Were my rights violated?

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Mar 30, 2007
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Ok, well its a long story, but something doesnt add up...

I was chillin up on the riverwalk in my area, and i just finished smoking a HUGE blunt, and i had a nice buzz... and i just started walking with a couple friends and we were all having a good time walking the public walk.
and we went over on the pier and we sat down on the pier just sharing stories, dipping our feet in the water you know? just a great time... and this prick came out of some marina next door, and he said "YOU PUNKS GET AWAY FROM THAT F**KING BOAT!" and we walked over to him and he started threatning to call the police saying that were just a couple punks up to no good. so we walked off the pier towards him (he was waiting at the end of the pier

next thing you know 3 squad cars pull in and everybody starts running, and i just stoood there TOO STONED TO MOVE! (theres not that many times that happens but i was cooked welldone) and so this huge dude (the marina owner) tackles me to the ground and all this, and the police came over and took care of it and this is where it starts...

me and the 3 police officers start talking and i just kept the story straight saying 'we aint doin nothing wrong we just chillin on a hot sunday afternooon' and 1 of the cops says "alright i really want to get to my house quick to watch the bears game so ill tell you this.... If i go over there and NOTHING is wrong with that boat and all is in order, you can walk away, but all i need is your information." and so i said "your sure?? i give you all my information you look and see nothing is wrong over there, i can just leave right?' and she said "yeah you will be able to just walk away" and i gave her my information...

she walked over to the boat... loooked at it, looked inside and all, walked back and i said 'see im not doing nothing wrong, you seen right?' she said 'yeah everything was in order" and i said, 'i can just leave right now right?'

and she said 'no put your hands on the car your under arrest, i said '*** why?' she said 'the marina owner says he SEEN you on that boat, and thats criminal trespassing' and i said 'so what thats my word against his, nothings was wrong with the boat? and you told me i could leave' she said nope, and then the 2 other cops came and wrestled me to the car and slapped cuffs on me, and then got me on drug paraphernalia because of the 'SHINY CLEAN ONCE BEEN USED' bowl that was in my pockets...

but they definitely lied to me because they said if nothing was stolen i could go... am i wrong, because i was baked and i dont know anything about law????

please, im getting 1-30 days in jail as soon as i get a judge to judge my case

idk thats everything i remember from yesterday but it sucks, this is actually my first offence
Get a lawyer and stick to your story...your in the "system" now...right and wrong truth and fiction went with it. GET A LAWYER Keep your mouth shut. Let the lawyer do all tha talking.
Skip the court appointed...hire one and work out a payment schedule...pay the lawyer on time and stick to your agreement with them...they are the best freind you can buy. ;)
yeah i guess... but im a little tight in the pockets if you know what i mean, and in the state of illinois, im pretty sure they do a random 'name from the hat' lawyer appoint,(if you dont have a laywer or cant afford it) so idk yet... im waiting for the phone call for my court date
Mutt's right about the lawyer's, but they're expensive and going to court is almost as fun as getting your *** beat by the cops!:rolleyes:

So it's really a toss-up, and depends on your finances!

If ya got dough, hire lawyer Joe.

If your broke, public pretnder your folk.

Either way, I'm sorry to hear about your plight.

Not to generalize, but most cops su_ck!
just keeping it real..

were you or anyone on the boat?? seriously you can be honest.

If you and your friends were on the boat. I would be pissed also.
boats aren't cheap and neither is a boat slip.

If you werent.

Its only criminal tresspassing, if signs are posted. and or
the owner/caretaker tells you to get off and not come back.
Someone can't just charge you for tresspassing if you for being on
their property and a reasonable chance to get off.

any decent lawyer should be able to beat this rap. probably a simple
probation before judgement.

guess you learned the hardway.
don't believe anything the cops say, when they
are questioning you. in any situation. they 'll lie and
say your friend snitched you out, make up stories, to mislead
you to a confession. And will be used against you.
If ever in doubt say nothing, at all.. NOTHING
public defender is better than nothing bro. Or you can research your case....but by the time you figure out the laws the court date will be over. Get any lawyer any lawyer. Remember the dude across the isle IS a lawyer....and prolly a half good one. Don't mean to scare you...but its it is what is is...its the "judicial system"
that surely does ****. Louisiana cops are just as bad. Its like the movie training day only its not just the narcotics who play you.

I got arrested for supposedly throwing rocks on a guys truck over 50 yards away in chevy malibu... the thing is FWD. It did throw rocks, but not even in his direction. The guy chased me for over 10 miles and ran me off the road. I called the cops about that and when I met up with them, Im the one to get arrested. Hes known for screwing over people too. Me and a couple friends went and tried to reinact it, but it just didnt seem possible. I ended up paying that dickwad over $1500 to get the charges dropped. a couple months later I get a letter from the D.A in the mail telling me I dont have to go to court, but I'm being put on 2 years pre-trial diversion with over $1000 of management cost, a monthly fee, and random urine screens.

