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Evening O.F.C. What do you do when you live in a prohibition state, you have 6 adults and 9 juvenile plants and some sumbeetch tries to break into your house at 3:30 in the morning?

I called the law but it took a real effort to keep them outside. Thank goodness for Harley, the attack Shih- Tzu.
U didn't go to jail Nick so U musta pulled it off !-- I go outside to any meet anyone !-- So I can hear over the dogs !-- Po-Po been here too !-- No one went to jail !-- It woulda went as planned by the Po-Po but they didn't know about D.D. !-- When he threatened to put me in jail and have HER dog euthanized if he caught me on the road again !-- He crossed the line !--- I saw it in her eyes !-- I almost felt sorry for him !-- He left saying --Yes Ma'am -Yes Ma'am --Yes Ma'am !-- So funny to me !
I met 'M outside. I had the junkie sumgun at bay with my trusty. 45. Told the cop I'm ptsd and they need to deal with him. I think he was a crackhead.
Evening Nick !--3:30 in the morning? -- I would had to shoot them just on principle !--I used to be proficient with that old army 1911 --.45 don't play!-- It blows chunks off when it hits meat !- We been in the hot tub getting melted !-- That would be the time I would be most vulnerable !-- I got nothing but a 3 ft length of chain within reach !-- On second thought they might better bring a gun even then and use it !
get em nick. the wrong end of a barrel can be mighty persuading.
Morning OFC
Nick that is one of my biggest fears. Sound like you handled it well.

Only 3 beans sprouted. Should I put in some more or roll the dice, Hope for a female and learn to clone.
woodhippy, if you have enough seed go ahead and start a few more. but with a little luck you could get a girl from three sprouts.
either way, its a good idea to clone. cheaper, easier and faster than starting seed. i used a homemade bubble cloner from a coffee can and aquarium air pump. it did not work well for me in the summer because my home is too warm. i started rooting in dirt and it worked well. now i use jiffy pucks, easy and fast. and i have had such good success i have started taking less cuts.
well ofc, good morning. i had a rough evening. my chow was getting after my cat, well he was trying to. i walked over and fussed at the chow, who then turned on me and snarled. i reached out and gave him a little nudge with my foot and he turned on me. bite my boot and cut the leather. i kicked him hard and by that time my dane had ran over and attacked the chow for biting me. i was sick all last night from this. the chow has a swollen jaw from me hurting him. i know he didn't mean anything by it but i don't care what the reason was. you don't turn on someone like that. he is not a mean dog, but chows have tunnel vision really bad. once they get fired up they turn on anything that gets in the way.
its a hard decision to make. i love this dog, and he has been a good boy for years. but i feel like he broke a rule that is unforgivable. i told my wife, if he shows aggression again i will have to take The Walk with him. idk, i am sad, but i know what needs to be done. easy thing, and the right thing are never the same thing. i can't do it yet. i will give him a chance. sometimes i wish i was not the one making the decisions.
Morning O.F.C. !
Dam Dog I hate that happened !-- That's not an easy thing to have to do !-- Kinda the reason I keep little dogs !-- A Shiti-tzu can go ape sh** and attack U but it's mostly funny !-- We hold Shiti-tzu fights -- It is a horrible blood sport !-- Vicious little bastids !-- Ask Nick !

Nick -- Showed lots of restraint there !-- U coulda popped a cap on him and been right !-- U let him live !- That's a good man !-- Ain't no second chances !--If U come back won't be no talking !

Start some more seed WH !-- I like to start a half dozen at a time when I can !-- I usually get a girl if they germ !---Dog is right about cloning !-- I use an aerocloner and we been doing this awhile !-- Dog had a heat issue so found another way that works for him !-- I know some keep a mother to clone from but I been cloning clones for 3 years !-- No need to keep a mother plant if U have a rooted cut in veg !--
nick, i'm glad you didn't have to shoot him. i would take a life if i was put in the postion to do so. but it would make me sick. i am glad ole buddy was smart enough to act right when you had that peacemaker aimed at him. most folks back down when you got them dead to rights. i backed a group of guys down once with a dog by my side and a metal pipe in my hand. crazy white boy with a pipe. lol.
Damn dog, you know the rule.....no exceptions....what if it's a child next time. I'm really really sorry, I understand your anger and pain about what needs to be done. Honestly my heart says give him another shot....but he is not a small nor weak dog. I had to put down a friend I had for over 10 years for the same thing, once he saw that he could challenge my right to be the pack leader, it would have never be the same and like any animal it is instinctual, he will try you or another again. It is not my choice to make and I support however you handle it, just remember my thoughts are with you, this is a really tough set of decisions you are gonna have to make soon. Peace
Morning O.F.C.... Dog sorry about the chow that's a tough one....
Drying & curing here, been tough with the humidity we have been having....some repoting to do and we will fire up the flower room...
Cane in da house !-- How did that Purple thing do ?-- I finally got me one but it is unsexed !-- I only got one of another interesting thing too !-- A single from an accidental breeding -- Grand Daddy Purple mom with a Banana OG -x-(?) Father !-- I call it Umbra's Purple Banana !-- I hope both are girls !
See the head of that Black and white pup at my feet !-That's Jet !-- Spawn of Satan !--Getting into trouble is what he does !--- That's the bad dog -- Great big dog stuck in 5 lb body !-- He ain't afraid of nothing !-- He also convinced he should be pack leader !-- I had to get a grass burr from the corner of his mouth !-- He ate me up !-- I couldn't do that to a big dog !
Yo bud....haven't smoked any of the GDP X BR yet, it is in the jars..buds didn't have much size to them...everything is still a little green.for puffin...:)
Hold that ginger back, she looks angry...
That's why we clone Cane !-- It might do great inside next cycle !-- I'm still putting this Green Santa seed run together --U good ? -- Ginger is pissed off !-- D.D. got to work tonight so she in her day sleeping room with the door closed !-- Ginger is mad at me for not letting her in there !--
Hey that yellowish Nurse Larry from the pic yesterday? -- We put that nitrogen supplement and already the center is greening up as it moved down the leaves !-- Nitrogen deficiency? -- I can read U now and know how to fix it !-- Mainly I just keep it from happening again !-
Morning O.F.C. I feel like I really did restraint. I wouldn't have felt good about shooting him if I had too but he's nearly 70 from the looks of it pretty far gone. My biggest concern was keeping the po- Po out of my house. Once again I find myself looking at security issues. This time I was home.. What happens if I ain't?
I'm sorry YD, my wife is correct, not my dog, not my situation and tbh I have no right commenting on a very private and difficult issue you are facing. You didn't ask for advise, you really just needed to think out loud and my comments were not needed nor asked for and frankly were inappropriate. Please accept my apology.
Hey Nick maybe get one of those video doorbells or even a game camera or 2 !-- I'd want one that could get me a pic of the intruder and a pic of the license plate !-- Then shame on yo happy a** cause I'm coming to get my sh** back and I will be angry !
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