first time grower growing 100+ plants

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In many states, the laws go on how many plants they catch you with. 0-99 plants get you the same sentence. I say go for it my friend. Make sure to read up and gain some knowledge so you do in fact know what you're getting yourself into though. Managing 100+ plants even with two people, will be extremely hard if you actually spend the time and effort to grow and care for them throughout the growing season. If you simply plant them and come back once more to remove males, then the work is relatively simple. Either way, good luck and keep us posted. Take care and good luck.
Canna Man said:
if you put them in trees they would get absoultley no light
Hi Dude, I'm not saying this to be mean but I've read a number of your posts and many times you throw some info (answer a post) as it's correct and your totally off the mark, don't answer a post just cause you may think that it's true, it's one thing to know and another to guess. You are not helping others or the forum by doing this and after a while nobody will talk to you. Growing in trees can be very successful and yes they will get light. The higher in the tree the better, trees grow because of light right? So something well placed in a tree is going to get plenty of light and it's very stealth. Peace out man and good luck, just think before you post, if you know that's cool cause it helps everybody :D
Nova said:
100+ plants? What for?

To me that is selfish, as well as a good way to get picked up for it. I dont know youre locale, but i know that most places have a limit, and none that i can recall are 100+.

I grow for myself, a few med-friends, and some simple vacation cash, thats it. I do however enjoy the hobby of growing MJ. Having said that, im not gonna try to grow 100 different strains at the same time....

Its been seen and proven, time and time and time again on this board about how people become selfish and greedy and grow more than they should, and then get suprised when they get busted for it. Ive even posted news articles of people in my locale gettin busted for it. If you wanna grow, grow smart! Growing 100+ is not smart IMO, its retarded.

Grow Smart = Long time grows and overall profit
Grow Dumb = Short time growing, money spent on attorneys and doing jailtime

On top of how much of an attraction it will cause, not only to the deer, but to the people who hunt the deer. On top of the smell. On top of the LEO with IR, and some dumbshit teens gettin caught up in your property pluckin off your plants and get hurt and you gettin sued and some attorney bringing charges against you for them gettin hurt, and then whatever public prosecutor comes after you for growing in the first place. It all comes down to this....

If its legal to grow where you are from, then get legalized and support the rest of the legal growers, instead of a statistic that is used against us in politics and court. You can always grow in small quantities, so even if you do get busted, its not like the headlines are gonna say, "GUY GETS BUSTED WITH HALF-MILL WEED CROP!"

Just dont become another statistic that those of us who are trying to get legalized have to fight against. Think before you act!


In a lot of states, getting caught with anything under a set weight while growing will get a similar sentence.

I know someone in a non medical state and just because they don't have the laws don't mean they not medical users. They grow their own and if they were caught with any amount upto 10lbs the punishment would be the same, he does also inform me though that there is also a tax evasion charge that goes with it though.

So 1 2 4 10 80 plants whatever who cares, I think the medical community needs to pull its head out of its *** and stop thinking its better than the rest of us without it. Before you had laws you had to buy it somewhere just the same and if no one grew for personal profit you will still be smoking mexican dirt weed. So be thankful for us bro cus we helped you get where you are, if it weren't for people like us you never would have even tried the good stuff.
the widowmaker said:
, he does also inform me though that there is also a tax evasion charge that goes with it though.

This is what gets me tax evasion !! A person can go to jail for having a LB and sells and Not have tax evasion, But if some one is growing or selling large amount the law throw in Tax evasion and if it was a taxable thing, then it should be legal !!!
Really if I told my IRS I was making money from MJ they would turn me in But take my money anyway and still go to Jail, But if I told them I was selling Junk they want that money, but when the law has kicked in and ur sitting in jail Tax evasion come into play.
The fed need to rethink this because I believe it all a HOAX when it Tax evasion !!!
If they can tax cig and Alchoul then they can Tax MJ too...

If Tax evasion is legal to get hit with then we should be allow to smoke!!
If it is being sold, sold for profit. THAT is income. And taxable.I thinks that is where the evasion charges stem from. If you were growing and selling tomatoes for profit, THAT is taxable income. If you're selling junk for profit, same same.
Hick said:
If it is being sold, sold for profit. THAT is income. And taxable.I thinks that is where the evasion charges stem from. If you were growing and selling tomatoes for profit, THAT is taxable income. If you're selling junk for profit, same same.

