The Original Old Farts Club

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hey let’s get high

Morning OFC. Looking at the list my Doc says it is off limits because of my stomach issues.....Holly fk....looks like bread and water is the only safe food now. Mrs Pute just brought me my morning coffee....yup, on the list of no no' this is what it has come to.....prison food.

Commiseration! All my pre-surgery tests revealed that I've become pre diabetic and have to change my diet, as well as lose 15 lbs.

thieving 50 yr old aids infested meth head that had broke into my truck and I had 'em on security cam .. step daddy was the one that came onto my property to tell me that I didn't know the people I was messing with .. he thinks his affiliation with a few bandito bros is stronger and better than my connections to that Galveston originating brotherhood .. fool my chambered and loaded pistol grip 20 g was aimed at his head by default , but he noticed while he kept his left hand in his left pocket .. he prob supported a 9 All is quiet since then , I don't do cops

Glad that nobody got shot. That automatically brings the cops and DA's into it.

Hopefully now that they know you have cameras, they will be more circumspect and steal further from home.
Have you ever run into that person that wraps their protective wings around a kid that continually is in trouble, or vise versa that person that is constantly in trouble and a parents continually bailing them out ? Either way it's a bad whirlwind.

Greywolf, I started the confrontation to see if they would call the cops with about 1 shot at the ground every time a vehicle pulled up and they were exiting the beater car or truck to get their meth.. shot about 11 times over 30 minutes .. lol .. yeah basically a drive through aproach

Boo, why 3 filters for 1 tent

lmfao Youse guys sound likes I feel, started smoking cigs at 8, I'm pushing 60 now, weed a few months later, Disabled vet, missing a body part here and there. Having to change my diet from an All American Rd Meat diet to eating steamed veggies in the last 6 months. Just diagnosed as diabetic,, Doc thinks I have prostate cancer. I don't.... This I know, symptoms have been present too long for that. Every day I wake with a smile on my face. I have the love of my wife and daughters, they are cared for after I am gone. This means in my mind everything is cheese from here. ;)
Definitely a bunch of old farts we are... all pre diabetic, like myself, and mine like many is related to weight gain..
Always been a big dude, built like NFL linebacker I weighed 220 at graduating HS. got up as big as 331. ouch.
now down to 295, need to get to 260 to get hip surgery and it's so damn hard. the pain and swelling however
have forced me to to make a decision to stop eating anything but veggies... so enjoy this last Xmas dinner while
my little brother is visiting, because the New Year is gonna be very different....

Going vegetarian doesn't have to suck guys... some awesome recipes.. maybe to save some of our lives we should start a thread on doing just that.. The Pre Diabetic club.. muwahahaha. share recipes, weigh in weekly so we can yell at each other.. hey fatass, your slipping.. one big support team to save our own shite. just a thought guys, seems like a bunch of us suffer from the same challenges...
I hate a thief. If you need money, I'll give it to ya, but don't steal a damned dollar from me unless you're ready to pay the price.

Leave us not forget the conmen, swindlers, scalawags, and carpet baggers that have invaded the cannabis industry.

Greywolf, I started the confrontation to see if they would call the cops with about 1 shot at the ground every time a vehicle pulled up and they were exiting the beater car or truck to get their meth.. shot about 11 times over 30 minutes .. lol .. yeah basically a drive through aproach

Sounds like a lovely bunch to live next to...................... I wonder how you could convince them that DEA was video surveilling their vehicle traffic without being in the middle?
Roll with the punches baby

i hope all you sick and infirm dudes and dudettes get well soon , aging is no punk and it is Mother Natures cruelty

so cheer up and have some coffee! ...what do ya got to lose?

it’s alright ma , I’m only dying

the Coffee Shoppe girls all have their uniforms on but they still ask me every day , “How do I look honey?”.........

I told them they all look fine this morning...they are so insecure , sheesh

Morning everyone. Man we gotta go grocery shopping today we are devoid of food in this
We have had " Operation use up everything we have" going on for 2 weeks now. Which is good, cuz we hate wasting food but ok, I'm ready to re-stock.
Anyway, cold Sunday, and it's lightly snowing outside. No major plans today, outside of working in the garden and maybe playing some guitar.
Morning folks. I gotta quit reading about you all gettin' old and your dietary restrictions. My guts were paying attention. The Old Hen brought home beaner food from my favorite Mexican restaurant last night. About 01:30, my guts started rumbling. Hit the toilet then grabbed a full bottle of Pepto-Bismol and chugged a full third of it. Belly finally mellowed out enough to get back to sleep. Wife asked what I was going to do with the leftovers (they always give you enough for two meals). I smiled and said, "Eat 'em!" Still got two thirds of that Pepto left.....
Morning folks. I gotta quit reading about you all gettin' old and your dietary restrictions. My guts were paying attention. The Old Hen brought home beaner food from my favorite Mexican restaurant last night. About 01:30, my guts started rumbling. Hit the toilet then grabbed a full bottle of Pepto-Bismol and chugged a full third of it. Belly finally mellowed out enough to get back to sleep. Wife asked what I was going to do with the leftovers (they always give you enough for two meals). I smiled and said, "Eat 'em!" Still got two thirds of that Pepto left.....
Ha My downfall is extra Hot WOW Wings
I love eat em and 20 mins later I better be on a bowl
any football fans here...I'm gonna waste most of today watching the Bucs take on the Falcons, big division rivalry...just left a very happy nice to see happy plants for a change...just goes to show me that I'm never too old to learn...

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