Newbie tent grow!!!!!

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Alright here is my vent setup....430 cfm exhaust fan which is connected to my light and filter to pull out stinky hot air and put it in my attic....A 440 cfm fan as an intake fan pulling fresh air from out side or I've got enough ducting to have it pull cool air from the vent in the room when the ac is on
I think young is can see my vent setup in the pics I've posted if not I can take pics of just the vent stuff.....just let me know
Wow I just read more posting from my phone.....damn predictive text screws me up
Wow I just read more posting from my phone.....damn predictive text screws me up

Lol...Every time I try to type sativa, the damn spell checker wants to change it to saliva.
It's led to some incoherent and weird posts.
alright now that Im in front of an actual keyboard.........lets try this again........
I believe you can see my ventilation setup in the pictures but let me try and explain it in detail..........

On top of my tent I have a 430 cfm exhaust fan with ducting runing from the exhaust side of the fan into my attic and on the intake side I have ducting running from the fan through the tent to my light and then from the my light I have ducting connected to a 6x20 filter with a prefilter. That pulls pulls air from my grow tent through the filter through the light then out through the fan into the attic. I also have a 440 cfm fan IN my grow tent attached to the support rods on top pulling air via ducting into the tent. I have like 15 to 20 ft of additional ducting that is also connected to that fan so I can move it around and pull cool fresh air from the window in that room or the register in that room when we use the ac. Meaning that the ducting coming out of the one of the socks of the tent that's connected to the fan attached to the upper support rods inside the tent(just trying to be descriptive). Both fans are about the same power so I dont know if it would help any to switch the fans. Putting the stronger of the two(by a whole 10 cfm) as the exhaust that pulls air out of the tent and the weaker fan as the intake fan thats pushing air into the tent. Hell maybe that 10 cfm is alot, I dont know......
Oh and today with the light at 50% power and it being in the mid to upper 70s Ive maintained at guessing this is gonna be the norm till probably mid june early july before it starts to get any warmer that it has been.....especially with the winter we had this year....I think its gonna be a hot summer but its gonna kick of later and stay hotter later into the year...
Alright just to make sure Im not doing anything wrong....want to post how Im watering and feeding them.....
Once a week im doing ffarms bio-brew which the guy at the hydroshop said it was a concentrated compost tea that all you need to do is mix it with a gallon of water and your ready to go.....its npk is 1.0 - 0.3 - 0.2. I have used kangaroots 0.8 - 0.1 - 0.03 also and plan on using that everything 2 weeks. I use the weight of the pot to determine there water requirements and its been like every other day they need to be watered if itsn't that hot then maybe every 2 days but for the most part its been every other day. Again with the heat issue I had yesterday I gave them a huge drink of water and flushed them with sledge hammer. They look a bit over watered but I expected that today and thought it would be ok because I knew today would be kind of hot too.....Should I stop using the bio brew and kangaroots....I figured since they were so low in NPK that it wouldnt hurt them....but I could be wrong....I know everyone says ffarms ocean forest and happy frog are really good soils and have what they need but I want to help them out even more if I can.....also been reading ocean forest is a little hot(which is also why I mixed 50/50 happy frog and ocean forest) so if you guys think my helping is actually hurting them let me know.......
I think that the ocean forest soil has a lot of nutes already in it. When I use ocean forest I only give water for the first month. Your right about the NPK being low on the other two nutes you have, I say why not add it. Just pay attention to your plants, you will get the eye when things go astray. Make sure you get that temperature dialed now, so your plants don't suffer in the summer. Make sure your electrical connections are on there appropriate circuit or you will pop a breaker when you bring in the a/c. I had to add a circuit to a grow one time, thankfully it was a 220 that was not being used. I was popping the breaker every time the a/c would kick on. Get creative with your ducting, and pull cooler air from another room. Good luck be safe.
I just ordered another exhaust fan. This time its a 240 cfm inline booster fan, planing on tying that directly in to the exhaust portion of my vent setup so there will be a total of 670cfm of sucking power that should definitely be enough air going through my filter and air cooled hood to take care of any heat issues......for now I looked on youtube and everyone has there intake of fresh cool air coming in at the bottom so I ran some ducting from my intake fan attached to the ceiling down to the bottom of the tent....maybe that will do some good.....
Just posting some pics. The flush helped them out in my opinion. Not seeing so much neon green as lime green now. They are all right around 5-6 inches. If I want to be done flowering by july and I want them to be max 3.5 to 4 feet am I on track to reach that goal? I know its an opinionated question but Id rather take your best guess than mine. They are just over a month old from seed and hush said that they will be sexually mature in about 3 weeks. So they should be about a foot tall in another 3 weeks if they continue to grow at there current rate. Which would make them around 3 ft when done....which would make harvest date around mid july that a reasonable assumption(I know the saying, never assume for you make an A S S out of U and M E) but I want to keep an eye to the future so nothing sneaks up on me. Oh well your thoughts would be appreciated are the pics they look amazing to me if I dont say so my self, giving my self a pat on the back.......

