Paranormal Activity

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Jun 20, 2009
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Just saw this movie last night. Anyone else saw it yet?
Damn! Now Im scared to hang my foot off the side of the
bed at night! lol
I saw the clip on Jay last night. It looked good. Too bad the actors only got 500 bucks apiece for their work. Somebody is getting stinkin' rich off this film.
Saw it the other night in my dark bedroom all the lights in the house turned was a dvd screener so the ending was a lil different then the one in theaters. It was ok and creepy in spots but no where near all the hype...I cld not imagine anyone leaving the theater in mid movie from being scared....
420benny said:
I saw the clip on Jay last night. It looked good. Too bad the actors only got 500 bucks apiece for their work. Somebody is getting stinkin' rich off this film.

Paramount bought it for $300,000. I heard somewhere that the film has made $61mil but didn't look to verify.
It's EVERY BIT the quality of the Blair Witch Project :p
never buy into hollywood hype.. especially when it comes to horrors, i've learned.
it wasn't a bad movie, but i can't believe 'the scariest movie ever' stuff they always say.
like i said in HL's thread, i found it pretty boring.. but that one part near the end was pretty wild ;)

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