Ur right Hicks it is a income !! But the law will punish a person for making a income from selling MJ but Not from selling Junk or Tamatos and they still want that sells tax although and it doesn't matter if it legal or illegal.
Flyinghigh said:
Ur right Hicks it is a income !! But the law will punish a person for making a income from selling MJ but Not from selling Junk or Tamatos and they still want that sells tax although and it doesn't matter if it legal or illegal.
NOT tru. Income is income, and according to the irs, should be reported and taxed. It doesn't matter WHAT you're selling.
Why don't you go ahead and start a few plants in those "secret" Locations and see how it goes. And how time consuming it is, so you can see what your getting yourself into. If you can do it no prob, sand no one i suspicions than slowly add moor. Or was this a one time thing?
some1 told me, that you can get just as much bud from 10 well looked after plants than 100 plants that have been rushed into. try it my friend, see how it goes. and tend the ground your useing with that cow POO (changed for THORN:rolleyes: ) now, so has settled and isnt too fresh, if you plant into it while its still rotting then you may get root problems further into the grow.

why would you advertise the fact that you are selling the stuff, that wont give a good impression on members of this forum. its people like you who make it harder for us genuine personal growers. keep that to yourself and youll be helped alot more.

keep your plants in small groups scattered amongst the land you have. tree tops? why when you have the ground space. maybe you could give it a shot though, as an experiment.

good luck and throw some photos up when you planted.

see you around 85C
Outdoors is so easy anyone can do it, i don't see why everyone thinks it would be so hard.

It's not like the guy said this is what i'm doing, he asked what he would be getting himself in for.

Seems to be a lot of people telling him he won't do very well,I wonder where mankind would be if this was the general attitude of everyone.

What I say dude, is if you read up then I don't see any reason why you won't succeed. It's going to be a whole load of work getting round all the plants to feed them regularly but apart from that nature should take care of most of the other needs and anything else you should get reading up on.
IMHO.. a smaller "successfull" grow, would be and should be encouraged. Rather than sky high expectations and miserable failure. This site is about educating growers to be "self sufficient", not growing for profit.
If EVERYONE learned to supply themselves, the outragous prices of the black market would quickly dissipate. The crap brick weed wouldn't have a reason to even cross the border. Commercial grows are the very thing that makes us all look like "big time dope dealers" in society's eyes. That is a stigma, if it were no longer, that all of us would benefit from.
Commercial growers aren't doing ANYone any good, other than themselves.
What I'm seeing here, a med state, is growers going far beyond the "legal" limits, under the giuse that they are doing it for the med users. BUT.. the prices are rapeing those same med users, AND cast a negative reflection on those of us that DO live within the legal paremeters.
Hick said:
IMHO.. a smaller "successfull" grow, would be and should be encouraged. Rather than sky high expectations and miserable failure. This site is about educating growers to be "self sufficient", not growing for profit.
If EVERYONE learned to supply themselves, the outragous prices of the black market would quickly dissipate. The crap brick weed wouldn't have a reason to even cross the border. Commercial grows are the very thing that makes us all look like "big time dope dealers" in society's eyes. That is a stigma, that all of us would benefit from, if it were no longer.

I dunno, maybe i'm different from everyone else here, I think though thats society and governments put enough rules and suggestions on us that somewhere like this and what we believe in should be free thought and if you wanna help help, if not don't.

I'm not the guy to tell anyone they can or can't do anything nor encourage them to do something a set way, people should be allowed to make their own choices and succeed or fail from them.

If this thread had been used to let the guy know the dangers what kind of work it would be, how it feels to be doing it after 6 months or whatever then maybe he could have got the info to help him make his mind instead of a bunch of people saying you shouldn't do that because you don't know enough.
I dunno, maybe i'm different from everyone else here, I think though thats society and governments put enough rules and suggestions on us that somewhere like this and what we believe in should be free thought and if you wanna help help, if not don't.

I'm not the guy to tell anyone they can or can't do anything nor encourage them to do something a set way, people should be allowed to make their own choices and succeed or fail from them.
FREE thought is GOOD.. charging $300-$500 p/z to medical folks is NOT.. IMHO. The negative reactions, reflections that are stimulated by these crooks has a negative effect on all of us.
I never told him "he couldn't".. or "wasn't experienced or educated enough" to pull it off. In fact, I think most of the posts were not trying to discourage him from growing, but simply offering sound advice(help) on attempting a huge grow, under less than ideal circumstancs.
Failure seldom induces enthusiasm.
the widowmaker said:
In a lot of states, getting caught with anything under a set weight while growing will get a similar sentence.

