Need Some Help

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If you want to grow in your parents house, I would talk to them about this first to get their permission. If this is a conversation you cannot have with them, then delay your project until you get your own place.

No disrespect intended you young whipper snapper but what are you thinkin? This is NEVER going to work out. NO way. NO how. In no time at all you'll be out on your own in the world and living in your own pad and THEN you can give growing weed a go... I know time seems to drag along at your age but before long you'll blink and 5 years will have gone by. You'll grow up... unfortunately WE all did...:eek:

PokeSmot420 said:
I think Ill be able to get away with it. And whenever I move out im gonna go big and get a bubbleponics system.

Dude everyone here is right.. disrespectful... come one use your head. not to be rude.. your 1-2 6" plants worth your dad loosing his house and life and everything hes wrked for.. since he was your age???? hmmmmm
im 25 2 kids...
so im not an old fart giving the 3rd degree.... im trying to explain that if one of my boys did that i would kick there rear ends...
if you and your old man have a good relationship.. and hes "cool" try joking about it.. or proposing the idea other then that wait... smoking it in the house is way diferet then growing it man...
take care.
be smart..
guys he wont be able to respond til hes out of school for the day..... unless he has computer lab sometime today....
Ha nice one JustAnother, and believe if or not I built up the guts to ask him and he said he didn't care as long as I don't get caught :)
well we are going to need to see a permission slip from your dad before giving you anymore assistance...
Ha what is this school, me and a friend are gonna save up some bag seeds and just experiment with those, kind of hard to start ordering seeds online
lol...just giving you a hard time kiddo....the very most important thing about growing is not telling anyone! Don't get a friend involved...the only thing this will do is ruin a friendship, and possably get you busted....and didn't your dad say he didn't care if you didn't get caught????
Me and my friend have been friends forever were practically brothers this won't ruin our friendship cuz were sharing a hobby we like, and he was the one who came up with the growing idea.
PokeSmot420 said:
Me and my friend have been friends forever were practically brothers this won't ruin our friendship cuz were sharing a hobby we like, and he was the one who came up with the growing idea.

You have alot to learn! I spent 2 yrs in prison because I trusted a "friend" that felt like we were practically brothers...every single grow in my early days that I grew with a "friend"...always...every single one...came up missing. Even after I figured out not to tell anyone this still happened occasionaly, but not every single time. PLEASE BE SMART (but you won't because your a teenager and you know everything, and I'm just a stupid old pot head) Don't trust anyone! It's amazing what a "friend" will do when their freedom is compromised.

If you want to share in a hobby together that is fine...but try bowling, or darts, or video games...THIS IS NOT THE HOBBY TO SHARE!

I know I'm wasting my breath.:ignore:
no, he first started growing at his house but then killed it cuz it was a male and never tried again after that, and just recently I brought up trying to grow. So know we both are gonna have a plant at my house and his, he already has a gutted out pc to start constructing a grow box. So know I have to find one.
legalize_freedom said:
You have alot to learn! I spent 2 yrs in prison because I trusted a "friend" that felt like we were practically brothers...every single grow in my early days that I grew with a "friend"...always...every single one...came up missing. Even after I figured out not to tell anyone this still happened occasionaly, but not every single time. PLEASE BE SMART (but you won't because your a teenager and you know everything, and I'm just a stupid old pot head) Don't trust anyone! It's amazing what a "friend" will do when their freedom is compromised.

If you want to share in a hobby together that is fine...but try bowling, or darts, or video games...THIS IS NOT THE HOBBY TO SHARE!

I know I'm wasting my breath.:ignore:

wow that sucks, but my friend isn't gonna steal my plant mainly because he's gonna be growing one himself too
PokeSmot420 said:
Ha what is this school, me and a friend are gonna save up some bag seeds and just experiment with those, kind of hard to start ordering seeds online

your dad said its ok if you dont get caught.. just been caught dude.. (me and a friend...) no friend... excpecially if your doing it at your dads house.. how big of mouth does your friend have....i would have kept my mouth shut if my dad said sure grow one...
be smart not stupid...

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