The Original Old Farts Club

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Why a paper bag and not aluminum foil Or just cook it on the rock? Seems that greasy paper would catch a flame pretty easy.
Foil? Sacrilege! The bag was handy as after you ate, just chuck it on the fire and it was gone in a heartbeat. Also, due to training, you didn't want anything shiny in the field.
Anytime we'd to a overnight maneuver in the fall/early winter, there was a trick to sleeping warm all night. You'd dig out a shallow trench that fit ya, build your fire in it, and when you were done, you raked 'em out with your foot or a stick lengthways, put some green pine boughs on it after a thin layer of sand/dirt, and put your sleeping bag on it. You could sleep warm even in the coldest weather, but you'd better not move around much. Nothing like the feeling of the coals burning through your sleeping bag.....

Had a lot of fun with those chuckleheads.
goodnight and sweet dreams

Well... I just now ticked one off my Bucket List. Never thought I would get this one:

I saw the Andromeda Galaxy with my naked eyes!!!

I have tried to do this for many years. You locate/line up Pegasus, Andromeda, and Cassiopeia. That part is a gimme even for someone's first crack at it. Star/Constellation diagrams are everywhere to see the clear setup.

But so many things can prevent you seeing it. Temperature, lights, air movement, vapor, moon phase, low visual red in your eyes, etc.

This moanin started out like just about every morning: I stepped outside in the dark to look up at the stars. I live in a very rural area. Even so, a neighbor may have a light on. This morning... nuffin but a half-moon obscured by the only cloud in the sky.

I casually lined up everybody... and almost peed myself. There it fargin was!!!

🎶 Hallelujah!! 🎶 Hallelujah!! 🎶
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I saw the northern lights this past winter from my porch.
That and a couple moon rises over the mountains may be the most amazing things I ever saw.
I was on a flight from Narita to Detroit about 5 years ago. There were CME warnings prior to the flight and as the flight was over Alaska I got to see an incredible display of the Aurora Borealis. Very cool.
Northern lights is on my Bucket List.
See 'em come winter quite often here in Yankeeland. They always make me think of my Mother. When she and Pappy moved up here from the bootheal, the first time she saw them she thought Jesus was coming back.

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