No longer smoking

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Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2006
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So I picked up the rather disgusting habbit of ciggarettes and have been smoking them since September or so of last year. So for six months straight, without my girl knowing, I was going through like two packs a week almost. These last two weeks I have been really cutting back, and for the last two days I haven't had a single one. It isn't so much that I NEED to smoke, it was more like a time killer, something to do. If I needed to take a brake from working for a few minutes I would light up and smoke one down. I guess it was so I wasn't just standing around doing nothing and I could feel like I was at least doing something with my small break time. I have been looking for a part time job for the last few months so for about three or four months I haven't been smoking pot so I think that is another reason I got into smoking.

I am done with it though. It sucks because when I take my breaks I kinda want one, but the want isn't strong enough to make me go out and buy a pack because I know if I buy one more pack I will be right back into smoking again so I am doing my best to avoid it. Also, I kind of developed this nasty cough since I stopped so I know my body is forcing all the nasty stuff out and it would be couter-productive if I light up again. It is nice to breath without a wheeze and I would like to get back to that level again.

On a side note. I smoked pot everyday, sometimes twice - three times a day, for over two years straight and never once did I have any kind of breathing problems or wheeze or anything. Nor did it become a habbit. If I wanted to stop I could have at any time and the fact that I have been dry for 3-4 months cold turkey proves that. I haven't even thought about rolling up since I stopped and my girl smokes everynight, not even the smell of it makes me want to take a drag until I find a second job. Cigarettes are nasty devil's and I have learned my lesson. They just aren't worth it.

Anyone else who has ever stopped smoking "squares" please share how you finally kicked the habbit. I am just curious to know, if you don't mind telling.

Hi pussum, good to hear you're trying to give up the smokes. Now is the time to do it before it becomes a "way of life" for you.

The easiest way to give em up is strength of mind. Pick a time when all is good in life and give it a go. If you try at a stressful time in your life, before you know it, you'll be reachin for that pack again as soon as something goes wrong.

At least your girl doesn't smoke, so she won't be makin it harder for ya by puffing smoke in your face.

Best o Luck pussum ... hope it works out. Peace :)
Thanks for the advice, but I hardly doubt I will ever find a time when all is good, hahah. Such is life, but I am a hard headed person so I don't think I will have any trouble giving them up. It is day two of cold turkey and so far I have been through a couple breaks and drives home (which is when I usually would light up) and have felt a slight twinge to reach for a pack, but nothing major yet. I haven't been sleeping well since I have been coughing all night, but I would rather my body purge itself than I put any more toxin into it.

It makes me wish I never picked up that dirty habit.
Wow you had the nerve to come down on that other dude for doing nitrous and tell him he should just inhale from an exhaust pipe for the same effect AND YOU SMOKE CIGARETTES? Talk about the 'pot callin the kettle black'. You shouldn't be such a holier than thou school marm until you get your own sh!t in order. Thats really uncool, man.
elvis said:
Wow you had the nerve to come down on that other dude for doing nitrous and tell him he should just inhale from an exhaust pipe for the same effect AND YOU SMOKE CIGARETTES? Talk about the 'pot callin the kettle black'. You shouldn't be such a holier than thou school marm until you get your own sh!t in order. Thats really uncool, man.

I am not going to justify why I smoked or even attempt to prove that I was not trying to be a school "marm". But I will say this, are you actually going to sit there and tell me that doing whippets is the same as smoking? Yes both can kill you, and yes both harm your body, but seriously. It is nothing but apples and oranges. You s-uck on a single can of whip cream to long and your dead. You can smoke a pack of smokes, one after the other straight until they are all gone and you will not drop dead. You may have a soar throat and feel like absolute poo, but at least your still breathing, breathing poorly, but breathing non-the-less. Also I think you missed the sarcasm in saying she might as well s-uck on an exhaust pipe, but I won't hold it against you. ;) Anyway, I learned from my mistake before it was to late, I hope she does the same.
It's good that you stopped smoking.Lately i've been smoking too but only the cigs after the roll-on has burned through them>they give a nice 'kick' after the weed is done but @ the end of the day>still tobacco so I stopped.It was damn nice getting that kick though.LOL
hey man good job on quiting im almost 19 started when i was 12 smoking about a pack a day ive been cutting back too but gotta try a lil harded cuzz ive been getting back up to a pack almost again i was almost down to 2 packs a week man.
Stay strong, yesterday I just about caved in and bummed one off someone. Working where I work it is so hard to ignore it because everywhere you turn your co workers are lighting up while they are working on stuff. Very hard to resist the temptation and put it out of your mind when you can smell it 8 hour straight every day. I didn't do it though, I cowboy'd up and just dealt with it.
nice one pussum, I have tried giving up like 8 times and ive been smokin cigs for a good 10 years now. It IS a filthy habit, makes you cough a lot of nasty stuff every morning, makes your lungs black.. makes you breathless... so many disadvantages to smoking yet i still do it. Thats because i am a slave to the tobacco industry.

Dont try Zyban anyone! it was a drug developed for the military to make soliders fearless. they also found out it makes you want to give up cigs.. i think its banned where i am now as a study showed a lot of people with raised anxiety (my fists were itching to punch anyone or go out and shoot at birds and rabbits) and its not a nice thing to happen to ya
Never been a cig smoker, but I know its hard to quit. After reading your post I can't help but think of what that comedian used to say:

"Quitting smoking is EASY. I've done it over a hundred times!" :)

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