How many Lights in a 10x12 room for max yield

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i misread your post so your getting leeks still aside the door like you said foam strips or black plastic. every room i have done has been lined with black plastic to unsure no light
3rdbase- im using 4 600's with super sun2 hoods and 1 1000 in a radiant ac hood, all my hoods seal pretty good with foam all the way around them!

dy pyro- lol its alright its entertaimemnt lol! i dont have no batts for my camera ill take some pics later for you bro. its pretty much around the door though! ill take some pics later
so put some panda film in front of the door??? i was planning on painting the walls flat white and calling it good, i dont think im gonna use mylar or panda film! a lil fake wall with it in front of the door along with a zipper should be good! that way when i go in there light dont leak out as im walking in!
Hi albino im good hope you are too man.

anyway your door leaking a little light easy fix pin some battens along the top and bottom and both sides from the inside pretty close upto the actual door then stick some draft foam along the edges so when the door shuts it compresses the foam hey presto no light leaks.

All of your lights are being cooled from 1 x inline fan may not be enough to cool but considering you appear to be pulling air through 4 x 600's into the 1 x 1000 and out the inline fan id expect heat to build up along the way and personally i would pull air from the fan from the outside pushing it through the lights.

anyway where are the plants


im good, just working on this room and my house still. so put the fan in front of the set of 400's??? so that would be a sealed vent system then right???? i would need another inline for room exhaust! a inline fan on the ceiling sucking air out???? sorry im new to all this and im just trying to learn and ask as many questions as needed, thanks

there veggin up in the 3x6 closet
Basically instead of pulling air through your lights and exiting out of your inline fan do the opposite and push the air through your lights p.s its says on your schematic 4 x 600's btw and exiting out of the room in other words just turn your inline fan around and re-attach the ducting then jobs done.

Yes an inline fan hung high in the room as heat rises therefore thats the best place to situate one would be needed as your other inline fan is purely to keep temps down in your room.

Any q's fire away man

T4 has some good advice on the light leak, and that is pretty much what I do to "light proof" door ways. Another thing is to build a "light trap" just inside the room where the door opens. I hang Panda from the ceiling to the floor just around the door way and use a Tarp Zipper to get in and out. That really helps cut down on light leaks with higher wattage rooms.

Your pic shows excatally what I was talking about, but I too agree that it MAY just not cool all 5 lights enough. As far as pushing/pulling, I do not think it will make a differance as afar as one cooling better then the other.
weather you pull air from the 600 side or the 1000 side, it still goes thru all hoods right?

I allways think it better to pull, and the MAIN reason is if you push, you WILL push small amounts of hot air into the room. Period. The MINIMAL leak you MAY have by pulling air and having "stinky room air" enter the hood cooling system is nothing to worry about and it will not be a cause for alarm or smell.
With the hoods you have, that glass will suck wight up to the foam seal around the hoods, and if you pushed air bro, it would try to seperate the seal and force hot air out, IMO.

The 6" room exhaust is the blower you need to have tied to a Carbon filter.

WORST case, you will need another blower and string up 2 of the 4 600's to one blower, and the other 2, 600's and the 1000 to one.

We are rolling into winter, so I think you can get a couple of clicks off before you really have to worry about big heat issues, so I think you can run with that one 8" for the next few months.
T4- wat are battens???? my door is a outswing so would that still work in my case?????? i plan on puttin foam on all sides of where the trim is gonna go so when the door shuts theres foam in fron of it in the room to block the light out like u mentioned! theres foam on the door casing but that sht sucks! ok so i will use my 6inch eco fan for the room exhaust along with a diy caron filter! then ill have my vortex exhausting the lights on a sealed system! pulling outside air from the north of the building and exhausting out the south of the building out the gable vent!

NORCALHAL- ya im gonna throw up some panda film and make a lil door with a zipper so no one can see theres a light in there at night when i go in there! you know wat i never thought about that with pushing air, it really will try and seperate the glass from the hood and IT WILL LEAK HOT AIR correct????? that makes a lot of sense! if i pull it will suck the glass to the foam and seal it pretty tight! i got another 6 inch laying around if needed so ill keep that in mind! so just attatch the diy carbon filter to the fan and hang them both off the ceiling right??? now is that room exhaust gonna run 24/7?? ya hopefully i can get 2 or 3 clicks off by april or so!

im going to the store to get batterys then ill take some pics for you guys, ill have some bud porn for all you guys too, oh and gals didnt forget about you 2dog lol
the first pics are of the door not being light proof that u guys wanted and the other is of the room with a whole bunch of trash in it. o and some babies hanging i just cut down lol! the res of the pics are some bud porn for u guys of some sour diesel, kryptonite, g-13 and ice queen! these came out of the tent a few weeks ago and are finishing outside now!

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heres some equpiment and my plants vegging (grape punch, blueberry cheese, kanaga, shiva skunk, purple rock, purple kush, sour diesel, sour bubble, blue dream and a bubba kush)

oh and heres some poor lil seedlings! i dont know wats wrong with them :(

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those seedlings need many things...the light closer..watering more often, no nutes til 4 weeks, dead leaves get removed and flushed in my house because they will mold...light should be as close as comfortable heat wise also do you have airflow in the room and what is the temp...
well i just tested my water here at the new house and the ph in 8.2! thats a major role in all my plants health! i should immedietaly flush all them with 6.0 - 6.5 phed water huh?????? im getting GH's ph down right now, be back in 10 minutes

o the seedlings are probally about 2 months old or so
I would replant them into something bigger...then water with the good ph water...then get them under a light close as possible..even if they are old enough for nutes they may be root bound,.and too small for it.
the reason they are so tall and not bushy is they are straining towards that light with all their might...
i dont thnik they need to be transplanted! there hasnt been no growth or nothing im sure there root structure is very very weak and isnt producting! im gonna go look at them right now though! OH YES THEY DO NEED TO BE TRANSPLANTED! THEY ARE REALLY ROOTBOUND! I JUST GOT PH DOWN AND SOME WATER MIXED UP AND CLEAN 10 1 GAL POTS FROM A PREVIOUS GROW AND AM TRANS PLANTING THE SEEDS IN THERE AND A FEW CLONES! ILL BE BACK IN A FEW
glad u r taking care of em hope they make it!! my Blue widow didnt grow much and was still root happens.
thank you. yuuuum some blue widow sounds nice, wat is that some blueberry X white widow???

i transplanted them all in 1 gal's! some of them were REALLY ROOTBOUND! i hope they stay alive! i only have 1 more seed of ak48 and only 1 more of the white widow! i have 4 wonder woman though and 3 free seeds (white widow, blue hash, and cali hash) all from dynafem through Attitude seedbank. got them free with the beans i bought!
AlbinoDanko12GA said:
thank you. yuuuum some blue widow sounds nice, wat is that some blueberry X white widow??? quote]

Yep, that's what it is, i have one growing now and 2 clones i took from it.
I would love to have some hash plants they are supossed to be awesome...good luck with the clones and seedlings!

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