**** cops, even the ones in my family :rant:

Once ya make a bad name for yaself, ya can never make it better. I learned that big time.

now i needa go :joint:
I'd say get the public defender..as mutt said it's better than nothing.You seem to have a pretty air tight case if you werent on the owner's boat!Minus the bowl....
but they definitely lied to me because they said if nothing was stolen i could go... am i wrong, because i was baked and i dont know anything about law????
It's not against the law for a cop to lie to you. They do it all the time. It is, however, illegal for you to lie to them. Aint that a whuppin:(.
Most certainly. However, some cops can be your friends. I have been pulled over with an unregistered firearm, and underage girl (my sister) and a pound of pot in the car and the cop looked the other way and just took the pot. Sometimes you will find a cool one.

But yeah, it is not illegal for them to lie to you. They do it all the time to get people to say what they need them to say. Criminal Trespassing and "holding" a pipe are crimes, but if you were leaving the boat there was no need for the cops to "tackle" you or your friend. If you really wanna a lawyer bad, you could find one on contingency, beat your case in criminal court, then file suit against the owner of the boat (or the guy at the marina that attacked you) for roughing you up and causing you to get arrested and miss work. BUT, that is a long shot, and you can only do it IF you beat your case in criminal court.

If you were truly not on the boat, then you really did nothing wrong (outside of the posession charge). A pier is a public pier unless there are no trespassing signs posted and you just ignored them.

Now, if you really wanna go for it, tell your lawyer you wanna file charges for the police using excessive force, if indeed you feel that excessive force was used. THAT IS A REAL LONGSHOT THOUGH... don't count on that working out. Besides that, cops hear that so much these days, it's just like a bee buzzing in their ear now. Doesn't even make 'em sweat anymore.

Overall though, I would suggest just getting a public defender, and let him talk.

Represent yourself. It is your word against his. There is no evidence other than his word. You will walk, or at very least the prosecuter will offer you a bullshit plea deal. Turn down the prosecuters first offer though man. That lets them know your serious in your conviction. I have had to go to court a few times, all misdemeanor. I walked and the judges were always cool. Just dress,and act respectable, choose your words carefully.

The only time I ever had a lawyer was as a teenager (juvenile) court appointed,and I ended up with the toughest sentence out of 17 of us. So that is just one example of how much good a court appointe dis. Not to mention you will still have to pay the Attorney through your fines.
Private property is private property, this includes boat slips. There does not have to be a sign. The first thing you should do is seek legal advice from the approproate folks. While I am sure most folks here have good intentions and not all their advice is bad, as with any internet forum you are going to get a barrage of barracks lawyers.

I know it sucks, but if you smoke in public and choose to carry illicit materials on you, regardless of how often they have been used, you are taking a big chance of something like this happening, as you have recently discovered.

Good luck man...and SEEK LEGAL ADVICE FROM A LAWYER!!!!
Well since he already stated he cannot afford an attorney I think he was asking what other options there are. You don't need a lawyer for every little deal. You can always still appeal if it goes bad, although I would recommend you work out some kind of deal with alawyer if you choose to pursue that angle. We are only talking misdemeanor here for christ's sake.
First of all, it does'nt not cost one thin dime to talk to a few different attorneys and see what they have to say. Almost all criminal attorneys will give you a free consultation, and most will work with you on payments. Second of all, a misdemeanor for any kind of drug related offense can really screw with your life in the long term. I have a friend that got a possesion charge over 11 years ago and is now having a very hard time becoming a licensed house appraiser because of it.

The one thing I do know about going to court is you should never ever represent yourself, regardless of the charge.
yeah... but the police said "the marina owner identified YOU as the one who was on the boat" and thats just flat out b.s, cuz i wasnt lookin for trouble!
i aint gonna lie, i wasnt ONE of the people on the boat, but there were 3 people on the boat and since my buddies ditched everybody was ticked off and wanted to charge me as much as they could...

that marina owner im not even kidding, WAS OUT TO GET SOMEBODY!

he was laughing SO HARD... what a prick
oooooh, and your not gonna believe this... i got arrested yesterday for possession of cannabis because my wallet smelled like it. I'm not even messin around... my wallet smelled like it so they said "that means marijuana has touched this before, so your wallet is now possession of cannabis"

is that true?? because listen, when i had that stupid occurance on sunday, the police examined ALL of my things... and gave me back everything legal including my wallet! so the next day, if i get charged for it AGAIN! then wouldnt that mean the police returned me the cannabis wallet??? idk its crazy

since when is it illegal to possess a scent??

no way in hell will they get me on that
In your original post you made no mention of anyone being actually "on" the boat. Now you say the other three were on the boat. I hope you didn't also mention to the police that the other 3 were on teh bpat boat you were not. If that is in fact what you said to them it is no wonder they arrested you.

It is still your word against his, unless they have closed circuit cameras. Do they?
i had a public defender for a careless op ticket I got cus of the so good police officers not knowing how to tell whos at wrong in a wreck. The lawyer didnt say a thing in court except for my name and her name stuff like that.

but it really seems like you need to move.... someone hates you there

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