Need help, and to know if I qualify.

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Oct 17, 2009
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So I am wanting to know what I have to do to get a card in Washington state, and Also I have period cramps and pain that make me cry and sometimes not want to move, also another thing is i am severely allergic to ibuprofen, would i be able to get a card? please any info is helpful, or links. THANKS!
Yo Ho dudette90,

Allow us first to welcome you to this wonderful place that is akin to a living library of friends, and growing your own. Please do peruse the site rules if you would, as this is a good way to keep yourself from any headaches. There are multiple ways to find this info for yourself instead of relying on what you hear.

You can first check with, ( NORML), to see what your state rules are. Another spot for valuable info is,

Be sure to replace the x's in the link to T's so that you can make the connection.

We like to suggest that you pull up a comfy chair, put you feet up and Oh-yeah, here hold this :48: there is some mighty fine reading here that may offer you a lot of help should you desire to grow your own.

Glad to have you here, and will look farward to hearing more from you. Maybe you can keep us up to date on how your doing, for the others that hail from the same area ?

smoke in peace
Hello Dudette90 I hope this can assist you until your card comes your way ! Remember to change the x's to t's in the links ! Okay, you are one of the millions of women who suffer from menstrual cramps and you want instant relief, don’t you?

Well , here it is, a natural home remedy, and you won’t believe how simple it is!

If you are not aware of Chinese medicine, then this might sound fairly strange but trust me, it works.

We have energy “highways” (meridians) along our bodies that transport “life force” (Chi). Along these meridians we have certain points (Acupuncture/pressure points) that act like traffic lights. When an imbalance occurs along one of the meridians the traffic lights turn red and the energy stops moving. This causes pain and dis-ease in your body.

We need to stimulate that point in order to make it green and allow the energy to flow freely again.

Now, there are certain points that correlate directly with our organs and bodily functions.

And there is a point for immediate period pain relief!


Now let’s see if I can help you find it…

This point is the 6th on the spleen meridian and therefore it is labelled Sp6. It is on both sides of your body but for now I’ll use your left leg as an example:


On women the point is normally a little closer to the shin bone. Feel around in that area and you should find a point that makes you want to yelp in pain.


Once you have found it exert pressure with a single fingertip for 10 seconds and then rub the sore spot for 10 seconds. Repeat 3-4 times whilst taking deep breaths.

You can use it as often as you like as a menstrual cramp remedy or as a precautionary measure.

This point increases uterine contractions and should be avoided during pregnancy.
THANK YOU SO much!!! I will keep in mind the rules, and thank you for the remedy and helpful information!
My pleasure ! I hope your card arrives soon as well !
Cool Aplaisia ! I'm glad you can put this info to use ! Cheers for the pm ! Asian medicines are an ancient form ! I have had some very comforting relief from this form of medicine ! Not the menstrual type ! But i know that pressure points play a big role in getting good pain relief ! Peace and allthe best !

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