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Hi Airbone, presently 13 hours of daylight (5:30am-6:30pm - nights are quite bright here. Should I leave the spotlight on? Or just rely on street light/moonlight?

will send pic tonight of spotlight. We are 12 hours ahead of you guys here. I’m in the AM now
You want to avoid any light if you can while in the dark time.
Street lights or other sources of light can stress the plants out and possibly herm or turn them male.
Natural “outdoor” light is good but let the sun do it’s job. And the moonlight won’t hurt them but if a bright street light is on them it can effect it.
There are lots of outdoor grower's in or near the city and they don't seem to have issues with street lights and other lights in or near them. But, my indoor never gets any light after lights out...those plants aren't used to light and could be affected by light leaks. Just my opinion.
Ive grown outside many times in the city with street lights and porch lights,,,never had a problem or a Hermi outside.
Hell when im growing inside i sometimes go into my grow room and turn on the lights to check things and never had a Hermi.
There are lots of outdoor grower's in or near the city and they don't seem to have issues with street lights and other lights in or near them. But, my indoor never gets any light after lights out...those plants aren't used to light and could be affected by light leaks. Just my opinion.

Hang on a minute. I read that before flowering stage plants should have 6 hours of complete darkness. So this doesn't apply to outdoor plants?
First of all it is 12 hours. And in my tent I try and follow. I have had herms from light leakage but the plants weren't used to it. Just like humidity I would like to keep it at 50% but they do just as well at 30%. Outdoor plants are used to lights so they aren't stressed from it. Keep in mind this is a weed and they adapt.
I read 12 hours in flowering stage and 6 hours in vegetative state? Not trying to argue with you it's just what I read while researching. But good advice thank you Pute
it was a 18/6 ratio I read about, but perhaps that was for indoor plants...I will further research
Yup, sorry I read it wrong. I run my veg light 24 hours a day though. Either way is fine.

No problem it's all good :)

So at what point do I transition the plants to complete darkness for 12 hours? When they begin to flower correct? More to the point and if and when they flower (and this may have been addressed), is it necessary to have complete darkness (12hrs) for an outdoor plant? Or should I be waiting to see what species/strain the plant is?

Thanks again Pute for the sound advice. I need to be very careful with these plants so I'm not taking any chances. They can't be replaced where I live. My PTSD will suffer greatly if I fail to grow them incorrectly so Im trying to do everything to the letter. Cheers
No, depending on several things. How big can you grow. The bigger the better yield. How quick do you want to turn them over....sea of green plants are only 12" tall or so when thrown into flower. How much is the plant gonna stretch...some sativas really grow....

Things like that. They shouldn't start to flower until you flip unless autos.
I've been growing outside for 10 years & never really had any problems with street lights or my neighbor's outdoor flood light. the only problem is a few seeds once in awhile. I used to worry about the lights but realized you can't control everything.