Warfish's first real grow

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Thanks for stopping in, fruity and ishnish :)

Everything seems to be going smooth so far. I have been spending alot of time talking to my girls, they seem to like that :) I would sing to them but I think my voice would send them into shock.

All the girls are flowering up nicely at this point. My favorite plant is still WW1. She has had the sugar fairy visit already at only day 18 of flowering :D Attached is a pic of the whole room and then a couple bud pics from WW1, I love her! hehe :eek:




dragracer, thank you :) This WW1 is so lime green and the buds are even lighter color, and now she is getting all sugar coated... I think this is going to be a white White Widow, hehe :D
really coming along very cool...getting fuller everyday same as mine..lovely time of the grow.
its been a while since i left a reply but i have been peeking in now and then to check progress. looks awesome warfish. great colors and healthy looking. i am glad things are going ok for you and i hope for the best for you at the end of this grow. happy growing.
looking good warfish where did you get your ww from im thinging of growing 1 myself in my first DWC when my other grows are done
Great looking garden warfish! Real interestend in your HP's as I'm growing them myself. Keep up the good work.
Nice Warfish :holysheep:

How the hell do you water all them:farm: must be a mission from god :eek:
Keep up the nice work....Oh just wanted to say.....that is the best bathroom I've ever seen :banana:
Thank you all for all the kind replies :) It is fun to share the fruits of the labors with people who can appreciate it, hehe :D

2Dog, I agree, it is a lovely time of the grow :)

ta2dguy, Thanks for stopping in. Very kind comments from you, thank you for the good wishes! :)

fruity86, These seeds are from Seedsman seeds. I have 3 of them growing and there all 3 different phenos :eek: My favorite one, WW1, is actually by far the shortest plant in the room (I have her up on bricks now to keep the canopy, hehe). Then the tallest plant in the room is WW2 and then WW3, both of them looking sativa strong but the outward appearance of each are different.

Trafic, Thanks for stopping in :) I am liking the growth on the california hash plant alot, but the blue hash is appearing to be much less of a producer so far. Here is a link you may want to check out on the CH plant though, might be hermie prone :confused: California Hash

Cunga, It's actually not that bad to water them, hehe :) There is only 9 5gl containers in there, leaving alot of open floor room underneath :D Thank you for the comment, it's my favorite bathroom as well, lol!
ishnish and Crystal, good to see you both stopping in for a look :)

Just a quick update to add a couple pics I snapped as the light went out tonight. The first is of the whole room then a pic of WW1, she is daddy's little girl :D Day 20 of 12/12


warfish said:
Update time :D
I have 3 different phenos of the Kandy Kush x Skunk. One is a light green, one a dark green, and one is a bit of a varigated look to it. The light green one is being touchy and a bit slower to mature as it is the only plant left in the room without alternating nodes. The dark green one is the only one of the skunks with a posetive confirmed sex. Confirmed female on 1-04, only 2 weeks and 6 days after germination started.

The Sleestack x Skunk have 2 different phenos in the 3 plants I have. One looks very sativa strong compared to the other 2. It has the fastest growth of all the skunks so far.

5 or 6 plants are now over 12" tall. I'm waiting for my Northern Lights to hit 12" or more before going to 12/12. It is now at 10 1/2" :) So I will be going 12/12 very soon.

I ordered some CalMag to start adding to the nutrient schedule (thanks legalize freedom for the info on that :) ) and will be adding blackstrap molasses to the schedule as well. I should have all this for the first bloom feeding.

With any luck my closet grow will ripen and produce enough bud to keep me from wanting to "test" the good genetics for potency before the trichs tell me there ready, hehe! :D
Pic of the room as of tonight...

Great looking plants, but how could you tell the sex so early??
Bonghits4jesus, She was just a super fast grower. Had alternating nodes before the first pistils showed. Way faster than normal for sure. It felt like all the DNA freebies from the skunk train where all fast to mature. Thank you for the kind comment on my girls :)
Hey War fish! Gosh they are Beauties! How old are they now! Makes my baby girls look like dwarfs! Best of wishes for you and yours,..(what kind of steriod you using lol) Chat later,....Clearly,......Crystal
looking very nice my friend!! getting fluffy in here.
hey warfish looking good the ww1 looks great sugar coating already shes quite a light green girl very nice
Found 2 Hermies today, and now I cry :( The California Hash plant and the Blue Hash plant both from Dinafem seeds went hermie on me. They have both been disposed of, only 25 days into flower and although full of buds I was too disgusted with them to think about saving anything from them. I fully expect to see a few seeds in my main grow now, sigh... One of the pods from the Blue Hash looks like it has already opened.

Ohh well

On a more bright note... I finally got my new fan and monster huge carbon filter installed just as the LA Conf x Skunk is starting to really stink to high heaven.
The remaining plants look to be happy and healthy.


That sucks about the spanards turn hermie! I stand corrected, warfish it looks like yours will be the first x-mas finisher! Good job brother!

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