I'm going crazy trying to pick a vaporizer!

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SmokinMom said:
Does it come with good instructions Puffin? :p

I ordered the 42$ the other day, we shall soon see.

the other 1 [$50]had no instructions, but is very simple, fill it UP, turn it on, hit that hose :rofl:
I was rather hoping an electronic do-it-your-selfer member here could design one. It would seem to be a straightforward matter to heat a wire mesh with a battery to the proper temp? It would be great if one could attach it somehow to a bong, too.
I have owned a Volcano Classic, Volcano Digital, and Super Vapezilla.
It really is a tie between the two Volcano vs. Vapezilla depending on why and how you like to get high.
Are you a connoisseur of the herb? Do you blaze often alone? do you enjoy the taste more than being high? Then the Vapezilla is right for you. It takes some practice, and takes a bit longer to heat up than the volcano, but because you can control the amount of heated air passing through the herbs, you can control the density of vapor. With super dense vape, you get a taste I have never experienced any other way. I can only say it would be like taking fresh THC oil and rubbing it on my tongue. FRESH!
really, only get this if youre a TASTE freak.

The volcano is classy, built better, and the balloon system is optimal for passing. Because the air is blown at constant rate through the herbs, you change the density of the vapor only through variation in how much you pack in the bowl.
The digit isnt that much different than the analog, but I would for sure recommend getting the easy valve system (you dont have to buy new balloons, take the orange pieces apart and make your own sized bags!) because it snaps on the volcano which is more convenient than you might think!

vaporizing changed my life.

vapovise, fresh fluffy billowy vapovise.

OH, and you can do this when you get a volcano :)

by all means Smokin mom if you'd like you can copy and paste that info into its own thread for all who wish to find out info on a vaporizer

then just send me the link and i will continue by placing prices and info for all the digital models i feel are worth the price as well as some that are more affordable yet still functional.
I own and operate a Vapor Brothers daily. There is a whip instead of a bag which I find works well while vaporizing my mind everyday. I got mine online for like $160 and I have found that it works like a charm. You would want to get replacement screens which look like sink aerators (they are cheap) because sometimes when you clean the whip w/ isopropyl alcohol it cannot get all the resin off the screen in the whip. I could not imagine cleaning the volcano bags.

Anyways, I have made my own vaporizer out of a soldering iron and plumbing attachments and I have also vaporized off a digi volcano (I love digis because 392 is optimum temp) and own a vapor brothers. For being someone who loves to vaporize and almost prefers it over other forms of smoking...I am very happy with my Vapor Brothers as I use it everyday.
Weezy sez: " I could not imagine cleaning the volcano bags."

Thats good, cuz you don't clean them, after about 50 uses your bag starts sticking to itself and you know its time to put on a new bag. The bags are simple food grade cooking bags (for turkeys, chickens and roasts). That is the major drawback for the Volcano. At first it is hard to put a new bag on properly, but it gets easier as you figure out the tricks...they have developed an easier method and that is available for use with both the digi and analog Volcano's...

I hate to be the idiot to recommend this, but if you enjoy the smoking experience so much (as do I) I would buy a high quality bong from everyonedoesit.com they have sweet RooRs AND vaporizers. Let me know what you think about those RooRs. I own the yellow fairmaster and it's the best experience ever.

Honestly, I'd way rather have my RooR than a vaporizer but thats just me, I don't like the bag idea and it seems to me that the smoke would get stale by the 30 seconds it takes to fill up. I don't know, I hope not to offend the vaporizer users here I admit that I myself haven't tried one. I just enjoy lightin the herb in the bowl pullin' off the bowlhead and getting a huge hit. But thats just me.

It's personal opinion man so I respect any decision you make anyways.
RooRs are great Dom, but don't you get the feeling after such intense hits outta em that your lungs are gonna pop? Thats why I vape... And if the bag thing creeps ya out, just get a vape with a whip. The only thing about the vape is sometimes I don't want that heady high, I wanna be knocked out. I wishthey made a vape that somehow could do both kinds of high...
I smoke outta the bong most often[90%], I have a couple vapes too ;) I use more weed with the vape, but the taste is great :aok:
I too am thinking of getting a vaporizer, as taking smoke into the lungs seems to give me a cronic cough. I dont smoke cigs anymore, but did for a long time. I guess that is the legacy of smokin' the cigs. I did not know tho about the difference of the High tho, and am very glad I read this thread. I like both highs, one for day and one for evening. So, will follow this thread and see how Puffins $42 vape turns out, cant see spending so much on something I may not use. Sure wish I knew someone that owned one, to try.
The best way to get around the "difference" in the high you get vaporizing vs. plain old smokin' is to vaporize your medicine at the highest temp that you normally vaporize at. In the case of the Volcano, I start vaporizing at about 5 and a half and gradually turn the temp up to 7 as I go thru the medicine. That would equate to around 180 degrees far. up to 200 degrees.
This vaporizes the THC first, then some of the various cannabinoids, then finally more of the cannabinoids (as they all vaporize at different temps). Vaporizing at the high end of the scale causes all of the THC and cannabinoids to vaporize into the same bag, thereby giving you all of the effects at one time...hope this clarifies all this for y'all...

Gueeessss what? In the end I couldn't resist buying quality German engineering, so I went ALL OUT and bought a Volcano Digital. After I ordered it I was super nervous from the fact that I'd just spent over $600 on something I'd never seen in real life. But then it came this morning, and after some fumbling around with it I got it going and I gotta say... it's pretty awesome. :D

I still think the bag is rather undignified, but it is still definitely a more refreshing experience than smoking.


Thank you everyone for your input. I don't think I would have been able to make a final decision without asking you all.:p
andy52 said:
i have never used a vape before,but i just ordered the volcano,digital.it hurts the walletbut from what i've read and looked at,its the best way to go.i also agree that you get what you pay for.

Hey Andy, did you get yours yet?

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