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I went to bed with all the windows open in my home and it was the mid 60s I woke up and the house was in the 40s and the tent temp was like 63(only for like 3-5 hours). A couple of the plants the leaves are lying down like they have created a blanket to protect the main stalk. My hypothesis is that because of the temps recently being high that this was kind of a shock to them. For all intensive purposes they got cold and tried to protect them selfs the best they could by forming there leaves in way that would hold some heat in and stop as much wind penetrating to the main stalk as possible. Is this correct or am I missing something and there is a more pressing issue then a little temp shock.......
Need one of you OGs out there to do some leaf diagnosing.......leafs have red spots on a few of them....been a little bit but I wanted to see if it would work it self out over a watering or two and it hasn't....also noticed since yesterdays cold spell that a plant has developed a white spot on the tip of some of the new growth

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also I have got some purpleish redish stems on some plants some are more so then others I only know what two of the plants are goji og and the white dont know what the other ones dont know if reddish purpleish stems are normal or a sign of something else
I suspect that the soil may be just a little acidic. If you have some lime, sprinkle a healthy tsp of lime onto the top of the soil of each plant and use a ffork to gently work into the soil before your next watering. This will buffer your pH to acceptable level. I think that will solve the "wilted-looking" leaves, and possibly the purple-ish stems. The purple looking stems are sometimes a natural part of certain strains and sometimes it means there is an issue. I had a friend with that same issue and he was running almost identical setup as you, and the lime solved his issues.

I don't think the 60ish degree temps caused your issues as the plants can handle colder temps without damage. It has been my experience that as long as the temps don't consistently stay under 60f then they will not have any problems.

Your time schedule and figuring sounds alright to me. The plants are looking healthy. I would top them at this point to bring about a more bushy plant. All you have to do is go to the very top and pinch out the top-most growth bulb with either "clean" fingernails or clean fiskers.
alright Im going to do that but that also kind of scares the hell out of me....I know you can really screw things up messing with the ph of anything. You have more expierance than I so I am going to trust that your eyes are better than mine and your knowledge is more vast that mine......just gonna sprinkle a tsp of lime and work it in with a fork like hush advised me to thanks for taking the time to respond and check up on me.
Did some looking around on the net for topping pics and guides so I can get visual and there were several different ways of took like a 3rd of a plant and then cloned what he cut off, Im not doing that and Im not cutting a 3rd of my plant either....some did that and others cut just a small portion of the upper most growth....also ran into some FIMing guides....I tried to fim some and I just topped others.....just wanted to are some pics....hope I did everything ok....and if its not hope I didnt screw it up so bad that you guys cant help me fix it.....Im sure Im just being a newbie and to a newbie cutting anything of your plant that you have put so much effort in can be a bit nerve racking..........THanks hush for your opinions and telling me to top.....Id like to get as much as possible on final harvest and been reading a single kola plant wont produce nearly as much as a topped one or fimmed on and as your are about to see Im taking your advice and acting upon it.....

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I did some maintenance today(took the glass protector from light off and windexed the hell out of it, took everything out and swept up the loose soil, windexed the floor and walls, refill the humidifiers and spot watered[not watering fully until I get some lime to mix in the soil, then I will give a good drenching]) and I also did some rearranging. Trying to look to the future when I know space at the middle and top of the tent are going to be at a premium. I put the filter all the way on one side instead of it being along the back and got a bit creative with my far so good holding steady around 75 when I am monitoring the fans....when I go to sleep or leave for a bit some times it gets to 80 but thats because Im trying to keep my tent under vacuum so ive got the exhaust fan going full and still playing around with intake fan I know unless I get a digital climate controller Im always going to have to monitor it my self and keep adjusting on the fly. Also centered the light better and spread all the girls(hopefully) out so they have some room to grow and not bunched up trying to get the most light and put some cases under some of the smaller plants to raise them up. Why am I typing all this when I could just show you......Please critique my vent setup anyway you can, the more input the better off I am going in to summer. Keep in mind that I am expecting a 240ish(cant remember exact number)cfm inline fan that I am going to attach directly to the filter(so I can run more cooler air with my intake during the hotter months) and a clip on 6in oscillating fan(took the other fan out because it was too large and took up too much space). Also have a question about tent pressure......Should my tent always be under vacuum with the walls always being pulled in or does it matter if I blast a bunch of air into my tent and have it the walls ballooned out? I imagine everything need to be under a vacuum so oder doesnt escape, feel kind of stupid asking this but, "the only stupid question, is a............" ok here are the pics.....
I am posting them in order and starting with the intake and ending with the exhaust
As always MP,
Thank you for taking the time to read and your input is greatly recieved and acted on.

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Also since I could be flowering with in the next few weeks I would like to know how important the fox farms trio of soluble nutrients? Im not not talking about the big bloom, grow big and tiger bloom. Im talking about the beastie blooms, open sesame and cha ching. If they are important I need time to procure said nutrients so what are your thoughts on them? Is it a waste of I not need it only for really advanced I going to get spectacular buds(for a first timer) either way if I only go big bloom and tiger bloom.......

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