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Trying hard never seems to work. Patience, on the other hand....has always paid in spades. Show interest, moves away. Ignore, can't get enough. Get in a hurry? Never works out good for anyone. Like salt and yeast, ratio is all important.


Are you a cretin? I hope not.
In my business I've developed skin 10 inches thick, so no biggie. In gauging any sort of response, I've had to learn patience and waiting.
I was taught to consider the it credible? Can they affect you? Finding all such questions to answer in the negative, I generated no response. If it makes the one making the statement feel better about them selves, great! Something positve is gleened.


You gotta be tough to be on here. All in fun......but I do like bacon....wife won't let me eat it though........
I sincerely apologize for my mistakes. I was wrong. Bubba was maligned by me inappropriately.
That's why they put erasers on pencils. Everybody makes mistakes. I try to make at least one a day to stay in practice.

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