hour on each. Keep in mind this is a Fortune 500 company and resources are allowed and problems traced after 4 hours of downtime.

I am an autistic and have ADHD so yeah…I am not like most people and the furthest human specimen from George Santos that ever lived.
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Are you having a problem with your plants being light stressed? It almost sounds like you're solving a problem that didn't exist.
I'd be careful taking offense to friendly posts. O.F. wasn't laughing at you. He was saying walking before you run is analogous to starting the plants with dimmer light instead of having your light on max at day period.
Good to hear you're a problem solver. You'll need that quality to be a successful gardener.
It's also a good thing to plan your grow strategy like you are.
Are you having a problem with your plants being light stressed? It almost sounds like you're solving a problem that didn't exist.
I'd be careful taking offense to friendly posts. O.F. wasn't laughing at you. He was saying walking before you run is analogous to starting the plants with dimmer light instead of having your light on max at day period.
Good to hear you're a problem solver. You'll need that quality to be a successful gardener.
It's also a good thing to plan your grow strategy like you are.
I usually just take information and don’t post. Not only will people misunderstand what I type I will ultimately misunderstand them. Story of my life. If thiis were real life we would smoke and laugh about my ignorance of the term “walk before you run” meant something completely different to me. I am almost too literal in what I think for everyone, another reason I hate online conversations.

As for would this or that stress a plant I am going by YouTube videos of growers going over their issues with autos and the biggest issue is stressing the plants as there isn’t any recovery time. Every little bit helps is what I am understanding which is why I have been working on the two biggest stress factors before I touch anything. Honestly I have not had anywhere near this much fun in 10 years

And again I do apologize
An apology probably wasn't necessary. You'll find the people here are pretty understanding and well meaning. I came here a long time ago for help with my grow and just kept coming back.
I work almost exclusively with people who are autistic. I understand how sarcastic comments can be hard to decipher sometimes, especially online.
Give us the benefit of the doubt and you'll find we will be more than willing to tune in to your experiment.
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