Mr.Unsleep's 1st Bagseed grow!

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Under the Zion Curtain
Aug 30, 2007
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Well, this is my 1st serious attempt at a grow. So far I'll give a run down of my set up. I did the paper moist paper towel sprout method to get the root and tops. Enough have something to soak up the light. I'm not a fan of dropping an unsprouted seed in a hole, and hoping for the best.

I have a 400w MH light and it's putting out alot of heat. I made a mistake with the 1st batch I tried and cooked the delicate seedlings when I put the light about 2 feet away from them. Obviously they fried pretty fast.
Right now I have them sprouting in 16oz plastic solo cups with alot of holes in the bottom for drainage. I plan to transplant to 3 gallon pots when they develope more and reach maybe 2-3 feet in height. My closet grow space isnt entirely that big, so I plan on topping or branching to keep them wider than taller. Dimensions of my grow space are roughly 2 feet, by 4 feet- with a height of roughly 5 feet. I have my grow light and reflector hanging off the clothes rod, suspending by a chain which can be raised or lowered by the links in the chain. So far the MH light is about 3.5 feet from the tops of the cups till they develope 4-5 sets of leaves and maybe I will lower it some more. I just don't want to fry them again.

2 parts MG moisture control (Could of swore I bought Organic MG)
1 part Perlite
1 part Vermiculite

I didn't add any nutes so far- I want them to grow a little before I toss in more variables. I bought a Tomatoe fert as close to 20-20-20 as I could get.

MG tomato fert is 18-18-21. Yet to apply yet. I don't have any ventilation yet, or CO2, but will work those in later as things develope.
My bagseeds are of varying qualities, since I've been stashing seeds for a few years, I have no idea what is growing atm. But you can already tell there are different plants. One is very broad, slick, shiny leaves, where others are more slender with little hairs on the leaves already. I have 8 cups atm. I plan on at least 1/2 being males, so I want at least 3-4 females in the end.

Any pointers or tips would be greatly appreciated. For now, here is some pics of my progress.



I have my light on 24/0 for about a week now. I'm wondering if I should a) cut out some of the light and have a dark cycle in there, or b) move the light any closer as they develop more leaves to withstand the intensity of the bright *** light.
well first off when u repot get rid of the mg moister controll i heard of roots rotting with that, its fine to leave the lights on 24 hrs a day for veg, get that light as close to ur plants as possible put ur hand over ur plants canapy if its hot then its too close
Yea, I will repot with a better soil. The soil has alot of bark, peat, and what looks like a little time released fert balls =/ I tried to lighten it up with the Perlite *and* vermiculite. I went to three different stores to try and find Fox Farm, but it's not in stock around here in Lowes, Home Depot, or Wal-Mart. I plan on taking a trip to a local nursery in a week or 2 when I get paid. I have alot of questions for them, especially about setting up a hydroponic system for my "tomato" project. I may try and play with a hydro system for the clones when I'm sexing them later on, just not a huge priority atm.

I've checked MH lighting charts here, but I'm still a little scared to place it 12-18 inches away from the tops as referenced. That light puts off alot of heat. Maybe I'll get some ventilation going in my closet soon to offset that heat.
yea i also tried those places for fox farms, and for wanting to know how to set up a hydro system go to and so a search on those videos and there is one video where this guy sets up a hydro system its called i grow chronic or i grow green its a guy in green paint shows some good things, yea u can get all of ur hydro stuff at a lowes lol i love that place
Day 10 or so since seedling transplant- growing quickly for 3 of them, 2 are kind of lagging behind. Then again the 2 slower ones seems to be hairier and thicker, broader deeper green leaved. The 3 strong, faster ones seem to be more lime green with thinner(depth) broad leaves. I'll post most pictures and the distinctions between the 2 when they get more developed.

3rd set of leaves growing in strong now-

Day 9.jpg

day 10.jpg
noticable growth in 2 days, but I moved my MH light too close and they have what looks to be slight burn on the leaves. It's a mild yellowing starting towards the inner part of the leaf(s). These pics probly don't do it much justice. I also suspect overwatering. Since I've been on a 3-4 day watering schedule, the light heat seems to cook off the water faster, watering every other day. I moved my light up another 12inches and stopped foliage feeding with mist- waiting 3-4 more days to see if these pan out better.

