The Original Old Farts Club

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Nest time you come to Denver Giggy I will take you snipe hunting. I know a great spot. I will supply everything. I am an old pro an this. I will drop you off and go to the other end of the pasture and wait for you to scare them my way. It will be a blast.
Pute that is the same way we told/did to our victims. There is really a little bird called a snipe.
Wilson's Snipe

Watch the bull, he can get real mean.
My uncle had a Dairy Farm in West Virgina, and he had one bull you would never mess with, but we did. Bastard got me running across his field when we tried to get to a stream to hunt Crawfish .
My Uncle was close by Thank the Lord , Bull was stomping my azz good.
Good morning big. You do seem to have a lot of energy this morning 😊

good morning SubGirl and yeah , it is a good morning

the Micro dosing of mushrooms are helping me with my attitude and yeah , I feel pretty good this morning , I have already fed and watered the chickens and cats and I’ve watered the garden

i drove by the job site at about 5 this morning and the boss was not there yet so here I am power posting lol!

this hot weather is relentless!

looks like another 10 days of near 100