I use paper clips for 1 purpose only.
Stainghtening out one end, I use it to unclog my glass spoon.
Because I occasionally lose one, I need about 2 paper clips a year.
I lost the one I was using, so on my next trip to the grocery store where I spend HUNDRED'S OF $$'s/YEAR. I asked the manager (sitting at a desk) for a paper clip--the 2nd time I've asked her for 1 in my entire life. I even said please and smiled.
She hands me one but gives me a dirty look and says "why don't you buy some."
I mean, if the same person perpetually asked me for a cig or pinch of pot or money, like every few days or something, I might get a little pissy.
But fer crying out loud, it was A FUCKING PAPER CLIP.
I mean, how much does a paper clip cost. What are they, like a penny or 2 apiece?
I don't want to buy a fucking box of a hundred because I don't need a 50-year supply.
Now I feel like buying a box of like 500 and dumping them on her desk top with a "Merry Fucking Christmas" or something.
I won't, but have you had a similar experience? Like being stuck somewhere and asking someone for a cig and they act like you just asked for their first-born?
I once asked a guy on the street what time it was, and he actually said "why don't you buy a fucking watch."
Gonna smoke a bowl.
Stainghtening out one end, I use it to unclog my glass spoon.
Because I occasionally lose one, I need about 2 paper clips a year.
I lost the one I was using, so on my next trip to the grocery store where I spend HUNDRED'S OF $$'s/YEAR. I asked the manager (sitting at a desk) for a paper clip--the 2nd time I've asked her for 1 in my entire life. I even said please and smiled.
She hands me one but gives me a dirty look and says "why don't you buy some."
I mean, if the same person perpetually asked me for a cig or pinch of pot or money, like every few days or something, I might get a little pissy.
But fer crying out loud, it was A FUCKING PAPER CLIP.
I mean, how much does a paper clip cost. What are they, like a penny or 2 apiece?
I don't want to buy a fucking box of a hundred because I don't need a 50-year supply.
Now I feel like buying a box of like 500 and dumping them on her desk top with a "Merry Fucking Christmas" or something.
I won't, but have you had a similar experience? Like being stuck somewhere and asking someone for a cig and they act like you just asked for their first-born?
I once asked a guy on the street what time it was, and he actually said "why don't you buy a fucking watch."
Gonna smoke a bowl.