i need help with a male ASAP

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Mauwie Wauwie

Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
so today i went and pulled all the males in my grow box. but i want to keep my apollo11 x blue rocks male so i can get it to a friend so he can breed it.so what would be easier keep him alive and take him to my friend or should i just collect the pollen and give that to him. and how would i go about doing one or the other.
Collecting pollen means you are going to have airborn pollen which means it is going to be on your skin and clothing and all over your living area.

Gift the plant, let them do the business at the other end :aok:

I put plants in carboard boxes to trasnport..ice chests work great too. is it in a pot and moveable or do u need to dig it up?
thanks for the help so fast HIE and 2dog.so i couldn't just cut a spot off and put it in a plastic bag and lay it outside until they open and if that doesn't sound like a good idea what should i do to keep it alive outside my box til i can get it to him.i have some lights laying around and it would be in a different part of my place then were the box is
well u cant get it to him today....cut off some branches and put them into a bag for him...go nowhere near the balls...how long til he gets em man?? because u dont want to risk ur whole grow for a friend to breed, just saying.
A male needs a lot less light to stay alive than a flowering plant.

What kind of time frame are you talking about when you say your friend wants him?

well he wants the whole thing b/c he is in the middle of breed some others.so he wants to re-veg it and keep it a while.it may be a few days before he gets it.i want to re-veg it now since its only been in flowering a week
its a risk they could open...pollen travels everywhere...I dont even have any males and I ended up with some seeds in my BG...I dont want u to regret comtaminating ur grow...is it bitterly cold outside??? if it isnt u could put it there but same thing pollen travels especially with wind ...tough situation I would tell him to get his happy butt down here pronto if he wants it...
A re veg on a male will make the plant think it is the end of its growing peak and it will open its sacks to pollinate anything it can while it can.

thank goodness hip knew that or ur whole crop would be bred...wow.
well its moved out of the box and is under some cfls so i should keep it on a 12/12.i'm going to talk to him soon and try to get this thing out of here on monday or sooner

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