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Active Member
Jun 11, 2008
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I joined last night and have been reading everything I can here. I LOVE THIS PLACE! Everyone is so cool and helpful!

About me: I'm a 40 year old male married to a beautiful 30 year old Marilyn Monroe/Gwen Steffani/Christina Agulara look alike woman.

I quit smoking pot when I was 16 after smoking it every day for over a year and 1/2 and did start again untill about 2 years ago. Nothing against it, I just didn't want it.

My wife and are aren't the "typical" smokers either. We are both very light weight and we often just split a one hitter between the 2 of us on a Friday or Saturday night and just kick back and watch MST3K. A small bag ($50) of White Widow we got last year lasted us over 11 months. We are "economy smokers" LOL! We just picked up a bag of "Crystal" last week and are enjoying that now. From what we read it's a hybrid of White Widow and Northern Lights. It's more "giggly" than the White Widow but really good.

In our bag of White Widow from last year there were quite a few seeds. I don't know why I saved them, but I did and just planted them last week. Only 2 sprouted so I am just going to see what happens with them.

We live in one of the "Medical Marijuana" states so I'm not overly concerned with getting busted. My wife actualy does have medical needs for it and her dr. said he'd back us up even though he wouldn't "perscribe" it. Not to mention the fact that I know every cop in this town and know their dirty lil secrets as well (Uh man, can you pinch me off a lil bit of that? LOL!).

I'm looking forward to learning a bit here and maybe applying it to get some decent smoke for private use. I thank you all in advance for answering any stupid questions I have. I know how difficult newbies can be being a long time poster on several other boards and really thank you all for your hospitality.
Welcome to the group! I was one of those economical smokers too, but I have increased my tolerance as of late. ;)
Welcome to MP. Glad to have ya here and hope to see ya around. Enjoy the site! ;)

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