Pretty sad, huh?

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Hick said:
..IMO.. it is too early to be experiencing a magnesium def'.. or any other major soil/nute defficiency at "10 days" from germination.
PH..possibly, pests.. possibly... My first thoughts when I saw the pictures,.. pots are waaay larger than you can easily control watering cycles in. If you're watering to "runoff" through the pots, they are probably recieving too much water and not enough oxygen. If you are dribbling water around the seedlings, they probably aren't receiving a sufficient amount.

The sicklies are 28 days from germination and I'm dribbling water ... I think the one on the right died last night. Rats! Thanks, Hick. I'll pot the new ones smaller.
They look burnt to me. Thats why I dont use pre-nutriented soil.

I also grow my plants indoors until they get big enough to put outside. They look a little small to be outdoors.

Have you been on the Seedbank Update Page? They have all the top notch seedbanks there and they are rated by seed buyers.
ArtVandolay said:
The sicklies are 28 days from germination and I'm dribbling water ... I think the one on the right died last night. Rats! Thanks, Hick. I'll pot the new ones smaller.
I can't say for certain that "that" is your problem artV'..... but @ 4 weeks, something has been amiss for sometime.

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