The Original Old Farts Club

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Well, it looks like everybody survived their green beer and corned beef & cabbage binge. I think most of us Old Farts kinda blew it off. I'm getting to where I don't enjoy the crowds of revelers and the noise quite like I used to. Meh. I did my fair share in my younger days. Wonder if they'll have big parties at the wrinkle farm in my future? Nude bingo sounds like it would be fun at the local convalescent home.
Got a wild hair and decided to make spud soup in the instapot. The Old Hen buys all sorts of new fangled cooking appliances but never gets the hang of 'em 'til I start playing with 'em. Case in point was the air fryer. I used it a few times and that's all it took. Now her and the Pullet use it constantly.
I've used the instapot a few times, but I'm gonna start using it more. It's just a fancy no brain kind of pressure cooker. I like the fact that you can program it and walk away.
Got a wild hair and decided to make spud soup in the instapot. The Old Hen buys all sorts of new fangled cooking appliances but never gets the hang of 'em 'til I start playing with 'em. Case in point was the air fryer. I used it a few times and that's all it took. Now her and the Pullet use it constantly.
I've used the instapot a few times, but I'm gonna start using it more. It's just a fancy no brain kind of pressure cooker. I like the fact that you can program it and walk away.

Spud soup report is favorable and flavorful. Had a great taste and the fact that from the time I grabbed the first spud 'til I ate the first spoonful was less than 30 minutes. I'm really starting to love my instapot.
It does wonders Decarbing weed for canna butter
Probably be quicker than the last time I did it. I put weed inside of a ball jar, stuffed in the butter, screwed the lid shut with a double layer of cheese cloth instead of the metal lid, and stuck the jar inside a crockpot full of water. Turned it up on high and walked away for a few hours.
GW, you've got an educated palate. I forgot to add one tablespoon of white vinegar to the soup. It turned out great, but I'm wondering just how different a tablespoon of vinegar would have made it? Guess I'm gonna have to make it again soon just to see.
Here is some good decarb information:

You can also decarb herb in the oven using a turkey bag, without stinking up the house.
I had good luck with a slow cooker, water, coconut oil and a bunch of trim. About 14 hours later, the cannabutter seemed to be decarbed without decarbing in an oven. Not very scientific and the above mentioned ‘luck’ was absolutely luck since I didn’t know what I was doing when I first tried it. The butter I have in my freezer is a mix of 5-10 year old cannabutter and still has a kick.

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