Warfish's first real grow

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She is 6 inches tall (just went and measured :) ) and already starting her 7th node! I'm not sure why my plants are coming out so compact and bushy, but I dont mind too much, hehe

Update time! :)

Ok, over the holliday weekend I was in a small accident and am on crutches for now, so I have had to lessen my workload so my helper does not get overwhelmed, hehe :D So with that in mind I reset my hydro grows in the main room to soil so that at least all plants can be treated close to the same now.

A few of them took the move a bit hard and lost some of there bottom fan leaves, but they seem to be recovering now. The current grow list is as follows....

3 White Widow feminized
3 Northern Light feminized
1 Blueberry Hash feminized
1 California Hash feminized
3 Kandy Kush x Skunk regular
3 Sleestack x Skunk regular
1 LA Confidential x Skunk regular

All of the skunks are about 2 weeks younger than the rest but they are growing very aggresively and catching up quick.

So I am thinking the final tally will have around 12 plants in the bloom room once everything is sexed. In the future I am going to try to plan for 8-10 plants max for the bloom room.

One of my WW's is outgrowing everything else at this point, so I started some LST on her and she is now bushing out a bit.

Um i'll take an order of blue and .....let me seeee.......oh yes the kkush and skunk. Jeebus warfish gonna start your own despesary? Looking foward to seeing the x-mas freebies. Looking sweet war!
Thank you, the chef! :) Other than the small setback from moving the 7 from hydro to soil I am pretty pleased with how things are going so far. :D

grow notes...
hydro plants where moved into soil on 12/29.
Fed them 800 ppm grow formula on 12/31
Since moving the plants to soil the room humidity has gone from 30-34% to 40-44%. Don't think it will be a problem.
Temps are 76-81 daytime.
With the amount of plants I have it is looking like one more week and I will be forced into 12/12. The skunks are going to be monster huge even at that I think, there growth rate is crazy.
Here is a pic of the one WW that is ahead of the rest. She had her first pistils show at 3 weeks old :D I started some LST on her since she was a good 5 inches taller than the others. Now instead of one top I have like 7 or 8, hehe. LST is overpowered! lol. I will never top a plant again unless I have too :) Today is exactly 4 weeks since she broke surface.

Thank you ozzy and fruity :) This is really exciting for me and with having a brand new camera I might just over do it with pics, lol :D
Update time :D
I have 3 different phenos of the Kandy Kush x Skunk. One is a light green, one a dark green, and one is a bit of a varigated look to it. The light green one is being touchy and a bit slower to mature as it is the only plant left in the room without alternating nodes. The dark green one is the only one of the skunks with a posetive confirmed sex. Confirmed female on 1-04, only 2 weeks and 6 days after germination started.

The Sleestack x Skunk have 2 different phenos in the 3 plants I have. One looks very sativa strong compared to the other 2. It has the fastest growth of all the skunks so far.

5 or 6 plants are now over 12" tall. I'm waiting for my Northern Lights to hit 12" or more before going to 12/12. It is now at 10 1/2" :) So I will be going 12/12 very soon.

I ordered some CalMag to start adding to the nutrient schedule (thanks legalize freedom for the info on that :) ) and will be adding blackstrap molasses to the schedule as well. I should have all this for the first bloom feeding.

With any luck my closet grow will ripen and produce enough bud to keep me from wanting to "test" the good genetics for potency before the trichs tell me there ready, hehe! :D
Pic of the room as of tonight...

very cool I figured we would see different phenos with the free seeds! that is such a nice mix!
great looking plants warfish. short ,stalky and all around proper looking. i am impressed and now after looking at your plants and others i might give a non-hydro grow a shot.... maybe. a pat on the back for you and your plants. happy growing
Thank you all for the nice comments :)

I am really loving the variety as well :) I think my favorite of the Kandy Kush x Skunk is looking female as of late last night. I hope so as this is the one with the varigated kind of look to the leaves and is very pretty, makes me think of kandy! hehe

Your more than welcome to follow along, I need all the good karma I can get here :D

I am doing much better now, thank you for asking! :) I found the whole Dr visit a bit odd. It seems as though all they want to do is pump you full of drugs. The doc first gives me a muscle relaxer, I think hey I can just puff a bit for this effect, then he prescribes a pain pill, hey I can just puff a bit for this effect, then he prescribes a pill to help me sleep through the pain, hey I can just puff a bit for this effect, and so on! lol. I left the office with 5 different prescriptions and in my mind my lady green will take care of all the things those pills where for. Love that plant :)

The soil is alot of fun. I actually started a few of these in hydro though and I am still running 3 DWC bins in my closet grow, as they where too far along to be transplanted. I cant really compare the results though as my closet atmosphere is not near as optimal as my main grow room is.
Thank you, Fruity :)

Well, last night was my baby's first night of darkness as I finally flipped that proverbial switch and went 12/12 :D

I measured the heights of some this morning and one of my White Widows is already at 19" tall and looking sativa strong compared to the other 2 WW's I have. Average height is from 12-18" now. I am hoping to keep my canopy under 4-4.5 feet from top of buckets. We will see how that goes, hehe :)

Fed them there first bloom feeding today.

Here is a pic of them as of this morning in there new yellow HPS lighting, weee! :) lol, I'm like a kid at christmas today, so very excited.

i hope you have another toilet dude or your realy small and can get sum vines on those trees and swing like tarzan:D all looks good great job
Fruity, that made me laugh for sure ;) And thankfully yes I have 2 other bathrooms in the house, hehe! This one has not been used in years and years :) Now it is finally put to what I think is a great use :D

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