NV White Widow clone

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Sweet Cheeba Chiefa
Oct 28, 2006
Reaction score
I gave a friend of mine a bean and it was a girl so he gave me a cutting. Her leaves stood up today. It's been 9 days since I took her. I hope she really is the strongest bud there is:hubba:!!! Sorry for the crappy pic. Promise they'll get better as she grows;).

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was she droopy for nine days? I have a clone thats like four days old and its still droopy. I thought it only took a few days for them to perk back up. Ive gotta get some widow seeds.
Soon as I get layed off I am ordering some ww seeds and an hps

I am sure you will take good care of her :)
was she droopy for nine days?
Yep and I consider that good. I'm new to the cloning thing so i've had them look terrible before they rooted but i'm at a 100% rooting rate. It's so fun:D but the wait and watching your baby wilt before your eyes is horrible. Yours should be fine just be patient. I had a few take 20 days to root.
Here she is a few days after transplant. Sorry but I don't keep up with veg days that well:eek:. She's in a 5:1 mix of promix soil and worm castings.

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And she replaces the Hashberry. Did some pruning and stem pinching on her.

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Looks like your gonna have another beauty on your hands. When do you find stem pinching to be most productive?
Hope that turns out like your BUD plant lol.
Good luck man(dont need it).
When do you find stem pinching to be most productive?
I've only been doing it since my last grow so I really don't know. I've done it at all stages of life though.
Hope she doesn't hermie:). I'm probably going to top her a few days before she goes into flower. Great growth so far:woohoo:.

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The plant is doing great Bomb. With your love and affection she will treat you right:cool:
BOmb, ill be doing some WW on my next grow aswell. from Nirvana along with Blueberry and PPP. I will be watching this grow like i did the other.
BBP you have so many grows going i get lost. :D Man she is a little beauty isn't she. Looks like another nice grow coming. Mucho GREEN MOJO your way brother. :aok: