UNBELIEVEABLE!! - DP WW reproduces ALSO from the soil!!

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SmokinMom said:
Would love to run my fingers thru your soft, wild hair BuddyLuv. ;)


....while I pack this bong for you MOM:hubba:
Listen man, if your enjoying your grow the way it is, thats awesome! But don't come in here acting like you know something man cuz these guys will eat you up. Do realize though that your set up really has no rhyme or reason and purely is for your enjoyment. In addition, realize that this post very drastically illustrates that you haven't really read up on what you need to do to have a "proper" grow going on and your idea of plant reproduction is very very far often. I think what may have happened is a seed dropped into the soil from one of the plants. I've had this happen before as well, where 5 little seedlings popped out from a pot I have ONE plant in! Its not a miracle bud, its the seeds you created :) Enjoy your WW
gmo said:
Wow, not gonna get into this argument because several people have already stated the facts, but this person reminds me a lot of a person I got in an argument about over the EXACT same thing a few months ago. Search the users for WhiteWidower. The link will show how similar this is.


I agree with you gmo. I remembered the Whitwidowers thread and how similar it was and I was looking for the thread, but couldn't find it. I don't think she ever brought a plant to harvest either.
mgfcom said:
apparently a male DP WW and a female DP WW can ALSO reproduce offspring under the soil / in-the-roots WHILE THEY ARE FLOWERING UP-TOP!!
This is funny .. . :rofl:
I was just giving this person a way out. You know an opportunity to say oops I might have been mistaken. S**t happens and when your baked and people make mistakes. I agree with the Newbie and Bennie 420. I did read the whole thread twice, once bake headed and once straight. Both ways I came to the same conclusion, everyone sticks their foot in the mouth at least once. Remember it all good.
The best way to be a good teacher is to be a good student.
C'mon folks, I set up a different account and was just having a little fun.....
no one can take a joke anymore? Prolly shoulda saved it for April fools day.

S H E E S H !

I couldnt even find my Borat avatar pic.........
Thank you, Painterdude!

painterdude said:
Hey, I agree, but with a bigger heart......seems that these 'know it all types' have forgotten what it is like to be caught in a sh** storm.....has anybody asked her if she is a guy, because some of you are trying to convince me that she might be......

Personally I don't care if she has white widow buds growing in her toilet water......what's the big deal, do you guys just love to attack someone who might be a little 'different'....?????.....what would all of you say if she is right????......maybe it is just a spiritual coincidence?????.......like when you guys get real sh** faced and THINK YOU ARE REALLY SMART OR HAVE AN ORIGINAL THOUGHT ALL TO YOUR LITTLE LONESOME....

See, it is sooooooo easy to attack anybody on these sites......they are helpless, can't see your faces, have absolutely no idea where you are or where you are from or if you got pass third grade......

Soooooo, I think you have no right to pick on her, or suggest she is an idiot or lacks any idea of growing marijuana not to mention the right to call her plants whatever she damn well pleases......

Ya all give me a pain in the arse.....lighten up and enjoy your dope...and why hasn't THORN jumped in on this thread?

Please feel free to attack me for any reasons you come up with.....like stupid sh**.........the painterdude has spoken and it's been awhile.....

Yes, greenthumberish, this is exactly what happened. It is not a seed that fell because they are not even mature yet. The seed that came up from the roots was a "root-seed", it was black (not like a normal MJ seed from buds), and was still on the seedling. It was softish, and yesterday, in the interests of science (knowing that this seedling would sacrifice its life) I tried to loosen up the seedpod by cutting it. Then I pulled it out of the soil and examined its rootsystem. I then cut the seedpod in half and examined the insides. It was just like a marijuana seed inside, with the first leaves and then the first serrated leaves inside. It absolutely was MJ seed produced from the roots. I have picture, but I don't have time for at least a week to transfer photos from phone to computer.

greenthumberish said:
Alright, flaming aside, that's not a new trick of mother nature....In colorado, they killed the oldest living organism on the planet, i think it was around 2000 years old..Guess what it was? ....a grove of aspen trees. Folks reckon 1 tree = 1 life form...however through a complex root system, all of the trees were interlinked, or 1 organism. So, yeah, after a certain point in time, some plants will push up new shoots from the dirt, from their root systems. However, i've never heard of MJ doing it, not after maybe only a few months of growth. I'm guessing this person accidently dropped a seed into their dirt, and lost it while planting, or maybe the first seed that fully matured and fell off the plant hit the dirt, got covered, germed and grew. Anyway, yeah..the person flaming everyone on here is a buttpuppet, and should be flogged accordingly.

Thanks, Sinisterhand. I think the above reply applies to your curiosity, too!

Sinisterhand said:
WOW!!! Lets all take a brief puff session. One, two, three, four, ok.
So, I would ask that you please post a few pics and allow all of us to take a look. If it is a super cool discovery I would love to study it. If it's a mistake and you are confused maybe we can help (that is what this forum is for).
I am new here and have only a little bit of time growing my medicine but I have been gardening for my entire 33 years of life. I have seen some cool twist by Mother Nature and try not to discount anything.
As for the negative **, PLEASE STOP. It's doesn't promote a healthy learning environment.

Yes, Growdude, I know seedy bud has lower THC levels, but trimming does not affect these levels. But it doesn't matter, this WW is so strong! Yesterday I decided to chop down the 2nd female in order to leave the one breeding female alone in the pot. I stripped all the leaves and smoked it and 2 bowls was enough, too strong. I am almost afraid to see how strong the full buds will be. It doesn't matter if the buds are lower in THC due to the seeds. The seeds are the objective for future crops and it is strong enough.

Growdude said:
You most certainly can kill THC levels, many things can do it.
The biggest of which is seeds, if your plant gets pollinated it reduces THC and if its over a % of the buds it just kills it.

This is the biggest reason you dont want males around your female plants.
If you want seeds collect the pollen in a baggie and use a small brush to apply it to the pistols of just a small bud.
It is not a seed that fell because they are not even mature yet. The seed that came up from the roots was a "root-seed"
a "'root-seed" ehh?.. :rofl:
...alright.. enough is enough.. "the jokes on US"..
All of these decades we've been lead to believe that a seed requires some botanical process involving pollen and pistils... and some miracle of life. I'm sure some science or botanical group will be pleased with your discovery mgfcom!.. Why don't you try to push it at one of them... You will get some interesting responses I would bet.
You must seem to think that there are nothing but fools around here. No one with ANY common sense is going to believe that roots can possibly form seeds. It is virtually impossible. No question about it. No room for argument or 'theory'. It simply can not happen.
I refuse to allow you to spread 100% false information, without refuting it, for sake of some poor gullible soul possibly believing any of it.

In colorado, they killed the oldest living organism on the planet, i think it was around 2000 years old..Guess what it was? ....a grove of aspen trees. Folks reckon 1 tree = 1 life form...however through a complex root system, all of the trees were interlinked, or 1 organism.
hmm.. I didn't check up on this, 'cause I simply don't have the time nor is it that important to me. BUT.. "if" my memory serves me correctly, the aspen grove that you spoke of was in the Uintah mnts in Utah. I could be wrong. And was supposed to be the single 'largest' living organism.. I think..:p
But the "oldest" living organism, I think is a Bristle cone pine tree, and I do think I recall it being in california.
There are several tree species and plant species that procreate from roots. MJ is not one of them.
Root Seed,,thats funny as hell. :ignore:
Boy,,, talken about "Smoke Up Tha ***". I never seen it blown so hard.:D
well, hick, you don't have to accept my discovery...but it is true. The same thing has happened to me with other tree types. They simply push up seeds from the root when plants of the same type (obviously both male and female) are in the same pot or in the same bed of soil.

There's a first time for everything, and perhaps I have taught you something you didn't know before. Imagine that. The veteran members here don't know EVERYTHING there is to know about marijuana growing.
:confused: lemme get this right...your saying that roots bud and grow seeds? :holysheep:
:ignore: :ignore: :ignore: :ignore:

betcha 10 2 1 your plant is dropping seeds and your just finding them ;)
Sorry, but I need pics before I will consider the root seed theory. It is normal for some fruit trees to send up suckers from the rootstock's roots growing near the surface. But, those plants have nothing at all to do with seeds. I can show you pics of mine. Can you show me yours? If you spent more energy on growing great bud, instead of great tall tales, imagine what you would have.:D:bong:No hard feelings, let's move on.
Just send the pics to Nature magazine and I'll wait for you to be awarded a Nobel Peace Prize. There are a lot of starving people in 3rd world countries that will be thrilled with your discovery!
mgfcom said:
The veteran members here don't know EVERYTHING there is to know about marijuana growing.

I agree there is always something to learn BUT.., Threads: 36,597, Posts: 415,028, Members: 15,398, i'm pretty sure with the vast amounts of knowledge and experience present on this site not to mention the research that has been carried out by many of these members over many years that if this story held any viable truth then someone would be able to back you up or at least offer up some tangible evidence on your behalf.
I know on which side of the fence i sit.
If indeed you are right and can prove it then good luck to you but i dont think so sorry
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