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I know the rail line its taking. I could have gone down the road a few miles and waited for it. I know a dirt road that crosses the tracks that has a curve in a heavily wooded area. Over hanging trees. Would make an unreal picture to catch the steam locomotive coming out of the curve.

This is why I love old stuff. It's got style. It's made to last.
Very cool train... I had to ask my husband if that was WV as the coal and the pollution going on at the plants...Looked like dupont chemical used to.
Very cool engine.. like the bell.

Keef, you gotta get in shape man,,,, growing pot isn't easy.. Hope you are feeling ok.
Whooo...Hoooo Thanks Y.D. Sure would have been nice to be there...Any idea what she was up to?
So speaking of getting in shape I am going to attempt a ride to store on bike If my rear tire stays pumped up. Is 12-15 miles ea, way .So if I do not return please send ambulance.
I know I need to get in shape but I'm like a bicycle -- Two Tired !-- We were in the spare room last night talking about what was needed to turn it into a grow room !- Now that I'm supplying our medical needs maybe I can grow some real weed ! I promise to start moving more.!
So the diesel's could not handle the load, put some real muscle upfront.
Welcome to the O.F.C. Checklist !-- it says you're on a quest for knowledge !-- if it is knowledge about growing weed U seek -- U just hit the motherload !-- -- Left arm is still not working right but the thumb is !-- Got a couple days to heal up !-- U don't let RO water sit for at least 24 hours U have to chase the pH !-- Mane I bout got this water pharming down !-- Rose Growing weed is hard work but I got a side kick who helps !-- For a long time after my fall I had to carry the left arm around in a sling -- got pretty good at working with the one good arm !-- over using the left irritates the nerve root in one of the bulged disc in my neck !-- I let it rest a couple days and I'm good ! The caps really help !-- I complain about my aches and pains but I shouldn't even be able to walk and talk at the same time !-- I'm good !
Mostly bubble rain water. Happy to here you kicked the odds Keef! Great place here, thank you for the welcome.
2.5 gifted Blueberry ( 1 week and 2 weeks) and 3 AK48 (5 weeks) in amended soil. Between house stuff , work and lazy (relaxing), have not started the grow journal. Now is a great time to start, thank you for the push Keef!
I run a Sea of Green rotation Aero under LEDs !-- I've been phasing out a Widow I been growing for over two years and the Tranquil Elephantizer is about to take over -- I 've got a couple Blueberry Blast X BPU bred by Umbra -- A normal one and one that came out the seed producing 3 leaves at a time instead of 2 -- Trips doesn't want to clone !-- and a Black Rose X GDP !-- I'm bringing in a Frankenplant the winter -- A tetraploid variety called the Storm from BillyBudd out of Canada -
Whooo...Hoooo Thanks Y.D. Sure would have been nice to be there...Any idea what she was up to?
It was a local engine in Georgia. Was restored and is making a few runs along one of its original routes. Called the 21st century of steam. Something Norfolk Southern is doing.
Love the old steam, put in 30 somthin years Wo***** on locomotive Eng.s But they were on Tugs..
Oh Keef you take it easy one day at a time Been there Bro Lost the use of my left arm for about 18 months back when I was 19ish,Docs said that I would never move it again tricked them Eh.. Dam Motorcycles or was it the 714s:confused:
Cane took me a minute --been a long time since I saw those numbers in that order !--
Ouch, broke my toe in the middle of the night, managed to kick the piss outa the chest of drawers, hurt so bad went back to bed without using the bathroom. I looked at it this morning and it was crooked so I pulled it back out straight....that sorta pinched a bit...then went to work and by mid day, it was just getting hard to walk on, came home around 6:30 and decided I better take a look and really see how bad I dinged it up, yup did a fine job I did.
Hey Kraven did U have a religious experience when U pulled on it ?-- I don't think there is a good place to get hurt !-- For me it always seems to be the face ! Take care of yourself !
Yea been 20 years since I last dinged them up good like that, last time I dropped a marble shelf on them. Oh well, it will heal.....Keef .....I think I might have pooped a little when I reset it.
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