Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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I don't know what is acceptable to talk about the medical field and what's not --so -- It's O.K. if this post goes away !--
Speaking of mammograms ? -- I used to build breast for a living and we made some fine ones !
It ain't that complicated Rose I grew up and as a young man I made my living working steel -- Joined the army and in thier wisdom they trained me as a cop !-- What's the difference in being a Military Policeman and a regular street cop ? -- A civilian Policeman will rarely have to deal with a trained killer !-- Ever body a military Policeman deals with is a trained killer !-- I got out the army and was out for 5 years things weren't going so well so I reenlisted and they made me go thru basic training again !-
I picked Operating Room Scrub Technician off a list as a professional! -- Scrub ? -- I figured I could learn to clean bout anything --No shooting even in war time and a hospital was air-conditioned! -- Wasn't no body ever gonna use my mind and throw me out when they had what they wanted ever again !-- Yeah ! -That seemed like the job for me !-- I had no idea I would end up elbow deep in someone's belly or hold a beating heart and pour wet snow-covered ice on it to make it quit beating !-- These things were beyond my imagination at that time !-- I have worked on every part of the human body !-- A surgeon may do surgery
2-3 days a week -- I was in there at least 5 days a week for 20 years !-- I seen stuff U don't even want to know about !--- My reality would give U nightmares !
What drove me back into the army ? -- I was doing R&D for a concrete machine company in Illinois -- I built them a new type of concrete machine and set thier shop up to mass produce it -- I think it is still being sold today -- I received an engineering bonus and a pink slip on the same day !-- They had what they wanted !-- My services were no longer required !-- I swore I would never build for anyone else again and reenlisted in the army !
I was coming up on 8 years in the army and one more enlistment would put me at 12 so might as well do 20 ? -- I started looking around because if I was gonna stay I would like to be an officer !-- With my education the only option was to become a warrant officer helicopter pilot -- So I applied to rotary wing flight school -- Spent a year learning to fly then got in trouble bout some things in my past and they "Allowed " me to resign !-- I got off easy !-- They wanted a name real bad !-- That name was mine !-- I wouldn't tell them sheet !-- Told them I was more afraid of him than them !-- Man slapped me upside the head !-- I went back to the OR and finished up my enlistment and got out and went to work in civilian hospitals !-- I'm fly again and in something that will coast a little again one day !-- Helicopter fall like a rock and ain't no jumping out ! -- Ain't no Rollercoaster got nothing for me !
Oh my gosh that looks good RE. Yummy. really a nice job on that. Love me some harlequin for medicine.

Umbra, i think it is so cool that your mom became a lawyer in her 50's. Maybe i take one class, thanks for the vote of confidence.

Keef, you better right a book about your life.
RE U got it now !-- Just do whatever U did to this one again on the next one !--
He got the disease ya'll !-- Next symptom is VCD -- ( Variety Chasing Disease ) -- I used to think of it as an independent disease by it all stems from growing weed --Not smoking it !-- Oh we smoke da hell out some weed but then we back in the grow room !
Rose -- Keef and Friends ? -- Maybe this is my book ?

I know there lots of blanks but they got dis thing called "The statute of limitations " -- I ain't saying sheet bout somethings !
I think I enjoy growing as much as smoking but ya know we gotta sample what we grow...
I got Brussel sprouts and cabbage heads forming now in my backyard garden too...
Rose I took a class at the local community college 6-7 years ago ! -- Life Span Psychology !-- I was gonna see if I could manage to finish the last few classes I needed for nursing school !-- I got a "C" -- I was a madman still addicted to morphine !-- It was a good time but I had trouble competing with them young whipper snappers and all they tech !-- The teacher who was a heavy smoker saw my e-cig one day and said U can use that in class I don't mind !-- Little girl behind me said he already does U just don't see him !
It was generally agreed I should probably not come back !-- I was not there to entertain but if some found amusement then --Oh well !- I was not intentionally disrupting class !-- I had a good time !
Sometimes I worry bout my mind a bit, I’ve only been growing weed for a little over a year but yesterday while doing some after Christmas cleaning, I found two jars of weed that I had put away in a cabinet and completely forgot about.
RE I consider smoking a part of growing !-- Somebody got to do quality control !-- I do agree though !-- A mime is a terrible thing to lose !
When I went off to Korea to be a cop the people back home my age were learning to work hard and build a future along the value of the dollar --I was in Korea learning different stuff -- For instance I learned that there was stuff in Korea that people back home wanted and there was stuff back home the Koreans couldn't get !-- Things like I could buy a bottle of Johnny Walker Black Label for $5 at the base liqour store and this bartender I knew would give me $25 for it !-- I was simply an expediter who knew some people ! --
D.D. made me get legal when she found out some stuff after we met !-- I was forbidden from just going to get some money !-- Apparently that ain't socially acceptable ! -- Hey everyone was happy I didn't see the problem long as U didn't get caught !
I considered what I did as just assisting in an honest transaction -- My little brother had a whole different approach to paying the bills !-- Once he and his Krewe stole the same tractor 5 times and resold it !-- All he had to say was " That's what U get for buying a stolen tractor ! --Not like they gonna report it !"
There's this place on the river --deep in the East Texas Piney Woods that U can't find unless U already know where it be !-- I don't remember where it's at !-- Anyway last time I saw that place it looked like a boat /4 wheel RV storage facility !-- I did not ask a single question !-- There are some things U just don't want to know ! -
I wasn't gonna watch any news today but I got a notification on my phone !-- Bannon done spilled the beans on the royal family and it's gonna be a happening next couple months !-- He was talking about treasonous meetings and money laundering even the grooming of Ivanka to take over power when he retired !---Like the other Family Dictators do when they pass down power to thier child ! - Like a dam soap opera !-- I'm have to see what kinda spin Fox can put on this cause U know they will !
I see Keef aint got much to say,,,,,,,,,,,, who is that mask man in the sky,,is it a bird,,a plane,,,Nope,,its Super Keef...
What up Hopper ? -- U need to come around more !-- Super Keef ? -- I wish then I wouldn't be Kripple Keef !
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