Stoney Bud 2

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The runt is finally taking off. Too bad I dropped her right before this pic was taken:rolleyes:. I put the bigger one into flower.

1-The runt still vegging

2&3-The big one flowering

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Killed one, it was a he. This one is showing sex but not good enough for me to know if it's male or female. Should know for sure in a few days:).

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all looking great bbp.:).

i believe i can tell the males, from the females before they actually show sex.
i'm talking, from seed. the males are usually the biggest, fastest growing of the lot. seems thier all a darker green color also. this is'nt always true though.
but, it is 90% of the time.

cloning is the only true way to know for absolutely sure though.
very nice, very nice indeed bbp. keep 'em
Both of the DSDxGF/BB were male. One of the BBxGF/BB was a herm and the other is undetermined. The SB was a fem(95% sure). The AfghanixPW is still undetermined. I'll post pics in a few days:).
This is the only female I got from the GF/BB crosses. This is day one of flower. She's in a 2 gal Hempy, under a 400w HPS. She's being fed Pure Blend Pro. I have hydroton in the res and a soil/coco mix on top:).

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Sup BBP hows da ladies? im sure frantic to see more of your surprises keep up the great work mate
Haven't updated in a while. I don't have any fat buds growing atm is why. I have quite a few different projects going on. In veg I have 3 Double Berry Krush, 3 Erkle Krush, 2 SweetTooth13, 2 Sweet Berry Punch, 2 StoneyBud clones(finally got a fem), 1 Auto AK, 1 LowRyder2 and 2 OG KushxAfghan Kush clones. In flower I have 1 StoneyBud, 1 BlueTooth and 1 LR2. I have 1 SB clone just showing roots today and 1 Mystery HazexLA Confidential f2 and 1 Bubba Pre98 germing. I love my variety and I think I have most bases covered:).

Pic1-Erkle Krush Day 13 veg
Pic2-SweetTooth13 Day 8 veg
Pic3-Sweet Berry Punch Day 8 veg
Pic4-SB clones

I'll post pics of my flowering room ladies and the autos in a couple days.

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These were taken last night. Nice indica growth pattern. I love her so i'm going to clone her like crazy:D.

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bombbudpuffa said:
These were taken last night. Nice indica growth pattern. I love her so i'm going to clone her like crazy:D.

Very interesting BBP, can you elaborate a lil more on your hydrotron + soil combination?

You havent posted in a month, how are things growing?

All of my ladies are 2 weeks in and doing great. Sorry for not updating sooner but veg is so boring:p. These are being grown under a 400w and 250w HPS enhanced spec bulbs. They are in a soil/coco mix of my own. They are being fed Pure Blend nutes. I keep the ph between 6.2 and 6.5.

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This is a blueberry/Grape Krush hybrid made by a friend. It's BlueberryxGrape Krush/Blueberry. No BB smell but a strong musky dank scent.

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