looking for the straight dope

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Drama Free
Feb 22, 2010
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starting to panic---plants are looking great---3 weeks into flower---should be well into smelling up the space---yet---there is no scent---no sweet aroma of ganja growing---are the genetics bad---could it be the soil---
Smell is not relevant for some strains. Don't panic, if they look great, then they are great.The absence of smell does not guarantee bad genetics. I don't think the soil could be involved.I'm sure they will smell a bit later in flower, even thou it may not be "nose breaking".
Ya and three weeks is still a little early for that stank too. Just wait another 3 and see if they smell :)
Come on over to my house, I got all the stink you need...and some! :D
They probably smell better than you think. When you are the one careing for it, and you are around it all the time, your nose gets desensitized to the smell. Given that it only 3 weeks into flower, its probably not budding real hard yet, and it may be of the phenotype that it either doesn't have alot of smell or doesn't get it till the last couple weeks. Smell is definitely not indicative of potency tho so I wouldn't worry, just treat her right and see what she does at the end. :)
thanks for the positive feed back to all---i think i just got some wasted time behind me caring for these bitches---looks like it's time to scrap the veg room---start a new with something else and let the flowers finish out---
orangesunshine said:
thanks for the positive feed back to all---i think i just got some wasted time behind me caring for these bitches---looks like it's time to scrap the veg room---start a new with something else and let the flowers finish out---

Been more than a few times I scrapped vegging plants too soon, trying to stay ahead of the curve. Unfortunately, that has stung me once or twice. Plants that don't look like I think they should, or yielded off, that I would give my eye teeth to have back.. You are better off sticking with what you have until everything is said and done, or you end up kicking yourself over it.

THCbomb from nl would be one. Came up sat dom when I was determined to get indy out of it. Wish I had that one back..

SFD from Karma is another.. Crappy germ, crappy veg, crappy yield. Turned out to be the dankest bud I grew that whole year.. If just for headstash, would be nice to have that one back.

I know I can still get the beans, question is, can I replicate the phenos???
thanks nvthis---call me crazy---or---even greedy---but---my experience with plants at this stage have had the sweet smell of dank and it's just not there---yet?---still not sure if i am wasting my time vegging their sisters

on the camera now 101.jpg

on the camera now 103.jpg

on the camera now 102.jpg

on the camera now 105.jpg
You're almost there now dude. It will only be wasted time if you toss them rather than finishing them. Another guy on here had a plant that was seriously shabby that he had rescued from a friend that couldn't care for it. It is almost ready to harvest now and it looks totally dank at this point. They can really surprise you at the finish.
I gotta tell ya man, I've grown a LOT of strains. Some get it early, some don't. And like everyone has said, some never do and even those can be killers. Nice pics, BTW ;)

I have also yanked entire turns due to hermies. This sucks because it can catch you with your pants around your ankles. What I mean is the time it takes to veg new stuff and flip it can really eat into your potential harvests. It takes forever..

I do get what you are saying though.. And it's a tough gamble. Maybe you should start something else and keep these sisters back as very small moms? If the finished product isn't what you were looking for, then you lose very little... But once you decide to cut them, it's done, ya know?

BTW, if I may, what are you growing?
this is a purple peach---i made it---check out the dirty dozen purple peach run---not sure if i was clear with my dilema---pics above are the flower room---with no smell---got another room vegging for the perpetual harvest---and was tripping thinking i should jack the veg room cause these above are not giving me that smell i long for---don't want to waste my time and be stuck with back to back bunk---anyway---most seem to be pleased with how theirs turned out---but there have been atleast one other that is in the same boat as me
PuffinNugs said:
alot of the plants i grow dont get the stink till the middle mostly towards the end of flowering, then theres a nice flavor in the air.
I have had plants that had relatively little to no smell, at that point. One of the best buds that ever smoked had almost no smell at mid-flowering, and had just a moderate smell at harvest, unless I pinched on a bud. But that bud had one of the longest lasting Sativa up social high, that I had ever smoked.

But whatever you want to do. I would at least keep a cut, for a potential mom, if you like the smoke.

My fav, Medicine Woman has a very light perfume fragrance at the very end of flower. I like that in a plant. She is awesome smoke, just not stinky. The straight dope is don't judge a plant by it's smell.
:ciao: Rosebud---thanks for chiming in everyone---and thank you all for talking me down---the flowers stay---gonna wait a bit longer to see how thins pan out---those in veg will live another day---shape up or ship out
Never, ever, ever, ever toss your clone of a girl until she has completely finished. Ever. You just never know when you might of struck gold. Thats how I found the AK47 from Nirvana. Terrible veg, finicky, stayed real short(so yields worried me), 50/50 indi/sat. When she hit week 6, took off like a bat outta hell. Still one of the dankest plants I have ever grown.

Yes she is gone ): I made room for better things. Or so I thought....
no fear NC---all covered---these are not clones---plenty of beans left---also making f2---just in case i make the wrong decision
talked myself into an explanation of why there is no aroma---"terroir viticole"---term is usually associated in talking about the characteristics of the region where grapes for wine are grown---similar to 2 people together for a long time starting to look like each other---or a dog owner taking on the look of their dog---the plant takes on the characteristics of its environment--- it includes all the factors in the micro-climate---most interesting to me was soil makeup---in effort to mix my soil---seems like i was a little heavy handed with the soy bean, and kelp meals---anyway---overdosing with these 2 ingredients may have caused the sugars and starches in the plant to over power the natural aroma of the herb---it was incredibly hot at the transplant---if this is the case---most important lesson learned---note to self---more is not always better---unless you are making bubble hash---:D
The un named strain I've been running for the last 2 1/2 years has zero smell, even in flower. I almost tossed it, thinking like you. It does smell like crazy for a few days after the chop.

I was really worried about potency. Now, for *sociable* smoke, I have to harvest a couple weeks early. Fully mature, 2 hits are too many and I can't function.

The wife really likes the no smell part. The last thing I grew was Williams Wonder years ago and that was so stinky you could smell a 8" clone 50' away, outside.

ha ha---wetdog---gonna cut the soil mix with some more just straight soil for the next run---eventually it work itself out---funny you harvest early for sociable smoke---i prefer to tell peeps if they want to stay social and not drool all over themselves---not to be greedy and only take 1/2 a hit---:laugh:

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