Indoor start, Outdoor finish.

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Secret Grower
Feb 13, 2008
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so this is my first grow, im germing 6 right now, seeds are from a mix of a big white widow mom and some deadbeat bagseed dad... im hoping it looks like its mom....

anyways i started germing yesterday, ive got them in paper towel in an altoid sours tin. figured no light that way if i left it on the window sill for warmth. conveniently ive got a laser thermometer and i just shoot it from across the room from my comp (i do graphic artwork) at the tin every once and a while its been pretty consistent at 75-85˚F (too hot? too cold?)

only one has cracked and im almost 24 hours in....

I will take any advice i can get, ive been reading journals so ive got an idea of what i wanna do... heres my rough timeline, without times.... just stages...

1. germ till root is a little over 1/4 inch in tin (i guess ill do them seperatly as they progress differently....)
2. transfer all to a 8 inch pot with good dirt (planting soil) i was also thinking about going to the area where i am enevtually going to be planting them outside and getting some of that dirt and mixing it in so the get used to it (or should i do that later? or not at all?)
3. grow under lights (have to either read more bout lights or some kind soul could help me =p) grow till like ~11 weeks inside then transfer outside to grow location....
4. Ill do watering and nutes and trimming and all that prolly everyother day, maybe weekly or so....
5. and i have a friend who doesnt grow but he does dry a lot for people cause they sell it to him cheaper if he dries it himself and he said he dry it for me....

id be grateful for anyones help or input at any step...


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