New Buble head

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Nov 7, 2009
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Thanks for having me. I am a new grower. I have built an 18 plant Bubbletronic system. On steriods. All my pumps are beckect 240gpm. G.H. Air pump with four outlets. I am using Botanics Super pro and Cal Mag. My lighting. I have nine Brooder refective fixtures. In each fixture I have one 6000k CFL and one 2790k CFL. Light meter reads 8950 k on a 4' x 4' deck. 200 Watts per fixture. Thats my system.
The problem is I killed my first set of six plants by mis reading the nut guide. I burned them up. Figured out the ph. I understand the nute program. Have bought a couple Hunderd seeds from
Having problems getting them to germinate ( paper towel tupper ware)
I have corrected everything I think I am doing wrong. I am sure I am doing something else wrong. Willing to post pictures for better help. I am 55. Read everything I can. Still not getting it. My new hooby is flustrating em. Any help is welcome. Thanks.
Hello Rdpuck :)

Welcome to the forum.

How many days has it been while you wait for germination?

Are they somewhere warm?

hey there wlecome rd sounds like you have the most important thing...a burning desire to grow.
Got my seed box in my plant room. 79 DEGREES 39% HUMID. Checking twice a day to keep paper wet . It has been few days. Couple "trying "out of ten. I have a six plant tank set to go .Two more tanks waiting for more seeds to G. My wife had the green thumb I sure wish she would have lived to see the Green Rush in Colorado. Any how once I get something going I will post some pictures, as I said before thank you guys
Some seeds can take 2 weeks.

Open your mind.

A seed is a shell holding DNA.

Water is its trigger.

Some shells are thick and some thin, it is a waiting game to see which ones respond.

Not all do.

What is your water like? If you are using tap water, it can be high in dissolved minerals or have a high or low pH.
pH comes out of the tap at 7.5. The water is very hard. I get it down between 5.5 to 6.5. I let all the water set out in gallon jugs for a week at a time before I use it. Lottsa jugs in my grow spot. I have 16 gallons standing at a time. I think what you said about it taking two weeks to germinate...I guess in the flury of assembling and making numerous mistakes and changes. I have to remember to take a breath and let nature do its work. I have rebuilt everything at least 3 times. Now that I have it where it suppose to be, I can hardly wait. thanks again and again
Russ's pictures 146.jpg

Russ's pictures 147.jpg

Russ's pictures 150.jpg
Heres a couple shots of what I am trying to do . Thats mylar on the walls and base
Man, your setup looks nice! Don't sweat it, just read all you can on here and ask questions.

Just waiting fo a little G action. Once my seeds pop just maybe I will get some thru to budding. Thanks again to all that support for all of us newbies. Hey here is a news flash:




I'm mainly a soil guy for now. I do have a couple waterfarms stashed at the moment.
There are some downright serious hydro growers here-you'll find 'em.

When I germinated I used distilled water-did'nt check ph but should have-I can do that nowdays.
I used one of those little tupperare-like things that you can buy sliced turkey or ham in.
I used two paper towels folded over-one top-one bottom.
Then I just laid the lid on top and put up in cabinet-about room temp-and used a spritzer to keep them moist.It took 4 to 5 days for any opened up and these seeds were almost a year old.
Oh well, enough ranting and oh yeah...

:watchplant: Welcome to Marijuana Passion!!! :watchplant:

Thats a good Idea I haven't checked the ph in my spritzer. Just been using the standing water. Another piece to the puzzle.
Thanks Geezer
rdpuck said:
...Having problems getting them to germinate ( paper towel tupper ware)
I have corrected everything I think I am doing wrong. I am sure I am doing something else wrong...

Welcome RD!...or Puck!

Wow! Ok, you're a gear nut, that's evident! I lean far to the gizmo side myself, so I can tooootally dig it. Background in engineering, machining, manufacturing or EE maybe? Sounds like you have a solid grasp on the equipment end, kudos.

