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Feb 27, 2010
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Hello guys and gals.
I really appreciated the amount of help you spread in these forums.
I'm looking to be a first time grower and have been doing a lot of research. Over my life I have learned that experiance is the best teacher, you guys seem to have a lot of it. Hopefully I will be able to give as much as I take.
Now besides the intro, I would like some advice on my situation:
I have until the middle of august before I move, I am planning to grow outdoors, I know that harvest isn't until Sept/Oct, how could I get an earlier harvest?
I will also be growing a plant or two inside, unfortunatly, it must be very stealthy and in a crawl space, I'm going to try to make a pc grow box, but I would need help with creating one. This crawlspace is literally a hole under my house. Would smell be that much of a factor? How do I take care of it?

Thanks all to help
Welcome to MP! Stricktly an indoor grower....fer now! Others will chime in!....come to think of it you can have an early harvest by throwing some auto-flowers in the group! Smell is always a factor with MJ. More info and pics as soon as you can post them will help us help you. Also check out the threads in the forum jump at the bottom right hand side of the page, read, read, read! Gl and remember-Auto's!
For a shorter outdoor harvest there's only a couple of options. You could grow auto flowering strains or just very early harvesting plants. For smell you will need some kind of filter. The size and type will depend some on the size of your indoor grow space.
welcome to MP...hang out a bit...you'll get your questions answered while you come up with more.

I'll second what Umbra said...no sense in repeating what has already been said.
:welcome: to MP bud ...Have a high stay !!!!

Thanks for the help, I heard the a Negative Ion Generator works pretty well for smell, is this true?
Neg ion gen work up to a point. They will also give your plants a negative charge, so be prepare to get shocked everytime you touch them. Oh and do not use fluoros with a neg ion gen. The static charge is enough to make the fluoros flicker and will destroy your flowering.
alright, thanks once again.
Another problem is that I'm in the US, so I'm going to have to start with bag seeds, which will also drastically decrease the possibility of getting auto flowering seeds. Any more suggestions or could someone point me where I could get help on this in the forums somewhere?
there is no reason you can't order seeds...Alot f us live in America and order seeds all the time. Click either of the banners up above for just a couple sources.

I'd say your chances of finding an auto seed in a bag of comercial would be next to impossible. If auto's is what you are after, check out the attitude. Many members here are happy with their service from there.
Really? I could have sworn it was illegal, and even if it wasn't it would be tracked, thanks again.
uberness said:
Really? I could have sworn it was illegal, and even if it wasn't it would be tracked, thanks again.

A lot of things that come through customs on a daily basis are illegal....the bottom line is if you use a proven and trusted seed bank you will hve no problems getting what you order...Attitude, Dope-seeds, Single seed centre, hemp depot...the list goes on...all good places to order your beans...what kind of auto are you interested in? I hve grown quite a few out and we hve a bunch of peeps here that also enjoy growing them...
I checked out quite a few and I'm really happy to order a new wallet as well from the attitude along with a few auto's. ;)
uberness said:
I checked out quite a few and I'm really happy to order a new wallet as well from the attitude along with a few auto's. ;)

Now you are talking...congrats
there ya go.....now your thinking....welcome to the club!
One way to induce flowering in the middle of summer outdoors is to cover the grow area with dark cloth when it's not too hot, like in the morning when the sun is not yet beating down onto the earth to fool the plants into thinking it's dark, or still dark. Like, you have a 'tent' or structure with no roof and you cover the structure with dark cloth, just make sure it's totally dark inside or close to it. So the plants are in a 12/12 light schedule to simulate fall season.

Well actually that's the only way I can think of. There are 'autoflowering' strains out there but I don't know how they work.

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