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keef ,I walk through them pot stores from time to time. Have never bought anything. Just window shopping. lol
Harry Ainslinger - The father of the war on weed !- May he burn in Hell !-- They gonna keep messing around -- I'll have that tetra developed and I'll haul a hundred clones to East Texas first spring at the end of prohibition !-- What Hippy say is true but another thing we don't talk about is plant limits !-- A show of hands !-- who has exceeded thier legal plant limit ??-- O.K. everyone can put their hands down now !-- All of U ?-- Bunch of Outlaws !--
Umbra, when I can put out the product that you can put out, then I will no longer have to visit the store... You must admit it is a great option for those that can't grow..
MJ should be legal everywhere.
I'm ready !---In Texas -- U can get up to 99 years for making an extract !-- Soooo I don't know nothing about that sort of thing! But - they change the law I got some friends who know about stuff and things !--I haven't grown outside in a long time and never with world class seed !-- I would do it in a heartbeat I have a problem -- I don't have to know what's wrong my friends will !-- I post a pic and say what's wrong and The O.F.C. will know !--
Keef, let me tell you about going to my first dispensary in seattle. It was more fun than nordstrom (back when i shopped there). You sit out in the waiting room and all the books were about pot... lots and lots of pictures of bud on the walls. Then they call your name and you go behind the curtain..(just like the wizard) and there is a small room with glass dishes with bud in them. Those are for you to smell and feel. Then in the glass cases there are beautiful glass jars full of beautiful cannabis trimmed nicely. There are big cone joints there are free joints there is a beautiful serving bowl full of rolled joints. The guy in the hallways is rolling them with a rolling machine and water so he doesn't spit on them. It was the most fun this old hippie has ever had shopping. OH and clones!

I have been to many since and none compare... But i do have a great delivery service for e pens and e oil.

So as you guys can see, i just smoked the Cindy 99X from harvest a couple days ago.. You may ask me to leave the OFC if i am this verbose every time i smoke this.

2.5 people took 3 hours to do one plant... done!! woohoo
Rosebud - I hate U so very very much !-- No I'm happy for U !-- Now I want my turn !-- I would go and buy just to see !-- I been watching Umbra and Kraven do some fine indoor farming and look at Rose !-- I can tell !-- - this isn't her first grow !--- Looked like the garden of eden out your window ! Bozzo got them pounders out there !-- The Hippy got a red cement mixer for making bubble hash !-- I need to step up my game !--
The stores around here are like walking into a Baskin & Robbin's. No curtains, a few posters, a long counter, and jar after jar of flavors. My money stayed in my pockets. Got too much of the stuff for free!
I done figured out which side of the weed sales I want to be on !-- Still I would like to see jars and jars of weed on a counter !-- When I get these storm seed -- when they come out the ground I'll know if I bought a lie and scream it all over the internet !-- If it is what it is supposed to be -- there won't be anything in a weed store that could touch it !-- --
Shrimp Etoufee over Rice with a squash medley and some crusty toasted frenh bread !-- took some caps about an hour before I ate -- feels like the food got me high !-- Toke or two and I got no worries !-
Hot shower, vermicelli & garlic bread, and bubble hash.

That slave driver I'm doing the van for said he'd work me two hours today. HA! Five and a half, with a ten minute break to toss the Frisbee for the pup. Gotta have a talk with the R&D department, too. Had to do a slight re-design on the overhead. I outta fire 'em (me).
You are up way too early mrcane. Good morning. I too am up too early. Only one thing to do.. coffee, smoke, nap?
Morning all, this is MOD weekend for me, so gotta go baby sit the morons we have for employee's. Funny how a recommendation I made from my office turned into me having to do a weekend every other month.....sad, but will check in again tonight 7ish or so.
Hurry home Kraven but have a good day. bless some peoples hearts out there like you do.
You are up way too early mrcane. Good morning. I too am up too early. Only one thing to do.. coffee, smoke, nap?

Yep..Morning again ,you were right Rose ,except Tea ,smoke,& Nap, Nice...
Made a mess yesterday !-- My RO system -( it's just a special set of filters that work of household water pressure)- make a gallon about every 15 minutes !-- Well yesterday I was filling a 35 gal box with RO water and forgot it was running !-- Remembered about it a little late !-- water everywhere !-- Hurting this morning probably from the clean up !-- left arm wasn't working very well either !- Caps are about to kick in !-- I'll be O.K. soon!
View attachment 230680. Caught this sitting in town when I got home today. Waiting on a siding for another train. Had nothing but passenger cars. I much prefer the whistle compared to the modern day train horn. That whistle is where country music came from.
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