Also the leaves on my best grower atm seem to be drooping a little and curling under- i suspect overwatering and this only started happening since I started foliage spraying and watering every other day

I don't know my soil ph yet, but will be getting some strips soon. The Soil has nutes (MG Moisture control) but not very much. 0.21%, 0.07%, 0.14%. So I don't think it's a chemical burn since they were thriving well before the 400w MH got lowered to within 18" from the tops.


Updating my grow-

So far I've been to walmart and home depot about 7 times this week getting suppies. I'm basically using my entire closet now, even though I only have about a dozen of the 16oz solo cups going atm. But i'm thinking BIG!

I've partitioned off my closet into 2 sides a vegetative room and a flowering room. The Flowering room is obviously not in use (yet!).

To improve ventilation (2nd pic) I think i'm going to cut the ceiling pannel out there, mount a box fan and have if pull the air out of my veg room. Granted I don't have an intake area yea, but I'm working on this. The air would be blown up into another closet on top of this one which could be fitten with another box fan or two to help pull the air out of the veg chamber. I care less about smell, I'm more about being discreet with my plans. ( READ: light leaks) So Far Between the veg/flower partitions, i've made a light barrier, each will also have it's own climate and easily controled when I'm done. This is an ongoing project and no where near done.

Next- Possibly another 400MH light parallel to the other I have- Mylar for my walls. And of Course I can't forget the HPS light for the flower room- but holding off on that that for a while. I may supplement each with wall mounted 4' flouro's to increase lumens. Since my rooms are completely discreet, I want to pump in an increadibly rediculous amount of light into both rooms. Each room is roughly 2' x4' x8 tall And I'm aiming for 7-8k lumens psf. Top and sides.




Veg flower sides.jpg
And a small update on my plant progress, since that's what's this is all about, right?

cups day ***.jpg
So far, so good. It's been about 4 week in veg- I mounted my fans for better ventilation and I bought a good temp/humidity reader. Currently 87 degrees and 24% humidity (gotta love living in mile high arid desert altitudes.)

Now, the closet above, is roughly 10 sqare feet, with a vertical limit of about 8 feet ( counting light mounting). I have about 12 plants going atm in various stages, because i staggered their growth a little to ensure i could have a little harvest for a while. All but 2 of the plants have been transplanted to 2 gallon pots and are taking off well- not alot of stretching, becuase I keep the light almost too close. so I have stout, bushy, thick growth atm. They are definetly taking on a pugent aroma when the doors are left closed. Kinda smells like deisel fuel at first.

Now my flower room ( not finished yet), is light proofed, has a timer and another 20' box fan to be mounted in the ceiling to pull the hot air out. I'm thinking I may only use 1 fan on this side instead of two, but we'll see how high the temps go first. Besides my Landlord isnt going to be too pleased about all the holes cut in the closet ceiling!

My question is, pending a good hood with ventillation, could I put a 1000 watt HPS in my flowering room? I know this is probably going to put out mad heat, but Why skimp on the most important part of the process, right? Flowering!

1 or 2 more weeks, my biggest ones ( 1.5-2 feet or about 10 nodes) and I'll probly be switching them soon. I know they are going to take off like a horse under 1000 watt hps goodness. I'm forcing flowering a little early bc I only have 8 vertical feet to work with here and If I go with the 1000watt HPS system i'm cutting plant heigth down even more for the tops getting too close.

So.. 600w HPS, or 1000w HPS?
Some pics of my recent progress- just letting them veg now.

out take fan 2.jpg

out take fan.jpg



Not much to update without great pictures, but i've been struggling with these lame cell phone pictures for now. I've found a local hydroponics shop in my city that is one hell of a neat store! They have everything! I see myself going there quite a bit here in the near future since it's only about a mile away from me. I checked on Ballast/bulp/reflectors there and the stuff was severely marked up then the prices I was used to looking at online at or similar sites.

So I bought online- $50 for shipping 57 lbs. of 1k watt ballast, bulb, and 6" flanged vented hood. I also picked up a 6" inline 250cfm fan at my local hardware store. I may have to work out ducting, but it's cheap at the store.

I'm also not quite ready to begin flowering just yet.

I've been playing with some LST- been doing ALOT of great reading from this site and trying some new things with my grow, but this is a great read on what I'm doing at the moment to maximize horizontal space for another 3-4 weeks. It's drastically helping tho imo.

I've also Mylar'd both rooms veg/flower. Maximizing my light it key to me, becuase that ****'s expensive! I'll post pics of how the LST and growth is going later today. But for now... I'm loving the LST and the amount of hands on time I'm getting with this.

