Plants drooping and I'm sure its my fault

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Diamonds on the inside
Jan 28, 2008
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How can I save her, no discolouration in the leaves yet but serious wilting. I put them under a 430 watt HPS today and temps are good more than adequate fresh air and exhast. But I did one of the plants in the tub today because I planted them to close together. If it is root damage, will the plant recover or am I better off just cutting it a part and taking clones and hoping for the best.
Hi Tater. Do you have any pics of the plant? It could be overwatering...It's hard to tell without a pic though. How close are they to the light? Could just be some shock from transplant. Some pics please. I wish you the best of luck with her. Take care and be safe.
Ok 2 minutes I'll grab the camera
Here's some pics I know it dosen't look like much but this happened in the last hour. I also changed out the resivoir today as well, PH is fine and temps are at 30 C

Please tell me it will all be ok :cry:



I'd clone it down to almost nothing and reveg it... the smaller the plant it is, the ratio of root mass to plant mass will enable the girl to spring back a lot faster and easier ;) ... and you could fill up those empty cups :hubba:
If the only factor that has changed is the HPS light, I suspect the light. Back off the HPS light ASAP, and give the plants several days to adjust to it, moving them closer gradually, so they can get their HPS legs.
That crazy vancouver guy said:
I'd clone it down to almost nothing and reveg it... the smaller the plant it is, the ratio of root mass to plant mass will enable the girl to spring back a lot faster and easier ;) ... and you could fill up those empty cups :hubba:

Hmmm, I've never had much luck cloning an already ill plant. IMHO you need a healthy donor in order to achieve a very high success rate.
yes... chances are the clones wouldn't take... it's a crapshot... if they do... bonus, but... by removing some of the plant mass like I said, one would give the sick plant a better chance at recovery
If thats true then its worth a shot. I'll give it a few hours and see how she's doing. I'll post back with an update thanks for all the help guys.
I wish you the best of luck. Take care and be safe. Keep us posted.
Tater said:
Here's some pics I know it dosen't look like much but this happened in the last hour. I also changed out the resivoir today as well, PH is fine and temps are at 30 C

Please tell me it will all be ok :cry:
How about giving it some darkness to cool off for a while... Can't hurt. Shoud perk up when it cools down a bit. I think it looks shocked like mine do from being put outside 24/7 too fast... just a thought. Not sure, but figure you might try...
Good Luck to you. Let us know.

I just read that BEARFOOTBOB said to back off the lights... yes, I agree with that... I think it's the lights also. I hadn't read his post before I posted.:doh:
I see water droplets on some plants. Are you spraying them with something? With the lights on?
Tater said:
Here's some pics I know it dosen't look like much but this happened in the last hour. I also changed out the resivoir today as well, PH is fine and temps are at 30 C

Please tell me it will all be ok :cry:

WOW bro, if you are growing in a DWC(bubbler) and your temps are 30c, your plants are recieving not enough dissolved Oxygen. What is your water temp?

If you are growing DWC you need to lower your temps to around 20-25c, this is a must in DWC because it is very easy for pathagens to ruin your crop. Look at your roots and tell me what they look like?
massproducer said:
WOW bro, if you are growing in a DWC(bubbler) and your temps are 30c, your plants are recieving not enough dissolved Oxygen. What is your water temp?

If you are growing DWC you need to lower your temps to around 20-25c, this is a must in DWC because it is very easy for pathagens to ruin your crop. Look at your roots and tell me what they look like?

and what they smell like. good catch, unfortunately I'm an American and I don't know celcius...system failed me again LOL.
30c is around 86F

here is an online conversion thingamabob


just replace the xx with tt
If you can't get temps down here's a trick take some small bottles fill them with water and freeze then stick in res. it will buy you some time. Make sure the bottles are sealed, don't wanna mess up the pH.
Rez temps are always about 5-8 degrees cooler because I run a constant cycle of frozen pop bottles :D. I doubled up and dropped the rez temps to 22 for a few hours and moved the hps back a bit. I also diluted the neutrient solution so I'm not sure which one fixed it but they are all looking happy again except for the one in the middle at the back. She's in good shape but lost a few leaves other than that she's sturdy again and the limbs are firm and all the leaves have uncurled. Wilting averted! Nice job gents.

PS: its an aero/DWC hybrid system so the roots are getting plenty of dissolved O2.
Mass producer: Roots look white very little colour at all. They are sooper long and have a big mass at the bottom.
sounds good tater, I suspect that a combination of all of the things helped. I usually grow in a variation of DWC, called bio-buckets, I like to keep my rez temps at about 70F, thats around 20-22c, this is around the optimal rez temp for dwc because as the water temp rises, the water looses its ability to hold dissolved oxygen. At 30c there is like a quarter of the dissolved oxygen availible that would be availible at 20c.

The problem is that if you drop the rez temps too much, say below 65F plant growth will slow, at 85F pathegens and bactaria become active. These are not major problems with other hydro systems but with DWC, root rot and root damage is a very real part of life, and need to be kept in check. Pathegens do not start to hatch until around 80F, so this tells me, keep the rez under 80

So based on D.O and potential pathegen problems, it is best to try and keep those rez temps some where around 20c and for sure under 25c
Another thing that will become your friend growing hydroponically, especially DWC is H2O2, or hydrogen Peroxide. This helps oxygenate your water and it will also help kill and control pathegens

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