The Original Old Farts Club

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I feel left out....I am a virgo male and I have had one to many.

Me, too. Virgo, that is.

married to one

Ah is one too, but my virginity is long gone, though not as early as I prayed at the time however........

50F @ 84% RH, partially cloudy with showers, and predicted to reach 63F.

6 Quakes off the Oregon coast, but not feeling it here in Portland.

Oregon House passes laws requiring safe gun storage and proscribes concealed carry in public places.

Portland Mayor pleas for the community to help identify the destructive rioters, and the far left descended on him en mass accusing him of escalating public tension and calling for vigilantism.

My !@#$%^&*() Dell computer just died again, so I'm back using my ancient HP until I can get it replaced.
Morning OFC. Today I will fill my veggie garden and plant cold weather plants. Lettuce, spinach, beets, carrots and radishes.

Need to find time to walk as well....missed the last two days. Had chores in the yard. That time of year.

My next round of starts are starting to show roots. More work! I ever get a break...

Another cup before starting my day.
Morning OFC. Today I will fill my veggie garden and plant cold weather plants. Lettuce, spinach, beets, carrots and radishes.

Need to find time to walk as well....missed the last two days. Had chores in the yard. That time of year.

My next round of starts are starting to show roots. More work! I ever get a break...

Another cup before starting my day.
I need to drag my assz outside and cut a new bed in front and then weed wack and cut. I can hardly walk but the Landscapers here do not do the job the way I do.
I use to cut 25 lawns a day , when I had my route.
If I had cut 25 yards a day I would not have caught crabs, .. It was so openly easy to get any drugs and quick sex back in the 70s,
When we wereb young and good looking the women would swarm us with ice teas LOL. I had my favorite houses too , I was the only in the backyard, (they use to sunbath in the buff and not move.

Some of the guys who worked for me were Dang kote ugly
Got to tell one on myself. Wanted to take the van up and fill it up for a trip up north to the Hippie Fest, and I figured I'd fill up a couple of jerry cans while I was at it. Grabbed my work dirties and headed out the door. Knew I didn't bring my wallet 'cause it was in my good jeanes, but I was only going a half mile. No biggie. Get to the gas station, unlock the gas cap, go to swipe my card in the pump, and realize it's in the wallet I didn't need.

ahhhh...the 70's the good ole days when no-one cared what ya did as long as you weren't pissing on their shoes.............

Youngsters, I was hunting 2 legged deer before the Beatles. Good old everybody wants everything to be Free......back then all we wanted was Free Love. I remember the 60's like it was I can't find my phone half the time.

Just finished tilling the garden. Fargen back is killing me. Time for a beer, joint and Jacuzzi. Pics to come later.
So I wuz just outside, standing in the early light, and I saw a swallow-tail kite glide overhead about 30 feet up. Ain't no other bird remotely like them.


That kinda surprised me... and then it came gliding back (they almost look like airplanes -- somehow even in dead-still air, they seemingly do not have to move their wings much at all).

I saw it sail over the roof, and right behind it... another swallow-tail kite.

And the penny dropped. D'ysee, these birdies do not live here. I dunno where they normally hang out, but it ain't Floriduh. But they do come here to get laid.

This is baby-makin' time in Floriduh. Yesterday, I saw a mommy and daddy and baby sandhill crane fambly elegantly walking by...


And I think I told y'all two weeks ago, sitting in my yard with my visiting lifetime best bud when the mommy squirrel led her four tiny babies through my front-yard jungle to a new tree right next to us.

They have doubled in size, and are right outside from where I am typing -- eating the seeds and stuff I put out every day.
Briefly had a Virgo girlfriend in HS. Two ice cubes in a bucket. GW, I'm still a virgin. I just ain't very good at it.

I slipped early but am trying to make up for it with periodic virtuous thoughts.

Thought Virgo was The Lover

That would be the Scorpio. The Virgo's are often cunning linguists, good at getting the details right, though typically with less passion and flourish than the higher sexed Scorpio.

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