Snowed in - Christmas Cancelled

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Dos get them to rent out a helicopter fer ya. Hey 2dog, OHC , what it is, what it was, what it will be!
will be smoking in about 2 seconds deary!
I'm considering maybe tuffing it out and staying up all night. This crazy sleep pattern disturbance has gone on since the last four day weekend at Thanksgiving. It's turned me into a lazy woman because basically I am living off naps and in a haze. I think it's because I really really do use MJ for sleep and I'm down to smoking reject pot - the stuff I've been tossing in the drawer over the last few years..... time for more joe.
that sucks ohc you when is harvest time? I wish I could share with ya...
Try a hot toddy or a straight shot of jack or two or three........
worst comes to worst I take two nyquil gel to dreamland lol..
awww to sweet 2dog. xox
Harvest is basically valentines. My 2 month dance with germination really put a twist on my master plan. That's why I orignally went for autos. Ah well. I'm not by nature a big consumer, just one big one a day and a couple extras over the weekend. My small group of friends have all decided to quit for one reason or another..... jobs, grandkids or whatever. I'm shocked but I have never been a real drinker so no plans on following their lead. TBH I didn't realize until these last few weeks just how much I "need" my smoke to turn off my brain in the evenings.... I've gone from a regular schedule to passing out from exhaustion and 12 hr comas followed by 24 hr stretches of wake time. So if I were a plant I'd be on a 24/12 and have one hell of a harvest....
you got that right. I picked up some tylenol PM that helps some when I remember to do it.
lol..if you were a plant what strain would you be? should we do that post lmao...OHC inspired? I wish u speed with your harvest...
I'd qualify as a white widow lol. I'm also very nute sensitive but I put out good when treated with respect..... good idea 2dog
I bet I get made fun of...hmmm oh hell who cares!
Bad OHC - I feel a self emposed ban coming on.
In my defense - I'm feeling very shocked and a tad ignorant about the 4u2 ban.
4U ban???? Did I miss something?

DOS...I admire your patience to...hope you make it home safetly bud!!!
HMMMMM. Well I don't understand how someone could have it out for smokin mom, all I've ever seen from her is sweetness, I can't remember ever seeing her get rude with anyone. As for 4U he's been here long enough to know the rules, seems like the one crying "drama" was the one causing it...I just really don't get it...oh well.

My question is how do they share the same IP if he is in seattle, and she is in the UK??? I'm no computer genius...but I didn't know this was possable. If it is possable, then who's to say that 4U doesn't come back as another identity, or as UKgirl. Not that I care one way or the other, I'm just curious how this could be enforced. I did get a little PO'd when a newbie started messing with SM I guess I never thought of him to be the type to play games like that...oh well...on with the party!!!
Anyone who doesnt understand the ban, feel free to ask hick.

On the ip address- if an acct is made and signed into from elsewhere then both IPs will be associated with that acct.

4u frequents other forums, if you're curious shoot ozzydiodude a pm and he can point you over there.
OldHippieChick said:
I'd qualify as a white widow lol. I'm also very nute sensitive but I put out good when treated with respect..... good idea 2dog
OldHippieChick said:
Oh no, that's like my worst fear. Minneapolis. I read on yahoo that ND was bad - worse today. Much respect for your patience. Have you tried tears? They sometimes work for ladies in distress.
Hmmm.... That's definitely NEXT!:

"Please Delta/NWA agent... Won't you PLEASE save my holiday?" :cry:

Geez Louise, huh? Yeppers OHC... I wish you were here in Minneapolis... I'd take you out on the town ALL frickin' DAY! :hubba: And I still have 3 PHAT joints of stanky dank to get me through the next 10 hours... Thanks for all the kind wishes everyone but I didn't get on the flight this morning with my 'stand-by' status...
BUT there is a silver lining! I am booked, confirmed and checked in for a flight at 10pm tonite... AND the sky is clear blue, no wind and it's already up to 22º here and a blazin' 18º F in North Dakota~! ;) All flights are coming and going as scheduled so far today so just maybe there IS a Santa Claus?

:yay: :banana: :yay:

I hope my Mom took the standing rib roast out of the oven we were supposed to have two days ago...:p I don't get in til midnite so t's going to be surreal opening gifts on 12/28... An old high school buddy that I haven't seen in about 10 or more years lives here in Minneapolis so he's rescuing me from 9 or more hours of hanging out at an airport today and we'll see how many of these joints we can get through.

So... Wish me luck AGAIN MP family...:cool:
Alright dos wtg! Chef's mojo to tyou fer your flight!

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