What Tha Hell happen to this Forum

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Staff member
Nov 7, 2008
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Is it just me,,or does it seem like this forum has been over-run by a bunch of Teen-Agers or Kids. I have never,,,,, since I came on this Forum,,SEEN so much dumb *** **** being Posted. What tha hell happened? Did all the Grownups leave this forum?:confused:
Its got to the point of I read something and dont bother answering if I think its pointless.

Some questions do need answers to stop the grower killing their plant.

I understand some questions get asked over and over and over again, its quick and easy to give a few word reply than to put a link in a post pointing them where they shoud be looking.

I agree with what your saying :aok:

But I have been here a long time and its a pattern that happens yearly, new growing seasons bring questions and worries, its the name of the game being an active member of the forum.

No one makes you reply, you reply if you see a post deemed worthy of your experience :)

I know exactly what you mean, i have started putting people on my ignore list to try get away from it.
I have a sneaky feeling that a few of them are trolls or possibly those who have being banned just taking the p... well you know what.

Feel bit cruel but i just going to ignore a lot of em and see what happens
I ditto that 100%. I've not been around that long, but, man, has something been in the water lately or what. JBonez and I both seem like nice enough guys, but we've both had a go with junior space-balls recently. I've got kids and I can smell one a mile away. I've always tried to be straight with my kids and they, in their 20's now, respect me enough not to insult my intellegence with **. That said, half the time I get off forum, I have to go outside and clean the hockey off my shoes.

Thanks, Cowboy, for mentioning it.
It will get far worse before it gets better.

IE. I have my MMJ "card". I am number 10,xxx.
Currently, they are up to 240,000. Thats almost a quarter of a million folks who posses their "card" in California. Mind you, that is JUST the folks who seek out thier card from the Oakland Patients ID Center. There are a number of other "ID Centers" that also issue cards, so the actual number of "Legal" patients in Cali is probanly in the Millions by now.

A high percentage of these folks now want to "Grow" thier own "medicine", either for personal use or to add extra income, which is legal in my state.

And this is JUST one State that has had a MMJ law on the books for 13 YEARS now.

Now, there are 12 more states with MMJ laws on the books, with MANY more considering it. We also have to add in States that have "decrimilized" MJ.

What it all comes down too is the mindset of America is changing. It is finnaly becoming accepted by the General public and the old Taboo's are slowly fading away.
This gives folks confidence and empowers them to start growing thier own.

That is why we are seeing a HUGE influx of new growers. It ain't over. And with new follks come the trolls, which we will all have to "weed" thru.
HippyInEngland said:
Can you imagine how slow the server is going to get :eek:



Not sure it can get much worse then it already has when it comes to SERVER BUSY, but,,Im sure it will.:rolleyes:
The increase of kids on this forum reminds me of the increase of fat people in the gym every spring. As soon as they figure out that succes comes with patience, work, and commitment they'll just go back to whatever they were doing previously. Unfortunately we'll just have to contend with their disrespect, arrogance, and immaturity until then.:rolleyes:
cubby said:
The increase of kids on this forum reminds me of the increase of fat people in the gym every spring. As soon as they figure out that succes comes with patience, work, and commitment they'll just go back to whatever they were doing previously. Unfortunately we'll just have to contend with their disrespect, arrogance, and immaturity until then.:rolleyes:

Thanks for the laugh. Love the parrallel you painted.
I surfed the net for three months before joining a site. To me I seamed to fit in better here. The people here discussed thing, now it seams to me the newer people want to argue and flame anybody that does not do thing their way. I have found myself on the attack a time or two, When what was typed in had a attitude to the way it read. If people would read the stickys and "resources" thing would inprove. Any more I look more for names that I have found will not lead you wrong and read the things they post. And you can tell the younger people always want the answers without doing any work to get them. They just want it all handed to them.
Wow I hope I am not considered one of these "kids". Although I am somewhat new to the site and definately new to growing I feel I try to lend some of the knowledge I have cultured either from here or elsewhere and pass it on. It seems its a lot of the same people lending their knowledge but not a lot being returned by tue question askers. But you are all stuck with me, this site rocks!
hmm, glad i've been busy lately then. not on long enough to notice the stupid posts.
but are these posts really that bad? (i seriously have not noticed them) we all started somewhere, and needed a little advice.

that's how a productive forum should go; new member comes and learns basic stuff from the veterns. then that new member helps the next new member learn the basics so the vets can work on bigger problems.
cubby said:
The increase of kids on this forum reminds me of the increase of fat people in the gym every spring. As soon as they figure out that succes comes with patience, work, and commitment they'll just go back to whatever they were doing previously. Unfortunately we'll just have to contend with their disrespect, arrogance, and immaturity until then.:rolleyes:

I was about to post something on those exact lines. Every Jan 1st my gym starts piling in these New Year Resolution people. By March, 95% are gone, ones that stay are dedicated and enjoy it.

But I read through topics and post for 2 weeks before even joining. Hundreds of threads. By the "Guest" total usually, seems others would be to.

I was kinda thinking like a "Stupid & Beginners Question Thread", for like questions you feel are easy, you just cant find the answer off hand, and consider stupid (I know I have a few). Or Newbies with 100 post or less, you post questions there, or they will be moved there. Maybe even its own section.
kaotik said:
hmm, glad i've been busy lately then. not on long enough to notice the stupid posts.
but are these posts really that bad? (i seriously have not noticed them) we all started somewhere, and needed a little advice.

that's how a productive forum should go; new member comes and learns basic stuff from the veterns. then that new member helps the next new member learn the basics so the vets can work on bigger problems.

Thats right kaotik, but im sure you and everyone else that started here did a little research on their own before asking" how do i make a dwc set-up". Ya know, its readily available without asking. I think they are lazy and dont want to do work.
Hi! im new to this forum and growing.

Can someone just tell me everything i need to know without having to do all that pesky research!

I have 4 3w cfls, is that enough?

i bought miracle gro time released nutrients, will that work?

these are the posts i stay away from, and if i do answer, my answer is to read.

doesnt really bother me though, i was a newb at one time, and still am, just a very successful and well informed newb.
Hey you never know the "server Busy" might be the thing that saves the site.

With any luck it will drive away the people who are not true MP passionists.
Never thought i'd say this,,, but ,,, "Server Busy" for the win ;)
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