Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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I'm waiting for Umbra to tell about his D&C show !-- I been listening to some John Mayer lately -- He should have been there?-- He don't get enough credit for his ax chops !-- I been down with Dead and Company featuring John Mayer for awhile-- All Along the Watch Tower - They be kicking it !
It's taken me all day to recover. It was a blast. Wound up getting tickets for both nights, only I'm passing tonight and son is selling extra ticket when he gets there. Tons of folks were looking for tickets last night. Across the street from the Chase center along the water front there was a Shakedown Street where all the merchandise and drugs and food and beer were. Lots of T shirts, patches, pins, glass pipes and bongs, and lots of turquoise jewelry. We partied with a few people before the show. 1st time I saw people selling balloons of NO2. They opened with Shakedown Street, but John started playing Terrapin Station, lol. Encore was Dylan's Quinn (the mighty Eskimo).
Hey Gloman !- U in there ?-- I think we need to make a country version of them fancy extraction machines -- Start with your still - running freeze concentrated sugar mash --Concentrate it then run it thru the still as usual -- U freeze the water in that worm box don't U ?-- Anyway the liqour flow out the worm and into another frozen worm -- In that worm is a container with an ounce of hash in it !-- Alcohol filter thru the hash in the 2nd worm picking up the goodies - then run out the other end like the 1st worm - Run it until U hit the tail -- Put the extract in a container inside the still taking note of the volume -- Fire it up and run the still again -- Throw out the head -- When the run is done U got RSO in a bowl in the still -- I'd leave a little alcohol in it to make it easier to handle - and finish it outside the still -- Now what we gonna do with the twice distilled liqour ?-- I gots some bottles and a nice corker ?
I used to freeze the worm box but then I added 2 pass thru nipples so now I use cold water from the kitchen sink faucet going into the bottom of the worm box and warm water from the top runs out the top hose to the drain.
Was catching up on news about Iran/Iraq-- Peace in the middle East?- Not in my lifetime !-- Lots of antisemitic attacks in New York -- They also talked about climate change and Crocket's fires in Australia -- Dudes this a messed up world we live in !- We need a new clean one !
Before cyclic destruction and reconstruction of society begins again !-- Planet of crossing ?-- The original "cross"-- Home of the Nephilim - disturb the planets as it draws near -- causes disasters like Noah's flood - earthquakes and drastic climate change ( see when the Sahara was green)
We all gonna die !- No doubt!-- It's the end of the world for sure !-- U ain't gonna need it so give me all your money and stuff !-- I'll put it in a safe place !-- Never seen no U-haul behind no hurst !-- Buy yo guaranteed entry into heaven right here !
Is the rainforest still burning too? I read Africa was on fire as well. I do not know if Africa is really on fire. It seems like the whole world is on fire.

I found this
Tonight, western mass is blanketed with a peaceful layer of wet snow. The hens and i are stuffed to the gills with italian food, Dog is snoring behind me in the comfy chair as I finish a bowl of golden lemons and a nutritious glass of potato juice, and i have to be at work in 7 hours. Bed is singing its siren song and I'm headed straight for the rocks.
happy new year's, old fart family. Be well : )
Good Morning OFC...Happy 2020!... It was quite here till midnight...then a cascade of gunfire...explosions and fireworks shattered the peace...sounded like they all had a good time. We have 34* this morning...headed to 56* for a high...increasing clouds today and 2 to 5 inches of rain moving in tomorrow. I hope for the totals to be a bit lower....river is easing up again....around 42' now....flood stage here is 48'. Humanity is not done yet....but we have hit a new bump in the road...we keep proving there is no cure for stupidity....HotDog...we got a whole New Year in front of us...plans...I do not make yearly plans in advance...cuts down on disappointments and legal matters. I do have thoughts of the cannabis we will all grow this year...I am drooling now.Wake...Bake...live 2020!

In Kilgore Trout's "Venus on the Half Shell"... After Earth is destroyed in a cleansing by a superior species.....the sole surviving earthling Simon Wagstaff searched the universe to answer his question of...why do we live to only suffer and die?...He finds the oldest race in the Universe...who happens to be cockroaches and Bingo is the oldest of them...he actually knew the creator. When asked the question....his answer was....why not?
Good morning yall!
It started off good but when I went up to take care of my aunt she was fired up and loaded for bear, waiting for someone to argue with. lol. God love her, she's struggling, but it ain't easy always being the bad guy. No good deed goes unpunished. lol
Lets see if we can reset with a bit of lambs bread. :)
OH.......And by the way...........I'm a LEGAL Grower now!!!! (even if my plant count Is high) that's a separate fine.
I SWEAR I never thought I'd live long enuff to see the day.
The fight ain't over, but we WINNING!
Now we gotta change our southern brothers laws!
Good morning yall!
It started off good but when I went up to take care of my aunt she was fired up and loaded for bear, waiting for someone to argue with. lol. God love her, she's struggling, but it ain't easy always being the bad guy. No good deed goes unpunished. lol
Lets see if we can reset with a bit of lambs bread. :)
OH.......And by the way...........I'm a LEGAL Grower now!!!! (even if my plant count Is high) that's a separate fine.
I SWEAR I never thought I'd live long enuff to see the day.
The fight ain't over, but we WINNING!
Now we gotta change our southern brothers laws!

Its baby steps Gman...but at least they are taking them...Alabama made a bit of progress...but the LEO's there were quick to point out "we are still enforcing illegal possession of cannabis".....do not want to loose their cash cow maybe? Louisiana pushed ahead with Hemp production changes...its little but just seeing a field of Hemp may soften the public view of the plant. I will take anythng they throw out there...kinda see it as a 5 year plan in this area for change. They fight any change here...good or bad...been that way for 160 years or so...their eyes are still covered.
Morning OFC -- My new years resolution - Survive the year !
I think a long time ago all the smart humans packed up and moved to another planet -- We the descendents of the short bus people who stayed here !--
Yeah weed be legal here one day but by then I could be dead -- So catch me if U can !- Prohibition is all I've ever known !-- Here's your finger !
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