show off your critters

  • Thread starter THE BROTHER'S GRUNT
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My boys and my (brand new to us) girl (pictured with someone other than me). In order, Samson, Loki, Saul, and Luna.

And my fave ducks-- Heff and Friend.






cool pictures AND critters, ya'll!!
IMO..animals are much better subject for photos than a bunch o danged o' ugly ppls. that a wolf?..wolf X? ..sure is a beaut'.
Rambler is that a damn wolf? Thats sweet! My roomie and I were wondering if people had them as pets or not...
damn dude thats a bummer. it sucks losing a dog. its just like part of your family.
hope you get another.
Just an old broken down dog
is what I've come to be.
My senses are all growing dim,
My eyes can barely see.

But master, you're still in your prime,
while I am fading fast,
Please take me with you one more time
Before I breathe mt last.

You used to take me with you
To the woods when I was young,
To do your bidding faithfully
In my youth when I was strong.

My best's no longer good enough,
I'm useless and confused:
For surely you must care for me
as much as I for you.

I'll be waiting by the back door,
Take me with you when you go.
It's all I've ever wanted
and the only thing I know.

I'll struggle up and wag my tail,
Eager your will to do;
And gladly endure a painful walk
Just to be with with you.

Take me with you when you go.
One more time I long to be
with my master and my friend.
Take me with you once again.

Poem by Dana Duke
hey GreenDayGirl. i like your puppies they are cute.
Cute Little Grey Dog Eatting Nuts....the Sheep Is Cute Too

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