a change up

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Very grouchy and ornery today…
May 12, 2014
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every time i change smoking strains, i am amazed at how different the effect can be. i had been smoking some master kush for a month or so because the thai was smoking was making me too peppy. i'd smoke a bit of the mk and then be napping by noon. pretty heavy stone. i switched back to my thai last night and felt like i could stay up all night then smoked some more on a walk with the dog this morning and i felt like i could out run him. very energetic. kind of trippy too though. i will have to get used to that...
The subtle differences are one of the things I love most about cannabis. Smells, tastes, colors, density, everything really. ;) Just recently I was generously given some beans that produce pink and purple flowers like I've never seen before, honestly. Now every time I go in to my flower room I get stuck staring at these gorgeous flowers lol.
i have seen your pics. i would be stuck staring as well.
for todays change up, i decarboxylated (is that a word?) some half smoked joints i have laying around. kind of wanted to make more edibles but i doubt halfies would make tasty butter so i grinned and bore it and chowed a half a joint in a bit of potato roll. that was about 8:30. i still am feeling the effects now at 6:45.
Check out "Curmudgeonland...Home of the Old Farts Club". Just a bunch of old farts that like growin` weed.
checked it out yooper. looks like fun. i am a few months away from meeting the 50 year old criteria though. i am surprised by the number of older growers. i thought this was a young mans sport...
Excuse me oldfogey, you "young mans sport"?????? I beg your pardon. I am 62 year old woman, kicking this grow! LOL... Just kidding ya OF8
that was kind of a sexist statement. not the intent as i am sure you know. i have seen pics from your grows. i doubt young men could hold a candle to your happy looking plants.
Geeze, a pothead site overflowing with and run by women. How in the world did I [3 time winner of the most chauvinist man in the world award] end up here. Not sure if I'm in Heaven or Hell. LOL

How do you girls find time to run a forum site? Don't you have dishes to do or something to clean?

Watch out man, all the crap`s flying your way. Whoops, there goes some.
Don't worry, I've been married long enough to know how to dodge a flying dish. LOL
checked it out yooper. looks like fun. i am a few months away from meeting the 50 year old criteria though. i am surprised by the number of older growers. i thought this was a young mans sport...

We have been known to make exceptions, if ya beg real nice that is. Come on over.

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