I know someone in a non medical state and just because they don't have the laws don't mean they not medical users. They grow their own and if they were caught with any amount upto 10lbs the punishment would be the same, he does also inform me though that there is also a tax evasion charge that goes with it though.

So 1 2 4 10 80 plants whatever who cares, I think the medical community needs to pull its head out of its *** and stop thinking its better than the rest of us without it. Before you had laws you had to buy it somewhere just the same and if no one grew for personal profit you will still be smoking mexican dirt weed. So be thankful for us bro cus we helped you get where you are, if it weren't for people like us you never would have even tried the good stuff.

You're wrong my friend! Alot of laws in many different states have scalable penalties based on processed weight in possesion, and how elaborate of a setup you've got.

For instance, if you get busted with 16 ounces, you will more than likely be subject to whatever county and possible state penalties there are. If you are peddling pounds of it, like something 100+ plants would produce, that would be a federal offense my friend, and is a whole different ball game as far as fine and conviction time.

If they see you have a pretty elaborate setup, lights, climate controls, whole house turned into a grow area, etc....then that is planned thought in doing the crime, which would give a stiffer penalty.

Legalized marijuana didnt get where its at because of people selling it, pffft! It got where its at after doctors and patients found a medicinal use for it and proposed legislation, and won. It had nothing to do with some homie standing on a corner pushing his bammer crap!

You want me to be thankful for this crap?

Are you kidding me? Do you think those guys are gonna get the same sentence as a highschooler bringin a couple grams to school?
85cannabliss said:
try it my friend, see how it goes. and tend the ground your useing with that cow sh*t now

Slightly off topic and no offense intended but I got a rollocking for adding a '*' into a swear word. It was a stronger word but all the same. I have noticed this in other posts that has also been overlooked by mods.

Keep it fair please mods.

On topic, there are some VERY valid points on this topic and I agree with bits of different peoples. Already enough people to comment here so i'll leave this one for the more knowledgeable outdoor growers :)
Nova said:
You're wrong my friend! Alot of laws in many different states have scalable penalties based on processed weight in possesion, and how elaborate of a setup you've got.

Did I say all states? I think not i said a lot of states, just as you say a lot of states have scalable.

how can i be wrong, its fact, i can go on norml and see it, so before trying to make me look like an idiot go check your facts first.

Not all states are the same, i'm English and live in England and I understand that, how come you don't?
Definitely a great thread with lots of people responding with their own opinions in the matter. I agree with some people on some things but disagree with some things said by those same people.

I think that if you want to grow a large crop and make a little bit of money, then go for it. As I posted before, the laws in some states are the same whether you grow 10 plants or 90 plants. Its the same sentence when you're caught so whats the difference.

Also, like I stated before, I guarantee that everyone on this site has purchased pot from someone at one time or another so we are all as guilty as the next when it comes to supporting the commercial sellers peddling their wares.

I think that these growers are needed for the people that cant or just wont grow their own pot in the privacy of their own homes. Who would supply those people? Better them buy some good homegrown pot from someone here in the states than support the drug cartels that smuggle the crappy commercial pot over the border and flood the market here with cheap brown weed. Just my thoughts though. Take care all. Very interesting discussion.
smokybear said:
Better them buy some good homegrown pot from someone here in the states than support the drug cartels that smuggle the crappy commercial pot over the border and flood the market here with cheap brown weed.

Sorry buddy but remember we're not ALL from the states here. I think a lot of the arguments here are forgetting that laws on MJ differ so much around the world. Touchy subject I know.

Thinking about what everyones said, here is my opinion (ya I know - i just can't stay away!!)..

This guy is a first time grower to yes I think he should start off with just a few plants, i'd say 10 tops that he can deal with himself with not too much hard work put in. You need to think about how much you will ahve to tend to these if you get any problems and then you have to find that time and explain to people around you where you've been.

Keep it low key to begin with and see how you get on. I'm a beginner only just starting my third grow but 2/3 plants was enough work for me in my first grow and I didn't even have a fulltime job then.

Lots to think about man, just dont rush into anything you can't cope with :)
It's outdoor though, its not hard.

Light air movement environment is all taken care of.

If he gets a nice big pot and uses some quality soil then he will only have to water.

If he were starting 100 indoors and using multiple hps and hydroponic setup, sure i'd tell him he was mad, but outdoor isn't hard.

Anyone can do it.
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