The Original Old Farts Club

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I got 2 cents per pop bottle. Kept me in flash change 😂
Yep, did that too. Was about 4 miles from my house to the country store On a country road, everyone threw their bottles out the window (lazy baskards) but we spent all the money at the store and was loaded down with sweets and soda pop for the walk back home.
I chased snipes with younger than me teens in the evenings, ... usually the best hunting for them is around any old country cemetery at dusk .. no pay of course but a lot of smiles to be had.

Roster, 2-3 dollars would buy a burger, fries and coke and enough for a movie ticket and bag of popcorn if wanted .. pre 1971

I chased snipes with younger than me teens in the evenings, ... usually the best hunting for them is around any old country cemetery at dusk .. no pay of course but a lot of smiles to be had.

Roster, 2-3 dollars would buy a burger, fries and coke and enough for a movie ticket and bag of popcorn if wanted .. pre 1971

Make it stop! Lord please make it stop. I don't even know why you want it so windy. You plan on flying a kite!? My plants are so loose now. I hope they survive. They have to go through so much, just to please me. I mean is that love or what.
I cut lawns for 5.00. One day my uncles neighbor asked me to mow his. I didn't know it at the time but it was country star gene Watson, before paper roses. The trailer hood behind my peoples house in New caney texas was 5.00 a yard. I stayed busy. The was cigarette, food, drink and the drive in movie.
Make it stop! Lord please make it stop. I don't even know why you want it so windy. You plan on flying a kite!? My plants are so loose now. I hope they survive. They have to go through so much, just to please me. I mean is that love or what.

Beans brother .. red beans .. it's flatulence you're experiencing
I cut lawns for 5.00. One day my uncles neighbor asked me to mow his. I didn't know it at the time but it was country star gene Watson, before paper roses. The trailer hood behind my peoples house in New caney texas was 5.00 a yard. I stayed busy. The was cigarette, food, drink and the drive in movie.
Sweet dude. I use to live in kade lakes. Don't think it's very far from there.
Got the field mowed finally. Hopefully, it's the last time with a 42" deck mower. The tractor place picked up my diesel salad shooter yesterday, and I'm hoping it'll be back in a week or two.
The whole squad (6) of my close air support showed up and stayed for the entire mow. Those guys are a hoot to watch. If I could be reincarnated as a bird, I'd want to be a barn swallow. All they do is play all day. They've got no fear of raptors, as there's no hawk or eagle that could out maneuver them.
89 degrees out there, but a really nice wind.
Looking forward to a shower and a bowl.
Snipes are some sly little birds.
Nest time you come to Denver Giggy I will take you snipe hunting. I know a great spot. I will supply everything. I am an old pro an this. I will drop you off and go to the other end of the pasture and wait for you to scare them my way. It will be a blast.
Cade not Kade
Yes C not K. Learned how to swim in one of those lakes. Almost drowned actually. Thinking back i can't believe i even swam there. Fun times though as a kid it was great. Lot of nasty creatures with a nasty bite. First.. and last time i got bit by a cow ant. Worst bite ever.
I got 2 cents per pop bottle. Kept me in flash change 😂
Yep, 2 cents for the regular ones and a nickel for the big ones. I also had a paper route that kept me in pocket change and did odd jobs around the subdivision for the old folks, along with selling Grit Christmas cards in season.
You musta been screwing with it .. they usually go the other way and yeah .. one of the worst stings ever and bastages are hard to kill
I picked one up with leather gloves and watched the size and length of stinger it poked around with and can see why. We called them Cow Killers.

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