What's in Roddy's Garden Today??

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THANKS PartyBro!

Well, I was off on my guesstimation of yield both times lol. I first thought this one would be average yield because of bud size and the fact the poor gal had been abused badly pre-bud, I then thought 10oz due to sheer size of the gal....split the middle and you're at the 8oz yield I actually got! It probably would have been closer to 11oz had I had more room in bud and not have crowded the middle of the plant as I did (tied her up to keep her from overtaking the room lol)...those air buds are in the freezer right now!

Oh well...gotta love it either way! And smoke report?? Well, green and in need of a few jar weeks...but it's strong stuff!

A few days to week before the next gal comes up, then I'll be bringing up one every few days until the 4 mature gals are harvested...then a few weeks of break before the next!

In the basement right now are 15 gals in various stages of budding...the OG's (of course) and the 4 Pyramid gals....wow, they sure are some beauties! I'm running very low on room right now!! :) :D
Mine are all just starting to take off, I don't have my calendar right next to me but it's been about 8 days I think so far since I transplanted the chemdogs and 10 since i transplanted the strawberry haze into their permanent mediums.

They're eating up the 2000w (based on the bulb output about 190k lumens) of light i've got on the 10 of them like a kid with no teeth eats candy!
:ciao: PB!!

I'll be watching those strawberries, I loves me a fruity smoke in the mornings!
By the by, another frosty queen came up this morning, she's beautiful! Compact, only about 3'x3'...she's the one with the fading leaves (yellowing) in the pics I posted previously! Her size doesn't discount her yield, though, she's got tons of TIGHT cola buds waiting for me to trim...and drool over!

I'm gonna hazard a guess of 4 oz. The much bigger gal brought in just less than 8oz (7.75, pretty much lol), but I ended up freezing hash buds from her (likely a few oz of air bud to go with the 7.75 oz of hard buds)....not seeing any on this one!
:ciao: Exciting stuff Roddy! BUD PORN! Wohoo!!! Congrats on yet another successful harvest...
LOL, I rarely take pics once the gal makes it to my living area, sorry! I'll try to get some, but....

Trimmed up one of the branches, very nice and tight buds, the best I've seen in awhile! Hands are sticky and it's hard to type...wish I'd have rolled one before starting because my coffee order came in and I am dying to check out a flavor or two while enjoying a :48:

This gal has some seriously dense and hefty buds on her compact frame!
Whew, transplanted several clones and seedlings...up the chain of pots lol! Some went from 1 gal to 10 gal, some went from cup to 1 gal....one's getting ready to go from 7 gal to 20 gal! That one.....ohhhh, she'll be a fun one for certain, gonna make her my latest project...but she's a healthy specimen from start instead of reviving her like the last one! :)

Basement is packed, I may have to expand the sides and fire up one of the dormant 1000w's! Soooo many gals, so little room LOL, but that's cool! I'll make a little room tonight when lights come on, another of the big cola OG's coming up for the trim!! Gonna have to get moving, there's a few more in line and not liking to wait lol!!

Roddy...the sticky fingered, humped-back ol' man with the trimmin' shears in his hands!
:ciao: Squidy :48: this OG....it's knocking me on my arse for sure, very strong buzz! :) I think my patients (and myself lol) will be happy!
I decided against bringing the gal up last night, gave her one more night...she is up here now! Looks like a pretty busy night ahead of me!
OG buds 005.JPG
OG buds 006.JPG
OG buds 008.JPG
OG buds 009.JPG
OG buds 010.JPG
I'm sure she's happy about having one more night! can't wait to see some trimmed up bud porn!

Edit: HAHA you posted photos AS I posted this!
Scchhhhuuuwwwing! they are just the prettiest buds there, Roddy. Good job!
:ciao: 7G!! How goes it, my friend?

I trimmed the main branch of this gal, it would be the one with the massive bud on top (the one in my hand)...took me 2 hours to trim that main branch alone, her buds from cola to bottom were tight and solid! Guesstimation of that branch alone would be around 1.75oz, whole plant is gonna be around 5oz (these are just after-trim predictions, I've been pretty close in the past).

A friend came over during trim process, has been around my grows and many others in the area and threw out a great compliment with "best plant I've seen in a long time, nice and healthy, sticky and smelly"! I have to admit, I am getting the handle on OG and am glad to have her in my stable!
I'm trying out a new way to plant and then later transplant my clones, originally, I'd place the clones into a cup and go from there to a bigger pot etc until final pot. While this is great and works fine for me, I am left with the mess of transplanting which really isn't bad...but if there's room to improve, why not!

I am now using the airpots for my after-cup pot, this will be a 3 gallon airpot and will be the last move (cup to 3 gal) before final pot (10 gal or whatever). Why, you might ask? Well, when taking the gals out of the bigger pots to place into final, I always make a mess, always worry I'll stress the plant out a bit...with the airpots, simply turn the wingscrew, open the pot and remove the plant!

I bought a few 3 gallon airpots and will let you know my thoughts after a few runs!
Thats awesome roddy. I had no idea they opened up like that.

I wonder in which scenario i would use it in?

I germ in 1 gallon pots, Fim the 5th node, then transplant to final container at the fifth or sixth week of veg. The final container is always outdoors tho, i havent finished a girl indoors. I begin adding organic sources of nutrients once they are outside, fifth or sixth week once they take the transplant.
Hey Drfting! :ciao:

Was a busy morning for me, transplanted several clones and seedlings, mixed up some more soil, sprayed the gals for bugs (they are starting to get the summer pests...early) and brought up another of the OG...this is the one with the big cola I took pics of a while back!! Should be a nice harvest about par with the rest of these so far!

Doctor appt in a few hours, must renew the MMJ!

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