The Original Old Farts Club

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Finally finished my trimming duties. Been a looooong two days. I just looked and it's beer thirty.

Holly crap. What a mess. Wonder what is going on in the Situation room on the hill.....Don't worry....everything is under control.

One Good Thing is if in the area of a direct Hit you Vaporize Quickly

The vaporization would occur so quickly that the person would simply cease to exist. The nervous system that sends pain signals to your brain would be gone quicker than it could get a signal to your brain, telling you to feel pain.
The fastest recorded signal that the nervous system has sent was clocked at 120 m/s, while the fireball expands at a rate of ~ 200 m/s.

It would be akin to flicking a light switch, one moment you're there, the next you're gone.
never understood where 6he term ' jar head ' came from

It referred simply to the haircut of new recruits. Nowadays, I think it is called a Caesar cut, and there are several variations.

So funny, until I had my own Marine, I thought the nickname meant they were dense mentally. Nothing could be further from the truth. My Marine was brilliant, and always ready to protect us.
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Devil Dogs, Sea going bell hops, but the one that would always set 'em off is when you called them Naval Infantry. Some almost wanted to scrap over that one until you reminded them what it said at the top of their paychecks. :)
I was neither. I had a draft card, but they cut off the draft when I was 18. Whew!

You are a couple of years younger than me. But, never went over seas. Never faced live fire. I must have had a guardian angel. I was also good at hiding in the corner.
Good morning my old fart brethren. I got that letter that started "Greetings, from the President of the United States, you are hearby ordered to report for induction on 11/24/1967 at 0600 hours in front of the Federal building. We lined up and were told to count off by threes. All threes, one step forward, you are now Marines. I was a two. Became a crewchief on a Cobra helicopter gunship. I spent 2 years and 8 dats in Vietnam.
It referred simply to the haircut of new recruits. Nowadays, I think it is called a Caesar cut, and there are several variations.

So funny, until I had my own Marine, I thought the nickname meant they were dense mentally. Nothing could be further from the truth. My Marine was brilliant, and always ready to protect us.
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One Good Thing is if in the area of a direct Hit you Vaporize Quickly It would be akin to flicking a light switch, one moment you're there, the next you're gone.

Poof! I wonder if there are any virgins involved?

So funny, until I had my own Marine, I thought the nickname meant they were dense mentally. Nothing could be further from the truth. My Marine was brilliant, and always ready to protect us.

Semper fi! I thought everyone knew Marines are brilliant, and the corps is where its at, which is why it is often times referred to as the "crouch".

Devil Dogs, Sea going bell hops, but the one that would always set 'em off is when you called them Naval Infantry. Some almost wanted to scrap over that one until you reminded them what it said at the top of their paychecks.

You forgot grunt and will have to admit we have the prettiest uniforms.
Semper fi! I thought everyone knew Marines are brilliant, and the corps is where its at, which is why it is often times referred to as the "crouch".
You forgot grunt and will have to admit we have the prettiest uniforms.
Actually, it was "The Crotch". <-- I oughta know: I'm named after Lt. Gen. Ed W. Snedeker of the US Mahreen Coah. As I've said before, NFW would I try to follow that act!

We useta call Unca Sam's Misguided Children, "Gomers". Gawd help the Mahreen that came outa MCRD in San Diego -- they were always "Hollywood Marines". I also remember new Mahreens being called Q-tips because their white skin had not yet tanned (high and tight).

Well, ya got me goin'... another ding in a jarhead's helmet: "Pogey bait".

"Pogey" comes from Chinese... Prostitute. Pogey bait was Mahreen trading stuff (candy). Dunno what it is today...

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