If I can share something from my most humble of travels; one of the most valuable lessons I ever learned was to change my energy when interfacing with any and all aspects of a growing thing. There are a million people here who are far more knowledgeable than I will probably ever be regarding the technical aspects of the grow (that's why MP is such a wonderful resource!), and I'll certainly defer to their expertise with respect to technique any day of the week.

My background is one that made good use of my inate ability and talent for systems and machinations, both analytically and practically. I was really good at this. To my dismay, however, it suited growing living things very, very poorly. I quickly found that I fussed altogether too much over my grows and gained poorly for it. I couldn't understand it! I had read all the literature, asked all the questions. Gotten all the right and timely advice, and had applied this with exacting precision. My operation was nothing short of surgical. It was spectacular, and was constantly having some problem. Again, I simply couldn't understand how such a smart guy, who surely paid closer attention to every single parameter of my grow than the average bear, could possibly be having problems. I had every GreenAir control device known to man, I had CO2, I had excellent light distribution, I had super-efficient on-demand ventilation coordinated perfectly with my CO2 and humidity controls, I had the best nutes, butyric acid, aerosol feminizers, I had top of the line pumps, even my airstones were bionic. No joy. Enter Mrs. Snax.

My wife - a born green-thumb, hero-to-animals, and supermom - counselled me to change my "energy," if you will, to one of a more analog, right-brain, fluid nature. It was weird at first and I didn't understand very well, but I kept at it, even talking to them (Nowadays I carry on huge conversations with my girls, much to the delight of my family who love to rib me about it). It worked like a charm! That was 15 years ago. I'm sold.

I know this sounds pretty woo-woo, and I don't blame you if you're rollin' your eyes, but I'm tellin' you there's something to it. I can't tell you the "how," at least not in an empirical way, but when I "backed-off," from an energetic standpoint, it allowed things to just happen. I believe that people who naturally display a demeanor more towards that end of the spectrum are those who we come to call "green thumbs." It's not magic (but close!) that's just the way they are naturally, where someone like me might be far more left-brain alpha types.

If I've mis-pegged your circumstance, please except my humble apologies. I just thought I might have detected a problem similar to mine, and I wish to help, now and always.

Success in all your growing endeavors my friend, you have certainly chosen the right place to seek knowledge.

~Snax (He Who Lurks)
Snax man...You just gave me something I have been missing since my girl passed away. Our house was full of all kinds of plants. My girl sang and talked to then all the time. The house was a jungle,birds, fish. Man, she always said sing to them Russ talk to them they will answer you more then you know..***.. I THINK IT IS TIME TO SIT BACK AND TALK TO THE GIRLS...She would have said " Quit trying so hard" Thanks Snax man...Time to treat the girls like the living things they are...You gave me somthing back today
I might add as my recollection of this event happened again...The cabinet that I put the tub in was right above my oven-big gas pilot-old thing..
It was probably mid 70's in there.
Hope this helps.
rdpuck said:
...Snax man...You just gave me something I have been missing since my girl passed away. Our house was full of all kinds of plants. My girl sang and talked to then all the time. The house was a jungle,birds, fish...

So, so sorry to hear of your terrible loss. It sounds like you and I may share a common experience in that the women in our lives acted as a foil to our, shall we say, "anal retentive" (always hated that label) tendencies, helped us find our centers, yeah? I would be absolutely lost without Mrs. Snax, I can't imagine the scope of such a loss. :( You must be very strong.

rdpuck said:
...She would have said " Quit trying so hard"...
BINGO!! Very zen. This is, word for word, the exact admonishment I hear from Mrs. Snax when my "laser beam" focus (also her words) threatens to "burn a hole" in something, like one my girlies maybe.:watchplant: She's fond of reminding me that these things have been growing without my help for several millenia now.

rdpuck said:
...Thanks Snax man...Time to treat the girls like the living things they are...You gave me somthing back today...
It is my humble honor and my pleasure sir. I wish you all the very best. You must miss your "jungle" very much, so I am sending you some of my "zoo" energy thru the airwaves.... feel it yet? :) We have plenty to spare; there's Mrs. Snax and I, five children, two Great Danes, two more rescue mutts, two rescue cats, fish, chickens, and about a zillion growing things in a house the size of a breadbox in the middle of the forest, not to mention the deer, bear, and elk that seem to think my front yard is their social club and cafeteria (check out the photos from my front porch last week).

