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Telling your age Umbra !-- I hear they can now modulate light waves the way we manipulate the length of sound waves to carry a message !-- That would be some quick communication !
Umbra --About light would it be possible to heat the atmosphere with a laser and cause a hurricane and guide it into an enemy coast !-- Say a storm like Katrina ?
HAARP? Just take metallic powders and spray them in the upper atmosphere then aim a larger microwave or radar at it to heat it up and all kinds of weather changes will happen.
So Umbra what U know about the Aurora Project -- Pulse detonation engines --8,000 mph space planes ?--
Umbra -That would be the proper answer !-- I don't even have a garage !-- U can call home and ask my wife !
3:45 and and I'm up from the night terror !--I haven't had this problem in awhile !-- Don't even remember the nightmare but I'm wide awake !-- Where's my pipe ?
Hi guys,,,Sorry i haven't been around for awhile. Im dealing with a horrible thing right now with my Mom. My Mom is the strongest women i have ever known. She hasn't been able to eat in over a week,,my Dad gives her water with a syringe. I don't know how she is hanging on. Me and my Sister already said our goodbyes and are not going back out to see her,,Per her wishes. Its the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. I would rather be shot again several times.I have cried so much my eyes are almost swollen shut. Thanks for being my Friends
2 questions.....first one ...If they can put everything you know in a one inch chip, why can't they build an electric car that charges itself going down the road?
Second question. is how the h$ll do they put everything on the chip?
one of the hardest parts of life Weed. Sorry you are going through it .
2 questions.....first one ...If they can put everything you know in a one inch chip, why can't they build an electric car that charges itself going down the road?
Second question. is how the h$ll do they put everything on the chip?
They kind of do...the regen braking systems do it. It's not enough to fully charge a plug in vehicle, but depending on driving conditions, it can extend your range a bit. To put everything on the chip, optical computing using an entirely new technology.
Wake and Bake again !

I think my chip is broke !--

Hopper --Peace be with U Cuz !

Car got to make more power than it uses and that's tricky unless U want a nuclear car !-- The trick that would solve it was proposed by my man Mr. Tesla !-- Broadcast the power like radio waves and remove the fuel from the car !-- The companies making electricity was having nothing to do with it !-- Government took his papers after his death and it was never to be seen again !
Good morning... I seem to have a flu... Umbra, from my bed this morning I read your light explanation, that was very fun to read and try to understand. Thank you for posting that.

So.. the wind is blowing and my plants are blowing. need to get out there and put the netting around them... that is a two person job. I may call a friend to help mr rb.

WH, i am thinking of you every day.
So sorry for your sadness Hopper; I truly understand. No words can take away this kind of hurting. Wish I could tell you how to find peace, but I'm still looking myself.
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