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It's simple to me !-- D.D. makes good money as a specialty nurse !-- She wants out and I want her out !-- There's only one way I can make that happen !-- Weed !-- To get her out the hospital and keep our lifestyle it's gonna take 5-6 thousand a month !-- This be the only skill I got left !--There's no more ace in the hole !-- If the job starts making her sick ?-- Law or no law I got this !--- I can't see me doing anything less !

I would be an awesome cannabis nurse! RNC: Registered Cannabis Nurse. I could hold 3 day "anti-anxiety" camps! I think I'm on a mission from.....
Good morning all

Kraven, we had a blast. They think the world of you.. It was very fun.

Umbra, did the cbd help the RA?

Keef, tell DD, i can make some oil, i just don't have enough harley, it would have to be out of something with thc in it. Is he cannabis naive? Can he handle that? It would be a hodge podge of leftovers, good leftovers. I can do that.

Actually, I believe that a nice combo would be best. He has such pain even with all the heavy stuff. Sleeping's difficult also, so I think it would help that too. As we talked, his eyes lit up with some knowledge.
Yall sure are. Not me,,,my Great great great grandfathers name is Quanah Parker. My papa Parker lived to be 99 yrs old and had smoked since he was 7.
Got pharming to do today !-- I been using that one bloom box like a rotation to keep us in smoke till I get the other 6 boxes big enough to flip !-- Got to get some Bubblicious cuts in the Zombie Juice ! Might have a pic or 2 of something special soon !-- I also got to check pH !-- It's a pain but nessesary ---Got a good pH meter--- measures to .00 but it's slow !-- Takes awhile to pH 3 boxes in the nursery --6 in the main grow and the box I'm using for bloom !-- Time to change the pump filters soon !
Seems I may have created a Bubblicious tetraploid !-- It is gonna need a name !-- Double Bubble ? -I don't know it's the name of one plant not a variety !-- Within a month I'll be sling Zombie Juice hot and heavy !-- They gonna mess around and give me the time to come up out here after the end of prohibition with some monsters !--
Actually, I believe that a nice combo would be best. He has such pain even with all the heavy stuff. Sleeping's difficult also, so I think it would help that too. As we talked, his eyes lit up with some knowledge.

I will get on this DD.
I already tucked her in Rose !-- One more then she'll have some time recover !--- She went over and got her sister's place set up for thier Cuz to come home !-- D.D. explained about starting the RSO treatment when he got home and she said he was looking forward to it !-- Sooner or later someone over there gonna have questions about weed !-- Not sure I want to answer them !--I'm not sure I them to know I grow yet !-- Maybe I just tell them I found it ? --
Break time !-- Coffee and another bowl ? -- Things about to get complicated back in the grow room !-- I got this box in another closet I'm using for bloom! -- When I flip the 6 boxes in the walk in closet I have to leave room for those plants because I plan to move my nursery /cloning station to that spare room closet and move that bloom box back with the others !-- I keep forgetting it !-- It's complicated for an old stoner !--- My solution ? -- Let D.D. decide !-- Looks like this will put us over the top and weed independent for good !

I still think I'm on the right track to produce hash oil cartridges !-- Even if they dropped weed from all schedule there are going to be rules about where U can smoke !-- When people in the prohibition states find out about it they gonna fall in love with it especially the younger users !-- I think the price will go up to start then settle in at about $50 for a half mil. Cartridge !-- So I still plan to strip the fan leaves and turn everything else to CO2 oil for cartridges !--- Grow it -- process it --package it and send it to a wholesaler in may be New Orleans ? -- No one around here would ever know what I do !-- Rose said something once about a How to grow weed seminar --Cost --$1,000 ?-- I could put program together !-- Might have to fly in special guest speakers from the O.F.C. !-- They asked about dirt pharming I tell them that is such an easy question --I'm gonna let Rose answer it !--( cause I don't know about dirt pharming )
So which part of U gets deported Hopper ? --- Plus there had been people before the Amer--Indians came over that had been wiped out !-- When the skeleton of " Kennewick Man " was found and predated the Indian and it was the skeleton of a Caucasian --They did thier best to keep it buried !-- Then there's the Clovis people !-- So Hopper U an immigrate too !--

I better hurry before Donald builds the wall and I cant get back home. :rofl:
Cuz U know I know exactly who Quanna Parker was !-- Fact is we all Africans !-- Somewhere in the way , way back a women had a mutation in her DNA that she passed to her children !-- Don't what it was but her children were better at survival than the other bloodlines !-- They all died off except for Granny's bloodline !-- The real and true Eve !-- Mother of us all !-- Whether that mutation was natural or not is in question !-but it happened and here we are !
Hopper that would explain religion wouldn't it ?-- An inbred urge to serve the gods ? -- Dude if we was made to mine gold for the "gods" like the Sumerians history says wouldn't they have tried to make us subservient to them !- I saw a statue of one of the Ananaki-- the Sumerians gods --and he's wearing a wrist watch !--
U got to put dashes in between the letters to get around the auto censor Hopper !-- I got a feminized variety called Moby D-i-c-k !
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