funny story

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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2008
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So i go to borders to pick up some fine reading. when i walk in theres a nice lady there who asks if she can help. i know where the seciton is, so i say no thankyou. i browse the books, pick the one i want (the bible by jorge C.) and i'm $6 short. i hate to put stuff that obvious on my plastic, so i decide to run to the bank. while leaving I walk past the same nice older lady who tells me to have a nice night. "you to, thankyou". so 10 mins later I walk back in the store and there she is....back already" she says. so i go pick out the book and walk up to the counter. i didn't see another person who was working (weird for boders, ) so i go to her to checkout. she says " so what did you finally decide upon" so i hand it to her in a manner that she can easily read the title and in my most upbeat and cheerful self i say "this one" so as not to yell out "the 512 page book on how to grow pot!!". she takes it and says it surprised her how many books there were on the subject and that maybe it's just that she's a square. upon grabbing it she's like, wow thats heavy-and i'm like, yea, it's the heaviest one thats why i bought it. ok, so at point, i'm thinking the transaction will end in the usuall uncomfortable silence when buying a book about growing pot from a grandmother. then she goes into this story about how she was in salt lake city with a friend and found herself in some chapel. she had on her favorite shirt, which was this all white shirt with some big sparkly green plants on the front. and she went on to say how much she loved this shirt. she's sitting in the chapel and looks over to her friend who had a pack of cigarettes rolled up in his sleeve. she's like, that's a little in appropriate, don't you think, since where in a chapel- and he tells her, your the one wearing the shirt with the big pot plant on the front. she had no idea! she's like, i was on a road trip and wore this shirt all the way across the country and i never knew... i know who to look for at the cash registar when i'm at borders

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