I want one more 400 MH lamp I think and I might be able to afford it soon. I want to really play around with LST for a while.

Stolen from

Pics of recent progress. 1 Months- 4 weeks is from sprout for most of them, some grow fast then others but, what can you expect from bagseed, right?

LST in full effect- check the undergrowth that normally gets little to no light. I'm shooting for alot of cola's versus one, so this is my LST project at 1 month since starting - they seem to be handling the abuse fairly well- Love that light...




looking good for a first time bad seed grow... really good. keep up the reading and you shall only learn more. check out my grow when you can!
Everything is going pretty well. Only having a slight burn or something still. It's on most of my plants and gets brown spots in the middle of some of the fan leaves. They then yellow slowly, and/or die. I've flushed what I can out of the 8 pots, by letting them rinse in the pots under the sink for 5 mins each.

But alas, the burning is still back. Been clipping the dead weight as it yellows. Helping to airate them better I guess, but hate losing leaves.

I can confirm one female so far with little white hairs coming out of the 8 and 9nth nodes on my girl that I suspect is a sativa. Long, thin, claw like leaves that descent rather then flatter like my others.

UPS man dropped off my 6" inline fan for my 1000w HPS light (which was supposed to come today as well... shipped the same) and I picked up a miniscope at Radioshack.

I have to get a better camera though. These pics are poor quality- sorry!

The last two are this really slow starter, that broke soil, then went dormant for a couple of weeks and it almost died. I kept watering it and now it's grown into a freak! It's got two main stems to start off with, and he cant decide how many leaves to grow or what nodes to alternate at. It's cool enough to keep around for another few weeks and see what happens. it's probly a crappy strain but who knows?






Nice bro! Keep up the good work and let's hope we can get that yellowing under control. Looks like they may want some N?
Man they are looking good. I agree with DL, feed them Ladies(hopefuly) so the get big and strong. Thats a sign that they used all the nutes up in the soil.

Im also doin LST i find that it's great at makeing a plant bush out alot. At 2weeks of growth i have a few good clone site to choose from. Heres a tip try to tie down at every other node. It will reduce stress on the stem cause it will have more support then if you waited like every 4 or 5 nodes. And + you want the stem to be bendable, not stiff, untill you tie it down so it will be in a fixed postion.

LST iz really neat watching the plant respond to the way u bend it. It seems like i gotta tie my plant down every time i water. Good luck on your grow and give them some food, but not too much
Thanks for the input guys. I'm a little scared to feed them still atm. Nearing 1.5 months or 6th week of veg. I did repot during transplant with MG Organic Choice this time. Way less nutes, so maybe it is time to feed.

Only problem is I'm scared that I'm still getting rust spots or burn lesions on some of the lower leaves. So if I go tossing in more of what it already has too much of could be bad. But, I agree Nitrogen is in need here. The new growth and tips are yellowing 1st and then filling in greener. So they are hungry at least in that department.

Can I Buy just N fert? I want to see if that's the real problem here before I go tossing in a slew of chems. I read it may also be Mg problems, but no curling up- just a little browning/criping on some ends too. So I guess I'm off to the hydro store to see about getting some N and possibly some Epsom salt.

Also can I add some lime now to maybe stablize things a bit?

My fert is 18-18-21 and I am scared to death of it-MG tomoto feed. Seeing as I'm still getting some kind of burn still on the leaves.

Thanks for any advice.
So I decided to switch my plants to the flowering room. 1k watt hps, mylar on the walls, and plenty of ventilation. I've had people over alot lately, and even hosted a party recently. So my lights have stayed OFF for 3 days.

A little yellowing in the new growth upon inspection, but once I fired up the hps, that went away within hours. After their dark period, I gave them 2 days of 12/12 and I'm postively the proud parent of 4 girls!

Took 3 males out, hacked them up and pressed some of the leaves for collection. ( place leaf inside 2 strips of clear packing tape).

So. 4 females out of 8 seeds. I still have 1 more plant in veg from this grow, unknown sex yet.

I havent seen any bugs recently, and my plants' vigor is picking up considerably- Now I need to get some Flowering nutes! Only been using FF Grow Big atm.

On a side note, I've started growing White Widow, Bubblelicious, and "Flumpy"- which is a Lowryder x ?? cross. WW and bubble have broke soil, but these freebie Flumpy's are not great at germinating.

Time to sit back and wait for the good stuff.

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