My First Grow ever. (Bagseed)

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Okay, so i found out its only monday and tusday and i think there telling when they putting them in a box on my balcony with tarp over the box and putting everything in a box in my closet but the mylar...clothes will cover that....will the few hours of dark hurt them if the lights are suppodsto be on? Thanks.
Will health inspectors look through boxes or w/e on a balcony??
do you have an addict or crawl space? they not alot to look threw your personal things
Keep everything in a box. They cannot look through your stuff. I'd pull down the mylar in the closet though. As long as you make the stuff hidden you'll be ok I am sure.
Thanks everyone i got it resolved :) On with the GJ!! Updates comming tomorow
Your future gals are looking mighty fine there midnight, i think yer mini gals rival my mini queens any day :)
Well here are my 2 ladies...I decided to name my little one mini haha...shes 7 inches tall. The big girls doing great to...buds are really filling in and getting dense! Here they are...and Ak. your 2 mini's so beat my 1 mini :p haha. Enjoy!










A few more pics....Im going to pack everything up for that inspection first thing in the morning...they should be fine. :hubba:




I forgot to post pics of mini's hairs :p


Haha i love that pic of the big girl and little girl side my side. looking great man keep up the good work! cant wait for mine!
yea i though it'd help a bit :p Im going to harvest when shes 85% amber...and much bigger lol :) :bong1:
Wow, read the little health inspector post. I had a bad experience with something similar. (roomate forgot to tell us it was happening, and we had a party the night before)

Anyway, good luck with it all!! Lookin good!!
Okay well all morning i was taking dpwn the grow room and scrubbing floors and doing dishes and guess what i just find out....I go downstairs and ask the lady at the desk when there doing inspections and she says that its a 2 month process and we'll give you a 24 hour notice.....***!!?! The sign in the elevators say that the inspections are Monday and Tuesday February 4th and 5th...GRRRR!!!! So i guess im going to put back up the grow room...all that stress for nothing....:rant:
Hey mang you better make damn sure before you go putting your room back together. I would ask another person at your building about it before doing anything just to make sure. The last thing ya wanna do is put it all back together just to find out the lady was wrong. :eek:
I called the office and she was right....grow rooms back together...girls were in an hour more of dark than usual....Whoever typed and posted the notices needs to loose their job, even the office said that they were wrong.....Oh well....At least my place is realllly clean hahaha....Thanks TBG! Ill post updates in a day or two...:holysheep: And the inspectors should be comming in a month or two....pfft monday and
sheeesh... u got all paranoid for nothing :eek:

oh well... now you've got a nice clean grow room again :) ... that's always a good thing.
Yup! and i guess how i put it back together its much brighter now to..i didnt re-arrange anything either...its just alittle moved....Looks like it all worked out :p haha
That's what makes a grow box so much easier on a non-homeowner. When people can come in unexpectedly, no time to hide it then lol. You might want to think about that. Any cabnet that you can light proof will work. Some have locking doors... now that's a step in security. Locked doors are enough to keep most people out. "It's storage for sentimental personal effects." All clear!

Lady looks good MT. Can't wait to see her in full bloom.:watchplant:

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