You and yours are in our prayers Puck, go in love and peace.

~Snax (He Who Can't Imagine Your Loss)
OH! P.S. I almost forgot to mention: My initial foray into growing marijuana years ago coincided with a great personal loss, the greatest in my life up to that time. Though my motives for starting to grow were typically mundane in the beginning - better weed, didn't have to deal with the whole "dealer" scene, etc. - a most serendipitous thing happened: By learning to nurture and care for my precious little girls, I was able to heal some deep, painful wounds. Tapping into the lifeforce of growing things became my catharsis and my therapy, and eventually lead me to become an enthusiatic, if somewhat bumbling, gardener as well. It is my fervent wish that you may find the same solice in your new "hobby" as I did. :D


Sometimes I wonder..Lossing my wife was a horrible thing..Then my 23 year old son Died from misprescibed anti biodics in Feb 08,,, I remember finding his brother and his, first closet grow and raising hell about it. Now his brother and I share this hobby together. I guess sitting in my grow room talking to him and his mom has helped in more ways then one..Sorry about putting this out there...I just think now..there is so much more to this herb then people know..including me.
Wow, man. Your son too? How do you do it? I've always felt that the one death that the human psyche is simply not wired to deal with is the death of a child; the timeline's all wrong; we're supposed to go first, then our kidz. My heart goes out to you Puck. Again, you must be very strong to hold up under that load.

I am willing to bet, however, that you will find MP to be just the ticket for support, not only for your grow, but in general. I shopped around to a lot of marijuana forums before I found this one. Categorically they we're awful; the people were derisive and egotistical as a rule, the staffs seem to do little to crack down on the a-holes who want to flame everything and everybody. Also, every other word seemed to be F-this and F-that, just inappropriate. (Don't get me wrong, I'm hardly a tea-totaler; years in the Navy have bestowed upon me the gift of very colorful speech, when I need it. :D But a forum is not the place)

Here the rule is to respect one another, and to take personal responsibility for the "health" of our forum, to personally invest in making this a special place. For the first month I kept waiting for the shoe to fall thinking, "This is too good to be true, the a-holes are gonna come out any minute or the moderators are gonna get all nazi on us." Didn't happen, and I don't think it will. I'm just tickled pink that I finally found a community of people who not only share my interests, but who also share my values as well. :) It's soooo refreshing! I know you will find your niche here too!

Hey, since you're so close to the beginning of a grow you should start a grow journal in the "Cultivation" section. MP loves pix too and I see you have a camera! (I'm actually not one to talk: I joined about 1/4 of the way thru a grow and never started a GJ, and I haven't posted any grow pix yet. But I'm gonna! Tonight or tomorrow I think.)

One last thing: If someone hasn't aready suggested it, it's a very good idea to read through all the forum rulez to make as successful a start at MP as possible. There's not many, but they are important. You'll see that too I'm sure. :) And even if you don't have questions at the moment, or you've just reached temporary overload from reading what the gurus spew forth from their knowledge holes, be sure to drop in to the "coffee table" to say whassup.

I look forward to following your grow and chatting more in the future!

~Snax (He Who Needs To Post Pix Soon)
I have been thinking about the jornal thing all weekend. I think I will start writing in tonight. After all I am a published author. if that means anything.. Then again I am truly thankfull for this site and all those that offer up information..:cool:

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